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Bethesda Game Studios has 7 games in development


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After previously teasing a few major projects in the works, Bethesda Game Studios director Todd Howard has clarified the Fallout and The Elder Scrolls studio's current development slate.

Speaking with IGN, Howard said that, adding up all projects in various states of development, Bethesda Game Studios, the in-house development studio at Bethesda Softworks, has "seven [projects] going," including a new mobile game, though he clarified that two of those projects have already been properly announced. Fallout 4 in VR was revealed at E3 2016, while The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim for the Nintendo Switch was confirmed earlier this year — which Howard said he hopes, with success, could see Bethesda continuing to work with Nintendo in the future.




Very interested to see what those 5 other games are. I'm assuming the mobile game they are working on is probably a fallout Shelter like game which will be announced alongside another game they are working on. I also imagine one of these projects is Elder Scrolls 6, but according to Todd Howard it's so far off that  "people will probably hear about those [other two big projects] even before Elder Scrolls 6."


Glad to see this studio working on some new IPs. Fallout and Elder Scrolls are here to stay but a new IP from them would be very nice. 

Edited by ratchetdude231
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I don't care much for Fallout or The Elder Scrolls anymore, so it's nice to hear that they're working on other projects. I'm gonna flip if the ones we don't know about all end up being remasters and VR compatible versions of those games. :P I don't see Skyrim on the Switch doing all that well. I mean by the time it comes out, it will be six years old. Everyone and their mother has already played that game. I guess it comes down to what they see as a success. I couldn't care less about the mobile game; it's gonna be trash whatever it is.


I'm far more interested to see the games published by Bethesda Softworks like Wolfenstein: The New Colossus and Prey if I'm honest.

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4 minutes ago, Undead Wolf said:

I don't care much for Fallout or The Elder Scrolls anymore, so it's nice to hear that they're working on other projects. I'm gonna flip if the ones we don't know about all end up being remasters and VR compatible versions of those games. :P I don't see Skyrim on the Switch doing all that well. I mean by the time it comes out, it will be six years old. Everyone and their mother has already played that game. I guess it comes down to what they see as a success. I couldn't care less about the mobile game; it's gonna be trash whatever it is.


I'm far more interested to see the games published by Bethesda Softworks like Wolfenstein: The New Colossus and Prey if I'm honest.

 I wouldn't be against remasters of Fallout 3 and New Vegas since I have never played them, but I doubt all their other projects are just remasters I'm pretty sure Todd said specifically that they are working on a new IP. There is a rumor going around that Fallout New Vegas 2 is coming this year and will be announced at E3. 


The source of this rumor were also pretty accurate on TLOU 2 being announced at PSX and Red Dead 2 so hopefully they are right. I liked Fallout 4, but couldn't stand the settlement mode so a Fallout game without that and more side quests would be awesome. 



Edited by ratchetdude231
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2 minutes ago, ratchetdude231 said:

 I wouldn't be against remasters of Fallout 3 and New Vegas since I have never played them, but I would love a new IP from them as well. There is a rumor going around that Fallout New Vegas 2 is coming this year and will be announced at E3. 


The source of this rumor were also pretty accurate on TLOU 2 being announced at PSX and Red Dead 2 so hopefully they are right. I liked Fallout 4, but couldn't stand the settlement mode so a Fallout game without that and more side quests would be awesome. 






Fallout 3 and New Vegas are great, it's just that those games look waaaaay more dated than Skyrim ever did, so a remaster would actually require quite a bit of effort in order to not look like crap by today's standards. New Vegas was also a notoriously buggy game, even on PC. I don't know if it's even possible to fix that outdated engine.


I'd certainly welcome a Fallout New Vegas 2 so long as it's developed by Obsidian. Bethesda quite frankly ruined everything good about the series with Fallout 4, so I'd love to see what Obsidian are capable of. I mean they worked wonders with Fallout New Vegas which was actually a better game than Fallout 3 in my opinion. If this was actually true, though, surely it doesn't count as one of the projects by Bethesda Game Studios.

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Just now, Undead Wolf said:


Fallout 3 and New Vegas are great, it's just that those games look waaaaay more dated than Skyrim ever did, so a remaster would actually require quite a bit of effort in order to not look like crap by today's standards. New Vegas was also a notoriously buggy game, even on PC. I don't know if it's even possible to fix that outdated engine.


I'd certainly welcome a Fallout New Vegas 2 so long as it's developed by Obsidian. Bethesda quite frankly ruined everything good about the series with Fallout 4, so I'd love to see what Obsidian are capable of. I mean they worked wonders with Fallout New Vegas which was actually a better game than Fallout 3 in my opinion. If this was actually true, though, surely it doesn't count as one of the projects by Bethesda Game Studios.

Yeah according to the rumor it's not being made by Bethesda Game Studios. I doubt we are going to see anything from them for another year or 2. 

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2 minutes ago, ratchetdude231 said:

Yeah according to the rumor it's not being made by Bethesda Game Studios. I doubt we are going to see anything from them for another year or 2. 


Yeah, probably not anything big at least. I guess we'll find out for sure at their E3 conference this year. 

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I'd rather see obsidian make another alpha protocol, I know a lot of people liked new vegas due to the fact obsidian made the first 2 fallout games, but the environment was just so empty(i know vegas desert)compared to fallout 3. Although the stories in both of those games were really bad. They need to use a new engine, the gamebryo engine is notorious for memory leaks and other problems, can't think of a single game it doesn't run poorly with. I'd be welcome to another new vegas if it fixes a lot of the bland locations though

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2 minutes ago, SnowxSakura said:

I'd rather see obsidian make another alpha protocol, I know a lot of people liked new vegas due to the fact obsidian made the first 2 fallout games, but the environment was just so empty(i know vegas desert)compared to fallout 3. Although the stories in both of those games were really bad. They need to use a new engine, the gamebryo engine is notorious for memory leaks and other problems, can't think of a single game it doesn't run poorly with. I'd be welcome to another new vegas if it fixes a lot of the bland locations though


A sequel to Alpha Protocol would be pretty awesome, but unfortunately I think the ship has sailed. The first game sold pretty poorly. Besides, Sega are the ones who own that IP and I don't think they're all that interested in reviving it. We can dream, though...

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"Skyrim for the Nintendo Switch was confirmed earlier this year — which Howard said he hopes, with success, could see Bethesda continuing to work with Nintendo in the future."


Yes, base your potential future with this console on how good the sales are on a game that came out 6 years ago, that has already (recently no less) been updated to have PS4/Xbone versions that are better already (probably, since they wouldn't confirm Switch was getting the same version of the game when pressed on it the other day) that's coming out at full price, being re-released on it. Not even at fucking launch. That's a great idea. If you want to give up on the Switch, just give up on it dude, it's honestly nicer.


I've never played Skyrim, I could buy it for 6 bucks on 360 and have it play on the Xbone and be perfectly fine. I could pay 30/40 depending and buy the PS4/Xbone version with all the DLC and shit too, and be fine. Or I could pay an RRP of a hundred bucks to play the Switch version, which is looking to be a slightly juiced up port of the 360 version with the DLC thrown in.


I'd be fine with the god damned Switch version as my first *real* go at the game. But, I don't wanna be paying full price for a lesser version of a re-release that just came out, of a 6 year old game, that I could buy for a few bucks anywhere.


That doesn't mean I won't buy Bethesda shit on the Switch, I'll be buying every damn multiplat I can on the Switch yo, Doom 2? You got it. Wolfenstein 37, sure thing. But fuck dude, I'm not paying a full price for an old ass re-release. That doesn't mean you don't have an audience, it means you have nothing for sale.

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4 minutes ago, Super-Fly Spider-Guy said:

"Skyrim for the Nintendo Switch was confirmed earlier this year — which Howard said he hopes, with success, could see Bethesda continuing to work with Nintendo in the future."


Yes, base your potential future with this console on how good the sales are on a game that came out 6 years ago, that has already (recently no less) been updated to have PS4/Xbone versions that are better already (probably, since they wouldn't confirm Switch was getting the same version of the game when pressed on it the other day) that's coming out at full price, being re-released on it. Not even at fucking launch. That's a great idea. If you want to give up on the Switch, just give up on it dude, it's honestly nicer.


I've never played Skyrim, I could buy it for 6 bucks on 360 and have it play on the Xbone and be perfectly fine. I could pay 30/40 depending and buy the PS4/Xbone version with all the DLC and shit too, and be fine. Or I could pay an RRP of a hundred bucks to play the Switch version, which is looking to be a slightly juiced up port of the 360 version with the DLC thrown in.


I'd be fine with the god damned Switch version as my first *real* go at the game. But, I don't wanna be paying full price for a lesser version of a re-release that just came out, of a 6 year old game, that I could buy for a few bucks anywhere.


That doesn't mean I won't buy Bethesda shit on the Switch, I'll be buying every damn multiplat I can on the Switch yo, Doom 2? You got it. Wolfenstein 37, sure thing. But fuck dude, I'm not paying a full price for an old ass re-release. That doesn't mean you don't have an audience, it means you have nothing for sale.

This is why Switch third party support is fucked. All these publishers are releasing ports of older titles to the Switch and basing their potential future with the console based on how good said games perform. 


Chances are all these third party games will sell incredibly poorly and then the Switch is in another Wii U situation were it has no third party support. What I think is even more laughable than Skyrim coming to Switch is that Ubisoft is porting Rayman Legends over to Switch lol.

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54 minutes ago, ratchetdude231 said:

This is why Switch third party support is fucked. All these publishers are releasing ports of older titles to the Switch and basing their potential future with the console based on how good said games perform. 


Chances are all these third party games will sell incredibly poorly and then the Switch is in another Wii U situation were it has no third party support. What I think is even more laughable than Skyrim coming to Switch is that Ubisoft is porting Rayman Legends over to Switch lol.

Exactly dude. It's a shame, but it is how it is. I get it though, say I'm Rockstar, am I gonna make RDR 2 just for Xbone and PS4, two machines I've already made shit for, that have already sold tens of millions each, or take a chance on spending time and resources on porting it over to the Switch, dumbing it down for the thing as well, when the Switch hasn't even proven itself at all, and the last time Nintendo was really worth banking on at home was Game Cube? Even then, hell, Rockstar dumped Smuggler's Run and Oni or something on there and that was about it. BUT, with in terms of lazy ports, I can still hold out hope for a bunch of *good* Android ports. Rockstar (sticking with them apparently) have thrown GTA 3, Vice City, San Andreas, Libery City Stories, Bully, and so on up on the Android / iOS stores. Given the Switch is using *very* similar chipsets and shit to the Tegra tablet, which runs these games perfectly, it's hopeful that they might get ported over, and that plenty of other Android games may make their way over. Even then though, that's a problem in itself, if you're hopeful for phone ports to come over, you've got a lot of stuff to sort out. 


I just wish there wasn't such a gap. With the Wii U at least, when it came out, it was a beefed up version of then current shit, it could do good ports and that's why you end up with a bunch. Obviously they didn't, and wouldn't, sell, but you at least got ports. The later years of the Wii U didn't even have those to lay claim too, which is just saddening. If the Switch was more powerful I could see more ports coming along more easily, and I dont' mean to say re-releases, I mean actual ports of current gen shit, relevant shit. Problem is, that almost certainly won't happen. BUT, I get a cool portable with Fast RMX and Shovel Knight, so that will do, for now. 


The irony of Rayman in particular is that it was intended to be a Wii U exclusive way back when, before the machine tanked hardcore. Not a bad game honestly, but not one I'm gonna be buying AGAIN. I bought it on PS4 way back when, the missus got me the Vita version too, then there's the Wii U mini version thing for free on the eShop I played for a while, and even then it was on GWG a while back too. That game is a whore honestly, and I won't be shelling the cheddar again. Unless it launched for like 20 bucks or something reasonable.

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On 26-2-2017 at 3:36 AM, Super-Fly Spider-Guy said:

"Skyrim for the Nintendo Switch was confirmed earlier this year — which Howard said he hopes, with success, could see Bethesda continuing to work with Nintendo in the future."


Yes, base your potential future with this console on how good the sales are on a game that came out 6 years ago, that has already (recently no less) been updated to have PS4/Xbone versions that are better already (probably, since they wouldn't confirm Switch was getting the same version of the game when pressed on it the other day) that's coming out at full price, being re-released on it. Not even at fucking launch. That's a great idea. If you want to give up on the Switch, just give up on it dude, it's honestly nicer.


I've never played Skyrim, I could buy it for 6 bucks on 360 and have it play on the Xbone and be perfectly fine. I could pay 30/40 depending and buy the PS4/Xbone version with all the DLC and shit too, and be fine. Or I could pay an RRP of a hundred bucks to play the Switch version, which is looking to be a slightly juiced up port of the 360 version with the DLC thrown in.


I'd be fine with the god damned Switch version as my first *real* go at the game. But, I don't wanna be paying full price for a lesser version of a re-release that just came out, of a 6 year old game, that I could buy for a few bucks anywhere.


That doesn't mean I won't buy Bethesda shit on the Switch, I'll be buying every damn multiplat I can on the Switch yo, Doom 2? You got it. Wolfenstein 37, sure thing. But fuck dude, I'm not paying a full price for an old ass re-release. That doesn't mean you don't have an audience, it means you have nothing for sale.


On 26-2-2017 at 3:42 AM, ratchetdude231 said:

This is why Switch third party support is fucked. All these publishers are releasing ports of older titles to the Switch and basing their potential future with the console based on how good said games perform. 


Chances are all these third party games will sell incredibly poorly and then the Switch is in another Wii U situation were it has no third party support. What I think is even more laughable than Skyrim coming to Switch is that Ubisoft is porting Rayman Legends over to Switch lol.


They're not all older titles. Skyrim and Rayman Legends are old but the other titles have all released within the last year or titles that still have to be released on other platforms as well. They're just multiplaform games increasing their platform count.


That being said, I will just get Skyrim for the PS4 when it has decreased in price enough and I won't re-buy Rayman Legends unless its price is VERY attractive since it's been on sale for €10-€15 or so a few times now. I'd rather get Yooka-Laylee for the Switch than for the PS4 though.


On topic: a new DOOM would be the coolest, it's the only Bethesda game I have actually finished.

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