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How many unwatched movies do you have?


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Went back almost a year in the threads and didn't see a similar one to this.  If there is one that dates back farther, then it's probably best that I don't resurrect such an old thread.


Anyway, as the title suggests, let us know how many movies you have on DVD or Blu-Ray that you haven't actually watched since buying.  It doesn't matter if you've seen the film before; it just has to be a movie you've bought but haven't yet watched.  I'll start things off - it'll be interesting to see how many everyone has! :)


Aliens *

Blade *

Blade II *

Braveheart *

Captain Phillips *

Courage Under Fire

Creed *

Die Hard 1-4 *


Flags of our Fathers

Forrest Gump *

Ghostbusters I & II *

Gladiator *


The Green Mile *

The Hateful Eight


The Homesman

Hunger Games series

In The Line Of Fire *

Jackie Brown

Jaws *

King Kong

The Last Samurai *

Lethal Weapon 1-4 *

Letters From Iwo Jima

Life Of Pi *

The Lion King *

The Lost Boys *

The Mask *

The Matrix *

Million Dollar Baby *

The Negotiator *

Odd Thomas


The Pianist *

Pulp Fiction

Raging Bull

Red Scorpion *

Schindler's List *


Sleepers *


Street Fighter: Assassin's Fist

Summer Of Sam

T2: Judgment Day *

Thor: The Dark World

Transformers *


Asterisks denote the films that I have seen before.


Right then, can anyone top that? :P


Edited by StewartBros
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Out of all the movies I own, 23. They're mainly all on those big collection packs you can get for $5. I have 5 movies left on an 8 movie pack, and then I just bought a 17 movies in 1 pack earlier this week.


That last movie I haven't mentioned yet? I bought it.. maybe.. 10 years ago, and never once watched it. I don't know why, I just never have.

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2 hours ago, Mcbeanstr said:

No use buying something if it's not gonna be used.


Hah, I do fully intend to watch all of them - eventually.  I tend to buy them when they're on sale, thinking "I'll watch that later on".  Several years later, I find that some of them still haven't been watched. :D


I was half expecting someone to ask me why in the hell I haven't yet seen Pulp Fiction, Raging Bull, Philadelphia or Goodfellas. :P

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