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Nintendo games on PSN - a possibility at some point in the future?


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Nintendo made so much money in the late 80's, early 90's, and off the Wii, that they could lose a quarter billion dollars every year and still keep the company afloat till 2056. And that's without selling any assets or properties. (Those numbers have been confirmed by Nintendo) They're far from that desperate, especially considering the Switch is a success and they're not even losing money lol. Even if their next 5 consoles flopped, they still wouldn't be that hard up.


I'd bet that we'll see Uncharted on Nintendo before we see Zelda on PlayStation. Not that that would ever happen, but considering we can play Uncharted on PC now, who knows lol.


Not to mention, Nintendo has two active consoles on the market, meaning they have more supported consoles in players hands than Sony does. That's not super relevant, but since you pointed to sales numbers as why it could, I figured it was worth mentioning.

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3 hours ago, Dangisuckatgamin said:

Why is this so "impossible".

No it's not...

It's possible we just all know Nintendo will not stop production of consoles probably for years or if ever...

But doesn't make it impossible at all.


You've got a point there but I eliminated that option right from the start because to be honest I'm not hoping for Nintendo to become just a third party developer. I'm sure if this discussion would have taken place in the early 90s, almost everyone would have been adamant that Sonic would never ever make an appearance on anything other than a Sega console. And yet it happened because Sega stopped making consoles but didn't want to go out of business completely. So I'm afraid this is pretty much the only way we might see a Mario game on a Sony console but as someone has mentioned already we might turn old and grey before Nintendo gets anywhere near the financial troubles to make this happen.


(But then, who cares? Because I'll still be hunting trophies when I'm 70 ?)

Edited by GTRP_Lancerlover
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5 hours ago, gameoverDude189 said:

While it's not near as powerful as PS4 & Xbox One, the gimmick of being able to "Switch" between portable & console may well be what saves it.


Yeah, that's the main draw because I don't see why else anybody would buy a game on Switch if they had a choice. Portability is useless to me though because I'm not going to drag my Switch to work to play on break as that would be the only time I could ever make use of undocked mode. 

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Being both rivals, impossible to say the least. 

Of course, individual game companies such as Square Enix, Nippon Ichi, Sega, Namco etc. continue to release their own games on various platforms to include the PS4, Switch +/- Xbox (e.g. Disgaea 5, Sonic Forces, Crash Bandicoot etc.. )


But I just can see anything like that happen to Nintendo's exclusives like Zelda, Mario and Pokemon. If that happened, Nintendo would be afraid of fizzling out of the market, especially with Sony seeming to dominate many titles. Pokemon games are almost always for handhelds as well, and with the Vita the way it is, there is no chance of a Pokemon game coming to Sony. Also, Pokemon and Mario are hugely popular and bring in the cash for Nintendo, so if they had any sense they would keep those titles to themselves. 

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On 7/22/2018 at 6:24 AM, GTRP_Lancerlover said:

Obviously there's no chance we'd get to play current gen stuff like Super Mario Odyssey on PS4 but what about much older games? Like for instance anything up to the N64 and all the GB/GBA Pokemon games?

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the day that Pokemon ends up on PS Now with full trophy support is the day that humans grow wings and fly. Not enough magic in the universe for that to happen. :(


It's just that as long as Nintendo remains a console developer, they are not going to allow anyone to put their games on other systems. Sure, you may think that Nintendo may dissolve its hardware production like Sega did. NOPE. With the Nintendo Switch becoming a big flash in the pan, they more than recovered from their terrible losses with Wii and Wii U and they had the DS and 3DS to avoid going bankrupt when sales for the Wiis failed like a truck. Unless we get the Red Ring of Death scenario Xbox 360 had and the Switch's online service fails terribly, Nintendo is not going to just turn into Sega Mk 2.


If you really want to play the old Pokemon games, there's always the 3DS. They have ported Pokemon Red, Blue, Yellow and now Gold, Silver and Crystal onto the 3DS. Me, I am glad that this is the way it is.


On 7/27/2018 at 3:30 PM, locutus442 said:

/me runs away screaming in terror.

And yes, that's what happens when other consoles try to port Nintendo properties to their own systems. While I am sure Sony's PS4/5 is much better at the 3D that 3D0 and CD-i(which failed terribly for other reasons and obviously bribed Miyamoto into allowing the use of his Zelda and Mario characters), Nintendo obviously learned their lesson about letting anybody else touch Hyrule or the Mushroom Kingdom.

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Never. They'd sooner stop making games than to put theirs on other consoles

1 hour ago, DragonQuest238 said:

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the day that Pokemon ends up on PS Now with full trophy support is the day that humans grow wings and fly. Not enough magic in the universe for that to happen. :(


It's just that as long as Nintendo remains a console developer, they are not going to allow anyone to put their games on other systems. Sure, you may think that Nintendo may dissolve its hardware production like Sega did. NOPE. With the Nintendo Switch becoming a big flash in the pan, they more than recovered from their terrible losses with Wii and Wii U and they had the DS and 3DS to avoid going bankrupt when sales for the Wiis failed like a truck. Unless we get the Red Ring of Death scenario Xbox 360 had and the Switch's online service fails terribly, Nintendo is not going to just turn into Sega Mk 2.


If you really want to play the old Pokemon games, there's always the 3DS. They have ported Pokemon Red, Blue, Yellow and now Gold, Silver and Crystal onto the 3DS. Me, I am glad that this is the way it is.


And yes, that's what happens when other consoles try to port Nintendo properties to their own systems. While I am sure Sony's PS4/5 is much better at the 3D that 3D0 and CD-i(which failed terribly for other reasons and obviously bribed Miyamoto into allowing the use of his Zelda and Mario characters), Nintendo obviously learned their lesson about letting anybody else touch Hyrule or the Mushroom Kingdom.

What does the 3DO have to do with anything? No nintendo games ever ended up on it

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