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The Evil Within 2 - "Survive" Gameplay Trailer


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I am so excited freakin' excited for this game! :D I thought the first game was fantastic and this one is looking even better so far. You don't see too many AAA survival horror games like this these days, so as a big fan of the genre, this has got to be my most anticipated game coming out this year. I hope it's everything I wanted from a sequel and more.

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Definitely my first day buy for 2017 after Persona 5. One of very few game franchises where I buy them in physical disc instead of digital.


As a gamer and horror fan, I am excited and happy for The Evil Within 2.


But as platinum trophy hunter who still can maintain 100% profile, I can feel high tension inside my brain. The word "Akumu" really makes me shiver. I hope no Akumu mode this time.


Edited by Shazarul1985
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I can't wait for this game! I hope the bosses are as cool and original as the first. I had such a blast burning Laura and she scared the bloody shit out of me. Learned some good strats to beat Akumu so hopefully I can beat it again if I have to... the only thing I don't want is zombies with machine guns LOL and I probably wouldn't miss Joseph...

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 19/07/2017 at 1:48 PM, Undead Wolf said:

I am so excited freakin' excited for this game! :D I thought the first game was fantastic and this one is looking even better so far. You don't see too many AAA survival horror games like this these days, so as a big fan of the genre, this has got to be my most anticipated game coming out this year. I hope it's everything I wanted from a sequel and more.


Guess another game that substantially excites my favorite guide partner is within reach, a Deja Vu vibes perhaps? :P


All honesty, can't wait for it either, release day midnight player right here. 

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I was pretty disappointed by The Evil Within, but I definitely saw potential in it for sequels, and I'm probably getting this game and this last interview has me very optimistic about the improvements :) That said, is anyone else confused that there seems to be some new villain and there's no mention of Ruvik anywhere? 

Edited by QuentinCle95
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9 minutes ago, QuentinCle95 said:

I was pretty disappointed by The Evil Within, but I definitely saw potential in it for sequels, and I'm probably getting this game and this last interview has me very optimistic about the improvements :) That said, is anyone else confused that there seems to be some new villain and there's no mention of Ruvik anywhere? 


I guess his back, Sebastian is going back into STEM, so I'm pretty sure he'll appear in some form. Also evil within had lots of the silent Hill situation where the player lives inside the subconscious horror of the hosts mind. This time however will be Sebastian's, so let's hope a pyramid head kind of guy await us in the sequel blaming him for his daughter abduction xD

Edited by Mah2c
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  • 3 weeks later...
On 3/8/2017 at 8:51 PM, EternalChaos72 said:

I've actually never played the first one, i really must get around to it soon. Also a great release date aswell xD 

You really should, it is a great and very underrated title. If you like horror and/or survival games then this is a must. I cant wait to return into the STEM?

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17 hours ago, Hogie838 said:

While I LOVED the main game the DLC was terrible. I'm praying they don't bring back that thing with a light for a head that was in DLC 1f610.png


I actually liked the DLC, except the Executioner. But the first two parts were acutally quiet scary and a nice change of tone from the main game. 



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