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Resident Evil 7 Not Coming to the Switch


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So after its launch, Resident Evil 7 is getting good scores across the board and positive feedback from a lot of fans. Safe to say it was probably the biggest AAA offering between now and the Switch release that is a multi-plat game. Nintendo trying to reel in people with third party to prove they are about third party again needs every bit of faith put their way they can get, but it was announced pretty much after the scores for the game came out that there are "no plans" to bring "Resident Evil" to the Switch.


Article: http://www.technobuffalo.com/2017/01/24/nintendo-switch-resident-evil-7/


This is sort of a big blow to the Big N who has struggled to get people to stop being skeptical about their third party support claims. Essentially the biggest third party title to date has announced not only will it not rush out a version for the Switch, but that they have NO plans for the Switch. A huge blow for third party before the system is even out. It could be spelling out how this song and dance will go. Now Capcom hasn't stated why, but the major speculation is either one of two things:


  1. They are not confident the Switch will generate an install base to make it worth porting.
  2. The Switch simply can't run the graphically intensive game.


Both of these are bad. If developers don't make games because they fear no install base, then there will be no games to ATTRACT an install base. And on top of that, if the Switch can't run the game, this may start to spell out disaster for other third party devs who do not want to compromise their vision to get games working on the Switch.


Honestly, my take on this? They should start pushing the Switch as a handheld first and not a console at all. As a handheld it's solid, but not as a home console. Also another strategy is simple: Get pokemon out on this thing as FAST AS POSSIBLE. Pokemon has always sold systems in the past, and if you can get the system in people's hands, developers will make games for it.


Time will tell.

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Look, Resident Evil Revelations was an absolutely gorgeous 3DS game, better looking than the majority of Vita games I've played even, but despite how good it looked, and how good of a game it was, I just ain't feeling the horror vibe too much on a portable version, it just doesn't grab me as much, so I'm down to just have it on "proper" consoles. 

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There hasn't been a Resident Evil game on a NIntendo console or handheld since Revelations five years ago. There have been three other RE games that weren't on Nintendo so I don't see why RE7 not coming to Switch is a big surprise.


The install base will come with the Nintendo exclusive titles, and the rest will come after. Like it or not but Nintendo always has been a bit troublesome for third party developers, and it was always mostly about Nintendo's own game for fans of their consoles.


51 minutes ago, Cynthia-Roses said:

Honestly, my take on this? They should start pushing the Switch as a handheld first and not a console at all. As a handheld it's solid, but not as a home console. Also another strategy is simple: Get pokemon out on this thing as FAST AS POSSIBLE. Pokemon has always sold systems in the past, and if you can get the system in people's hands, developers will make games for it.


Actually a pretty good point. As a console, it's not powerful but it does have the Nintendo exclusives to draw on, and it will certainly draw in the Nintendo fans that were lost after the N64/GC days.


Nintendo is still king of the handhelds though, and promoting the Switch as one will keep them on top (not that there's much competition, outside of the Vita for the Japanese market), and will be the best way to draw in Nintendo-virgins.


My guess is that everybody knows the WiiU is dead but the 3DS still has some life left and Nintendo doesn't want the Switch hogging the spotlight. As they said themselves, they're going for long-term numbers and not just a big release so I'm counting on them to support the 3DS for a year or two more, expanding on the Switch library, and then making a bomb in the handheld market with the Switch. The WiiU already had GBA games in the Virtual Console and I expect the Switch to have the same, possibly even DS/3DS games after a while.

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Just now, SnowxSakura said:

32 gigabytes of storage and supports up to 2 terabytes of microSD. Plus it uses cartridges, not discs so all game data will run off the cart

If it runs then great, but I guess that rules out digital downloads for most games unless you buy memory cards. 

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I'm assuming that Capcom is in a "wait and see" mode or the game is just not compatible with console.

1 hour ago, SnowxSakura said:

32 gigabytes of storage and supports up to 2 terabytes of microSD. Plus it uses cartridges, not discs so all game data will run off the cart


So if the game data is running off the cart, can we still expect to see a heavily compressed and downgraded Resident Evil 7 in the near future?

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24 minutes ago, FlareXV said:

I'm assuming that Capcom is in a "wait and see" mode or the game is just not compatible with console.


So if the game data is running off the cart, can we still expect to see a heavily compressed and downgraded Resident Evil 7 in the near future?

Depends on how much data these carts hold, if they're similar to flash carts they could easily hold over 60 gigs of data on them, but they haven't released info on those yet

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I would say they don't want games that will already be on other systems months earlier, but they've made weird choices for their 3rd party launch games so who the fuck knows at this point. 


The real nail in the coffin on Nintendo changing for me was when Gearbox just openly came out & said they discussed Borderlands 3 on switch with Nintendo but the conversation broke down. They're already not getting these games. 


Seriously, this is looking like Wii U, again. Switch will undoubtedly have better exclusives but those games will be full price for three years with an underpowered console that'll cost more than a PS4 Pro or Xbox One S. 


I loved Nintendo, but they're draining this before its out. 

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9 minutes ago, SnowxSakura said:

Depends on how much data these carts hold, if they're similar to flash carts they could easily hold over 60 gigs of data on them, but they haven't released info on those yet


I really do hope the cartridges are more powerful than they look, because Nintendo can not afford to miss out on big Japanese third party titles this generation.

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2 hours ago, TheAveryChu said:

If it runs then great, but I guess that rules out digital downloads for most games unless you buy memory cards. 


The idea of the Switch is the idea of the X360 Arcade Edition. Many people don't do digital downloads, those who do should buy a memory card. I know I'll download a bunch so I've got a 2TB card ordered.


41 minutes ago, FlareXV said:

I'm assuming that Capcom is in a "wait and see" mode or the game is just not compatible with console.


So if the game data is running off the cart, can we still expect to see a heavily compressed and downgraded Resident Evil 7 in the near future?


Resident Evil hasn't been on Nintendo for over five years so my guess is it's not going to change. If it will change, then it's going to be with the next title.

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I don't really know why people are surprised. I mean the Wii-U promised huge 3rd party support having both Ubisoft and EA come out at the WiiU conference at E3...but that dried up really quickly.


The Switch will be the same thing. It will get ports of some 3rd party games but the majority of players will still pick it up for XBONE or PS4 (or PC) and the only ones buying it for the Switch will be people who only own the switch.


I mean can you really see the Switch being the number one system of COD players? Or Madden players? Can you really see Mass Effect 4 coming out and Switch leading the sales numbers?



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42 minutes ago, BillyHorrible said:


The idea of the Switch is the idea of the X360 Arcade Edition. Many people don't do digital downloads, those who do should buy a memory card. I know I'll download a bunch so I've got a 2TB card ordered.



Resident Evil hasn't been on Nintendo for over five years so my guess is it's not going to change. If it will change, then it's going to be with the next title.

How? They don't even make 2TB sd cards yet, the current biggest size for sale is 512 gigs for 300 bucks

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4 hours ago, SnowxSakura said:

32 gigabytes of storage and supports up to 2 terabytes of microSD. Plus it uses cartridges, not discs so all game data will run off the cart

Problem with that is it limits the size of games in terms of updates and add-ons. Unless you can write to the card (which I doubt) and even if you can, you're limited to how big the card it.


4 hours ago, TheAveryChu said:

If it runs then great, but I guess that rules out digital downloads for most games unless you buy memory cards. 

Which gives a lot of us EU users the finger...


2 hours ago, BlackCatBurrito said:

The real nail in the coffin on Nintendo changing for me was when Gearbox just openly came out & said they discussed Borderlands 3 on switch with Nintendo but the conversation broke down. They're already not getting these games. 


That's a real concern, third party AAA titles are dropping off before the system is even out.



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38 minutes ago, Cynthia-Roses said:

Problem with that is it limits the size of games in terms of updates and add-ons. Unless you can write to the card (which I doubt) and even if you can, you're limited to how big the card it.


Which gives a lot of us EU users the finger...


That's a real concern, third party AAA titles are dropping off before the system is even out.



Any updates or add-ons will use the system memory, no different than any other console. The cartridges are read-only

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7 minutes ago, SnowxSakura said:

Any updates or add-ons will use the system memory, no different than any other console. The cartridges are read-only

Then that's bad.


Since the default system has only 32GB and the biggest SD out right now is 512GB for over $300. This will severely limit games.

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1 hour ago, SnowxSakura said:

How? They don't even make 2TB sd cards yet, the current biggest size for sale is 512 gigs for 300 bucks


2 minutes ago, Cynthia-Roses said:

Then that's bad.


Since the default system has only 32GB and the biggest SD out right now is 512GB for over $300. This will severely limit games.


As I said, I have a 2TB card ordered. They're making special ones for the Switch and the 2TB one is going to cost €80.


At least that's what I've been told by the manager of my game store, who's often in on Nintendo inside stuff. At this point I sure hope this info is correct and it's not a smaller card...


Though right now I'm also thinking, how much would I actually need? Maximum size for N64 games is 64MB and I doubt that Snipperclips is big. There's a SanDisc 128GB card for under €50, I'd say that's the next best option if the 2TB Switch card turns out to be bull.

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7 minutes ago, BillyHorrible said:


As I said, I have a 2TB card ordered. They're making special ones for the Switch and the 2TB one is going to cost €80.


At least that's what I've been told by the manager of my game store, who's often in on Nintendo inside stuff. At this point I sure hope this info is correct and it's not a smaller card...


I am going to tell you now it's bullshit. a 512GB SD costs around $200-300. I can't imagine a 2TB (when a 1 isn't even out yet) is going to cost les than half of what a 512 costs. Nintendo making their own is HIGHLY unlikely. I would say don't bank on that info being true.


9 minutes ago, BillyHorrible said:

Though right now I'm also thinking, how much would I actually need? Maximum size for N64 games is 64MB and I doubt that Snipperclips is big. There's a SanDisc 128GB card for under €50, I'd say that's the next best option if the 2TB Switch card turns out to be bull.

Breath of the Wild was confirmed to be 13GB+. So at 128GB if this is the "Average" for games... that's less than 10 games...

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16 minutes ago, BillyHorrible said:



As I said, I have a 2TB card ordered. They're making special ones for the Switch and the 2TB one is going to cost €80.


At least that's what I've been told by the manager of my game store, who's often in on Nintendo inside stuff. At this point I sure hope this info is correct and it's not a smaller card...


Though right now I'm also thinking, how much would I actually need? Maximum size for N64 games is 64MB and I doubt that Snipperclips is big. There's a SanDisc 128GB card for under €50, I'd say that's the next best option if the 2TB Switch card turns out to be bull.

They're actually micro cards too


"According to a Nintendo representative's statement to Game Informer, the Nintendo Switch is compatible with the SDXC standard. The SDXC standard supports up to 2 TB Micro SD cards, which aren't even on the market yet. Right now, the largest available Micro SDXC card available for purchase is 256 GB, but we'll be able to upgrade internal storage as higher capacity cards become available. " http://www.shacknews.com/article/98581/nintendo-switch-will-support-micro-sdxc-memory-cards-up-to-2-tb


which by the way is expensive too at 199.99 us dollars

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14 minutes ago, Cynthia-Roses said:

Breath of the Wild was confirmed to be 13GB+. So at 128GB if this is the "Average" for games... that's less than 10 games...


I won't buy big games digital though, I never do (with one or two insane bargain exceptions). Especially for the Switch, I'd rather get the cartridges and download just the Virtual Console and digital only games.


8 minutes ago, SnowxSakura said:

They're actually micro cards too


"According to a Nintendo representative's statement to Game Informer, the Nintendo Switch is compatible with the SDXC standard. The SDXC standard supports up to 2 TB Micro SD cards, which aren't even on the market yet. Right now, the largest available Micro SDXC card available for purchase is 256 GB, but we'll be able to upgrade internal storage as higher capacity cards become available. " http://www.shacknews.com/article/98581/nintendo-switch-will-support-micro-sdxc-memory-cards-up-to-2-tb


which by the way is expensive too at 199.99 us dollars


Don't buy the biggest one, buy a couple of smaller ones. I see a 128GB one for €48.



@both: going to check with the store this/next week what's up.

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