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Capcom to bring back horror to Resident Evil after poor fan feedback

Lady Lilith

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Capcom has bit the bucket, kicked the cricket and bumped and barn when it comes to Resident Evil. Lately, they've been trying to go off the deep-end into “Call of Duty” territory and the long-term sales and feedback did not go over well at all. Now, Capcom is revising their approach to Resident Evil and they're saying the core fans were right all along.

Apparently Capcom wants to renege on turning Resident Evil into Call of Duty. Video Gamer picked up a few noteworthy quotes from Resident Evilproducer Masachika Kawata who mentioned that...

"When you look back on Resident Evil in the last year, we've had a variety of approaches to the [iP],"

"Looking at user feedback from the last couple of games, I've started to slightly revise my opinion on that matter. I still think that, for example, bringing Resident Evil: Revelations to consoles falls within what I was saying where, it's a game that contains classic Resident Evil elements but it also has features that modern gamers expect in a game. Hopefully it can appeal to both camps."

And by both camps he means getting back to the horror roots and focusing on trying to find a good balance between new-generation gameplay and the “horror and fear” that helped shape the franchise.

I can definitely get on board with that idea. I'd love to see a well-done horror game that lets you move around and shoot, explore and interact with the environment similar to some new-gen games. I think perfect examples of this are games like DayZ, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and Slender, where freedom of exploration, military-style combat and open-worlds don't stop them from being terrifying, tension-ridden experiences.

Kawata, however, goes on to say...

"No matter what, we're always going to have to focus on horror and fear as the main core pillar of the series. That's something I think that is not going to change.”

"Take Operation Raccoon City, which was essentially developed as a pure shooter set in the Resident Evil universe. I think there could be potential in taking the base of that game and if we were - hypothetically - to develop a sequel to that, then start bringing back horror into that base that we started with. That could be a way to start bringing the elements that we think we need together in one game."

I've repeated time and time over again that Resident Evil 4 has been my favorite of the series, I've re-played that game a lot across various platforms, even the crappy PC version that sucked donkey toes. But the combination of great pacing, awesome weapons, light RPG mechanics and good horror elements helped make the game one of the best of the generation.

Hopefully, Capcom can recover their image after their dismal display of anti-consumerist antics throughout 2012 and get back on track by embracing new, gameplay enhancing features while also maintaining the very things that helped make some of their franchises a big success to begin with.

Also, Capcom, please stop taking tips for the Resident Evil games from Paul W. S. Anderson, the movies based on your games suck.

Hopefully they'll actually follow through.

I actually found our about this because I saw an AlphaOmegaSin video in my recent list

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This argument has me really divided mentally. I greatly enjoyed RE4, 5, and yes, even 6. The evolution doesn't bother me much because, aside from a couple jump scares that involve dogs and windows, the series never really (pardon the pun) screamed horror to me. Seems like people are looking back to the originals with a bit too much fondness and forgot all about the flaws. The "master of unlocking-ly" bad dialogue, the find-the-item-and-put-it-in-the-place puzzles, the tank controls, etc, etc. RE2 was great (my personal favorite), it was also the first RE game to shift it's focus towards action. Almost every, if not, every game in the core series has ended with a rocket launcher explosion followed by a beat the clock escape sequence... the action has always been there. Maybe not to the same degree as now, but it was there. You want true horror, go play Clock Tower or Amnesia. Sure, RE coined the phrase "survival horror" it never really was... horrific.

That being said, if Capcom wants to try and please the whiners by bringing more horror into the series, no way in Hell I'll argue.

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I have yet to play a Resident Evil game....and I want to, I just don't know where to start

Get RE4 off the PS Store. Turn off lights. Enjoy. Its not terribly frightening, but its probably the best place to start for the series.

I'm happy to hear that they might head in the right direction for the next title...

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enjoyed all of the games been playing then since the first one came out it doesn't bother me that the game changed from survival horror to the action oriented genre sure survival horror games are fun but the same controls would get old and the whiners who want the franchise to go back to his roots would be complaining that the formula of solving puzzle and the same controls was old if they never changed the genre from survival horror to action oriented no matter what they do they can't please anyone if you don't like it pick up a classic resident evil game or move on.

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From what I read somewhere, after they ported over revelations to the consoles its going to have a slight reboot.

Wouldn't be surprised, after hearing this news. Still hoping a reboot means more Wesker. If you couldn't tell, Wesker's one of my favorite characters, except RE5. RE5 Wesker was terrible, except that one scene with him beating the crap out of Chris and Jill, that was awesome.

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RE4 was a good game, but it lacked the horror. There were rare moments that were gross that I enjoyed such as the woman that was impaled with a pitchfork through the face in one of the shacks. My favorite RE games were RE2, RE0 and REremake. (Dino Crisis is another CLASSIC horror game that is made by Capcom and should be fucking brought back and done the right way!!) I can honestly say that they will never go back to the good old days because part of the scare was played with the camera. The old RE games didn't have a camera behind the character in a TPS style like RE4-6. The cameras worked in delivering the scare because they were in odd angles where you would enter the room and say it would just show your character with the door you came through behind you. You could hear like zombies moaning but you couldn't see them so you had to act a little cautious because you could run head-on into a zombie. A flaw I liked to use is the auto-aim feature. Just tap R1 and you would focus on the enemy.

I have yet to play a Resident Evil game....and I want to, I just don't know where to start

Save up some money and buy the Resident Evil 6 Anthology. I think it's $80 or $90, but it comes with Resident Evil 6, Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition, Resident Evil 4 HD, Resident Evil 3, Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil: Directors Cut.

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I personally don't see why people dump on (no, I don't mean THAT) Resident Evil 6, but applaud (to some degree) Resident Evil 5, I think the worst RE game that I have played was Resident Evil 5, the story felt rushed and the gameplay had practically nothing that Resident Evil 4 didn't. I am glad that they are deciding to bring horror back to the franchise, as the first 3 were my personal favourites when it came to overall atmosphere.

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