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Never seen and never been at a hot spring. Also, these things actually exists?


Yes. I've been arrested twice, though I didn't get a sentence.


What are you computer's specs?


They do exist!  :D


Acer Predator 17 Nvidia GTX 970M Intel Core I7 2.7Ghz - 3.0Ghz (It's a laptop) 




I don't own a desktop.  -_-


Do you like ice cream and if so what's your favorite flavor? 

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I did. When I got Motorstorm: Pacific Rift and Wipeout HD Platinum trophy.

Both trophies I had to do time trials. In Motorstorm, I was struggling hard to beat a specific time ghost in a specific map and vehicle. One morning, I retry again and I beat the ghost on the first try! I yelled and jumped off the couch when I saw the last trophy before the Platinum.

In Wipeout HD remained Beat Zico, what was the most evil trophy of this game! I was trying to equal or beat the specific time for hours. Once I decided to do my last lap (because I had enough for the day) when I passed the lap, I paused the game and go doing something else... until a *BLING* showed up and I yelled like a maniac and looked around, I knew there I overcame this game and a precious Platinum trophy!

It happened the same effect lately with Overwatch :D I didn't scream of victory this much and didn't feel such satisfied to get the hardest trophies for many years before this game!

Same question.

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Again, winning another CoD match at the last minute by pure reaction. All my amazing moments are most likely in multiplayer games like CoD.

If you just bought a new game could you enjoy playing it in a room full of others (some watching but most minding their own business having conversations) or do you have to play it with no distractions/outside noise?

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