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[Suggestion] Edit Status Updates and replies

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Just a small thing, which would be nice, is to have the option to also edit our own statuses, either ones we post new, or reply to.  Mainly for if there's a spelling mistake, or something you had forgotten to add in as you were making a new status.


I've found that one myself when I post it, then realize I've misspelled something, or forgotten to add in something else and the only way to add or fix it is to delete your new status and rewrite it all over again with the small spelling mistake (or big, depending on if it's a missing letter that makes it a completely different word xD ).

Edited by DrakeHellsing
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Just now, Se7en said:


Already was asked for, Sly's reply:


Ah, did not realize that actually, so thanks for finding that.  Sucks that it's 3rd party and Sly can't add such a feature in.  Especially weird when you have the "options" menu... and the only option there is delete.  You'd think they'd give you more, you know, options in that sense.

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1 hour ago, DrakeHellsing said:

Ah, did not realize that actually, so thanks for finding that.  Sucks that it's 3rd party and Sly can't add such a feature in.  Especially weird when you have the "options" menu... and the only option there is delete.  You'd think they'd give you more, you know, options in that sense.

You could comment on the suggestion on the ipboards forum, but it doesn't seem like it will get a response.


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11 minutes ago, Jibril said:

You could comment on the suggestion on the ipboards forum, but it doesn't seem like it will get a response.


That thread just shows how much ip board gives a crap. Not a single response over 4 months. 


You'd think things would get better, but instead it gets worse with them. 

So many options are available for forums now like webm support instead of gif, but nope keep those servers packed with gif instead.  

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