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Sunset Overdrive may have a future, with or without Microsoft


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1 hour ago, FlareXV said:


The exclusives that are coming to MS console are pretty much from their studios, so I doubt that they will lose those. Also, if we are being honest, we are never going to see a big Western developer make a Sony exclusive, Japan probably, but not the West.

Ratchet & Clank... 

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23 hours ago, madbuk said:

Ratchet & Clank... 


That's a Sony owned IP. Name me at least 10 IPs that are owned by big western publishers that are exclusive to the PS console forever.


12 hours ago, Cynthia-Roses said:

Also Crash Bandicoot. Which is also made by a non-Sony owned dev team.




Wasn't that debunked as a timed exclusive? I'll give you half a point for that one.

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3 minutes ago, FlareXV said:

That's a Sony owned IP. Name me at least 10 IPs that are owned by big western publishers that are exclusive to the PS console forever.



So in your mind, it only counts if the studio isn't owned/purchased by Sony, is also a Western Studio and it remains exclusive to the Playstation forever?


Microsoft owns a lot less studios, so OF COURSE a lot of the western exclusives they do get are not owned by them. Also can you even name 10 IPs not owned by Sony's competitors that are exclusive to their competitors?


Look at the list of exclusives in terms of big titles for the Xbox:


Halo - Owned by Microsoft

Forza - Owned by Microsoft

Rareware Games - Owned by Microsoft



They literally have no more "western" exclusives than the Playstation does. Go check out the list available on Wikipedia of games exclusive to the Xbox, and the Xbox alone and you'll notice they have just as many western games that they had to own the IP to get on the Xbox. :U


Also the vast majority of their western exclusives they own the IPs as well.


Nintendo is exactly the same too. They don't get many western exclusives either.


Your logic is faulty. You're grading Sony by a standard you are not grading their competitors for to make it look like they get less western exclusives than Microsoft. And guess what? No matter which way you slice it, the end result is the same: More western exclusives are coming to the PS4 than the Xbox. You are just trying to claim they somehow "don't count" because Sony owns the studios, but Microsoft's western exclusives mostly come out of studios they own too, or they buy the IPs and publishing rights. It's the same shit, dude. Sony is just smarter and makes them in a studio they own to ENSURE exclusivity.



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Just now, Satoshi Ookami said:

Of course, because there are no Japanese studios working for MS so he has to decrease possibilities of correct choice :awesome:


Microsoft has never really had a foothold in Japan. Many reasons attributed to this:


  • The Japanese prefer to work with Japanese. Microsoft doesn't have a strong Japanese presence so it makes it harder to win them over. Needing to communicate with translators is a big turn off for business over native speakers at Sony.
  • Microsoft's consoles are often too large. Japanese households are relatively small and apartments are relatively small. My brother in law lived over there for 3 years and Japanese people are not attracted to large game consoles because they take up too much space.
  • The truth is actually that ALL video game consoles are doing relatively poorly in Japan, mate. Japan is slowly moving into smartphones.
  • Japanese game development has been on the decline for years. Its popularity outside of Japan has always been waning as well. If you look at the list of top ten games that sold last year, you'll see that while Pokemon is number 1 (However that is counting people who bought both versions) that the vast majority are western developed games. Only 2 Japanese games made that list, and technically speaking Pokemon only ranks number 1 because the list only counts sales of 2016. If you count TOTAL Sales, Pokemon is actually beat out by GTA V and Black Ops 3 for the PS4. The reality is that Japanese studios are sort of not as desired in the west.
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1 hour ago, Cynthia-Roses said:

So in your mind, it only counts if the studio isn't owned/purchased by Sony, is also a Western Studio and it remains exclusive to the Playstation forever?


I asked for a western third party exclusive that is locked to the PlayStation franchise (most preferably this gen) and you couldn't do it, but I'll name some.


The PlayStation Vita:

1. COD:Black Ops D from Activision


The PlayStation 4

1. Lego Harry Potter (port is exclusive to the PS4) from Warner Bros


Plus, owned studios can not dictate what platform a game should go on because if they did, you would see Halo 6 on the PS4 right now. That's why I didn't include them.


You need to stop assuming things.


2 hours ago, Cynthia-Roses said:

Your logic is faulty. You're grading Sony by a standard you are not grading their competitors for to make it look like they get less western exclusives than Microsoft.


Wait, what? How do you know I wasn't going to grade MS the same way if I had gotten the chance? The answer is you don't as you wasn't the first person to ask the question.


2 hours ago, Cynthia-Roses said:

No matter which way you slice it, the end result is the same: More western exclusives are coming to the PS4 than the Xbox.


Yeah, from their own studios and indie developers (which is okay) but not from big hitter publishers. The same with Xbox.


2 hours ago, Cynthia-Roses said:

You are just trying to claim they somehow "don't count" because Sony owns the studios, but Microsoft's western exclusives mostly come out of studios they own too, or they buy the IPs and publishing rights.


I asked for western third party exclusives, you couldn't provide any facts for me. I had to do the work for you.


2 hours ago, Cynthia-Roses said:

It's the same shit, dude. Sony is just smarter and makes them in a studio they own to ENSURE exclusivity.


You do know that owning a studio and keeping them afloat is cost effective right? The fact that Sony owns those studios and make more exclusive doesn't make them smarter.

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7 minutes ago, FlareXV said:


I asked for a western third party exclusive that is locked to the PlayStation franchise (most preferably this gen) and you couldn't do it, but I'll name some.


The PlayStation Vita:

1. COD:Black Ops D from Activision


The PlayStation 4

1. Lego Harry Potter (port is exclusive to the PS4) from Warner Bros


Plus, owned studios can not dictate what platform a game should go on because if they did, you would see Halo 6 on the PS4 right now. That's why I didn't include them.


You need to stop assuming things.



Wait, what? How do you know I wasn't going to grade MS the same way if I had gotten the chance? The answer is you don't as you wasn't the first person to ask the question.



Yeah, from their own studios and indie developers (which is okay) but not from big hitter publishers. The same with Xbox.



I asked for western third party exclusives, you couldn't provide any facts for me. I had to do the work for you.



You do know that owning a studio and keeping them afloat is cost effective right? The fact that Sony owns those studios and make more exclusive doesn't make them smarter.


Maybe we got off on the wrong foot here. I think somewhere along the lines I misinterpreted what you were getting at. I apologize for that, but could you please reiterate what your original point was?


On 2/24/2017 at 10:10 AM, madbuk said:
On 2/24/2017 at 9:05 AM, FlareXV said:

The exclusives that are coming to MS console are pretty much from their studios, so I doubt that they will lose those. Also, if we are being honest, we are never going to see a big Western developer make a Sony exclusive, Japan probably, but not the West.



This is what you said originally.


Problem I have with that is that the exclusives that are western coming to the PS4 are ALSO coming from their own studios.


So I don't understand what's the point of saying "we are never going to see a big western developer make a Sony exclusive", when you more or less said that Microsoft is in the same boat, and are apparently suggesting now as well.


If that is the case then I am not understanding the point of pointing this out? Like what are you trying to add to the conversation with that statement? I don't get it, please explain it to me. I'm not really trying to show you up or make you look foolish or anything, I am trying to legitimately understand what you are getting at. No disrespect, help me out here.


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On 24/02/2017 at 9:05 AM, FlareXV said:


The exclusives that are coming to MS console are pretty much from their studios, so I doubt that they will lose those. Also, if we are being honest, we are never going to see a big Western developer make a Sony exclusive, Japan probably, but not the West.


On 24/02/2017 at 9:18 AM, FlareXV said:


Those are owned studios, not western studios that can do whatever they want. I don't understand how you didn't get that, the comment wasn't even vague?



Does Insomniac Games count? I don't think they're Sony owned... They made Spyro and Ratchet exclusively for PlayStation, Fuse for both sides, Sunset Overdrive exclusively for X1, and now they're doing a Spider-Man game exclusively for PS4.

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10 minutes ago, Cynthia-Roses said:


Maybe we got off on the wrong foot here. I think somewhere along the lines I misinterpreted what you were getting at. I apologize for that, but could you please reiterate what your original point was?


3 minutes ago, BillyHorrible said:

Does Insomniac Games count? I don't think they're Sony owned... They made Spyro and Ratchet exclusively for PlayStation, Fuse for both sides, Sunset Overdrive exclusively for X1, and now they're doing a Spider-Man game exclusively for PS4.


I see where I went wrong (a bit). What I mean is "You won't see an external (one that is not owned by Sony or MS) western developer/studio make an exclusive for either of them and retain the IP (which I was kind of right there). 


Cynthia, all I was trying to explain to you is that not all exclusives on the Xbox franchise will be hitting both XB1 or W10, there will be exclusives.


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7 minutes ago, FlareXV said:



I see where I went wrong (a bit). What I mean is "You won't see an external (one that is not owned by Sony or MS) western developer/studio make an exclusive for either of them and retain the IP (which I was kind of right there). 


Cynthia, all I was trying to explain to you is that not all exclusives on the Xbox franchise will be hitting both XB1 or W10, there will be exclusives.




I actually was never denying that, just that their list of exclusives is relatively small, and that losing even one at this point is very critical to them. Sony's exclusives have a lot of traction, so I disagree with Microsoft taking the route of bringing even a portion of their exclusives off of the exclusive list.


In terms of western games though, most non-Sony/MS owned companies never go exclusive one way or the other. That's why buying the studios or building your own is so popular, it's easier to ensure exclusivity, cheaper than buying exclusivity, etc. So yeah, I agree there.

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  • 1 year later...
On 2/23/2017 at 10:48 PM, marvelboy10 said:

I remember when they first announced Sunset Overdrive. It looks like an enjoyable game. I would play it if it came to the PS4. Although I could imagine the trophies being difficult to earn. 

 The achievements were not that hard at all. A few that were a little grindy on the collectible side, but it's so much fun to traverse the world that I didn't mind them at all.


The only ones I didn't get were some of the ones for Chaos Squad, just because that mode was mostly dead already by the time I got my Xbox and started playing.

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On 3/23/2018 at 3:52 PM, ONUOsFan said:

 The achievements were not that hard at all. A few that were a little grindy on the collectible side, but it's so much fun to traverse the world that I didn't mind them at all.


The only ones I didn't get were some of the ones for Chaos Squad, just because that mode was mostly dead already by the time I got my Xbox and started playing.

That's a shame. Chaos Squad was actually pretty fun.


Sunset Overdrive was easily my favorite Xbox One game, and the reason I got the console. I hope we get a second one (preferably on PS4).

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