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No john

YOU are the senpais

My name isn't John, it's Dante! D: So I obviously don't qualify to be a senpai, if there's even a process to becoming one in the first place.


Anyways, in order to get back on-topic, I'll just post something to the thread. "Senpai didn't backlog me!" So when he came home, I made him live in my gaming shelves! >:D

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Anyways, in order to get back on-topic-

MADNESS. How DARE you attempt to inject a sense of reason and sequence into a conversation within a thread such as this D:

I'm sorry, my friend... you've left me with no choice but to... LAUNCH THE NUCLEAR PEANUT BUTTER ZOMBIES!

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MADNESS. How DARE you attempt to inject a sense of reason and sequence into a conversation within a thread such as this D:

I'm sorry, my friend... you've left me with no choice but to... LAUNCH THE NUCLEAR PEANUT BUTTER ZOMBIES!

Nuclear peanut butter zombies? :P Oh gawd nuuu!!! Think of the little Neppie plushies and moth plushies you'd be killing as a result of you launching highly radioactive undead zombies!

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