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1 hour ago, DrunkenEngineer said:

Grinding the MP for the first one is gonna stink, but that experience is common to all platforms.

Having just done the first one the fastest method is with a boosting partner.  I got it done in about 6 hours, which isn't amazing, but much better than the approx 20hrs solo.  Play on the submarine level with a 100 kill limit.  You and your partner charge to the center and use grenade launchers on each other at the same time (survivors default loadout comes with it).  You'll get an absolute ton of experience.  I was getting over 85k xp and between 5k-10k supplies each 20 minute match.


I'm trying to find the best time to start Rise.  I know there are co-op trophies for that one, so it'll just be a matter of wanting to jump back into Tomb Raider amongst my other priorities, then working a co-op partner from there.  But, I'm in a bit of a Souls mood, so I'll keep cranking them out while I'm hot!

1 hour ago, DrunkenEngineer said:

 The Last Guardian,

I've got this as part of the collection.  Says its an Ultra Rare plat and people seem to have some strange trophies.  Was considering it and Ico after getting the plat in Shadow of the Colossus.  Is it worth going for the plat in?

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17 minutes ago, damcrac5 said:

Having just done the first one the fastest method is with a boosting partner.  I got it done in about 6 hours, which isn't amazing, but much better than the approx 20hrs solo.  Play on the submarine level with a 100 kill limit.  You and your partner charge to the center and use grenade launchers on each other at the same time (survivors default loadout comes with it).  You'll get an absolute ton of experience.  I was getting over 85k xp and between 5k-10k supplies each 20 minute match.


I'm trying to find the best time to start Rise.  I know there are co-op trophies for that one, so it'll just be a matter of wanting to jump back into Tomb Raider amongst my other priorities, then working a co-op partner from there.  But, I'm in a bit of a Souls mood, so I'll keep cranking them out while I'm hot!

I've got this as part of the collection.  Says its an Ultra Rare plat and people seem to have some strange trophies.  Was considering it and Ico after getting the plat in Shadow of the Colossus.  Is it worth going for the plat in?

Good to know about TR1. I have a Steam buddy who is willing to work through it, so we’ll use this method. I’ve seen it repeated in various guides. 

TLG is a plat I don’t have yet. It’s incredibly tedious from what I’ve seen in the guides, mostly from a trophy that require you to hear ALL hints in the game, and there is no way to track it. Best method is to use a video guide and literally go through each area one at a time and don’t progress until you’ve heard the hint (which inconsistently trigger).  It’s not a plat I’ll go for with her as an audience as she’ll get bored to tears. 

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5 hours ago, DrunkenEngineer said:

She didn’t enjoy when I took over the TV for GTA5 1f602.png 


Sounds familiar???


5 hours ago, DrunkenEngineer said:

PS+ is nice in that it kind of solves the problem of “which platform to buy it”.  If it’s FREE that’s easy for me!  If the leaks are to be believed Curse of the Dead Gods is May 2022’s game, and normally I would debate whether to get a ball-busting roguelike on Steam or PSN (I have Hades and Dead Cells on Steam), it’s a no brainer if it’s free.


All that being said, I do have two recent Steam completions that I’d be willing to write about.  Ghostrunner and The Red Strings Club.  Any takers?


Will probably get Curse as well, I could always use more roguelikes in my collection (seeing as i barely have any).


GHOSTRUNNER, please! Came very close to pulling the trigger on that one, think it was playing Dex that gave me more of an appetite for games with that sort of futuristic vibe?

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43 minutes ago, YaManSmevz said:



There's a demo on the store ?


4 hours ago, DrunkenEngineer said:

TLG is a plat I don’t have yet. It’s incredibly tedious from what I’ve seen in the guides


Yeah TLG was a lot higher on my wishlist but I've become so put off by PSNP reviews of it. Add that to not being enamoured by SOTC and being given away for free to PS5 users, and I'd firgotten about completely.


I don't mind what you write about, I'll still read it ?

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On 4/26/2022 at 2:55 PM, YaManSmevz said:

GHOSTRUNNER, please! Came very close to pulling the trigger on that one, think it was playing Dex that gave me more of an appetite for games with that sort of futuristic vibe?


Your wish is my command!  I'll get something written up shortly.


On 4/26/2022 at 3:42 PM, Platinum_Vice said:

I don't mind what you write about, I'll still read it ?




In other news I knocked off all the MP & Survival mode trophies for Uncharted 4.  I will probably put a pin in cleaning up the rest of the trophies and tackle the whole series in order.  I'm very close to completing Sleeping Dogs, wow what a game!  I'm so glad I revisited it some 8 years after I popped my first achievement. 


I made a major revision to the first post to include the expanded scope for games played on Steam, and some general clean up.  Completions are now hyperlinked and overall formatting changes made to align with the new goals.


I picked up some additional items to the backlog, mainly The Witness (PS4).  That will be a fun little puzzler to play on the TV with the missus.

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STEAM Completion - Ghostrunner (April 18, 2022)




Achievement Statistics


The Good

  • Awesome music
  • Slick graphics
  • Fantastic parkour and platforming

The Bad

  • Dorky story
  • Bosses are an exercise in frustrating pattern recognition

This is like playing Hotline Miami, Mirror's Edge, and Cyberpunk 2077 while cracked out on Russian Dubstep.  You will die.  A lot.  Or maybe you don't suck as bad as me, and you won't.  But I doubt it.  Ghostrunner is a first person parkour cyberpunk platformer that is completely unabashed in flaunting its influences.  The story is ham fisted and derivative, and honestly I had a hard time following it just because I was so enamored in the gameplay.  The music is intoxicating electronica that really sets the mood.  More than once I felt that if a camera were trained on me, the scene would be like one of those hacker montages from classic movies of the 80s & 90s, complete with dilated pupils and quick cuts of keystrokes and mouse wrist flicks as my character leaps from surface to surface, bouncing from kill to kill.


Until I get tagged by a goon and die in one hit.  And then I hit a key to immediately restart from a convenient checkpoint.  Try again!


The achievements are pretty straightforward, nothing is missable.  Several are skill based.  The base game has an obnoxious challenge for killing 23 enemies in a row, while the DLC furthers the sadism with a complete no-death level run.  But we are talking an hour or two max to get these done, the rest of the difficulty is just clearing the story naturally.  For those that have played Titanfall 2, the entire experience was akin to my time trying to clear the "...Becomes the Master" trophy.  Often times frustrating, but immensely rewarding.

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28 minutes ago, DrunkenEngineer said:

STEAM Completion - Ghostrunner (April 18, 2022)






I knew this game looked good and the parkour aspect looked like a lot of fun, but a bangin ass soundtrack too? Sheesh. Maybe I'll have to keep this one in mind after all...


Interesting comparison point with Becomes the Master, I haven't thought about that one in a long time, but fuck me if it isn't a great example of a tough but fair challenge that requires a solid level of dedication but is ridiculously satisfying to complete.




I'm also mad interested to hear about your experience with The Witness! I remember the good Doctor and Mr. Vice took an interest when I was tackling it, and now that you're playing it I really get that haha 

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Glad you liked it, I think Ghostrunner is jammin' and anyone who is intrigued should give it a shot.  I redeemed it as a PS+ game for PS5, so if I ever want to revisit in the future I have that option.  It took me about 17 hours to clear the whole list, which is about average from the trackers I've seen.


The Witness will be a little ways off.  I saw it on sale and it goes on sale very rarely, so I scooped it up at $10 or whatever.  I'll get to it when I get to it, hah.  It's good to have a growing backlog because I'll never run out of games to play!

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STEAM Completion - The Red Strings Club (April 24, 2022)




Achievement Statistics


The Good

  • Gorgeous pixel art
  • Bartending mini game is fun, try not to spill booze!

The Bad

  • Very aggressive auto saving system, with no way to roll back progress
  • Social commentary that's occasionally a little too on-the-nose

Here's one for all you point & click aficionados.  The Red Strings Club continues our little traversal into the world of cyberpunk titles.  The game is still only available on PC/Linux/Mac, and was released in 2018 so who knows if it will ever get a console version.  Still, I wanted to share my thoughts and maybe someone who has access to a PC might be inspired to check it out. 


You play a bartender who is friendly with all sorts of denizens of this dystopian future.  You have an in with hackers via your romantic partner, and respect from stressed out corpos who come to unwind after a long day of work.  Gameplay consists of standard point & click dialogue trees and a unique bartending minigame, used to elicit different emotional states of your interview subjects, hoping to coax additional information and conversation paths and progress the story.  It's very standard cyberpunk stuff, with a mega-corp looking to release a revolutionary firmware patch for deployed implants that will eliminate sadness/depression/all of societies ills.  There are some thought-provoking conversations, and some generally moving scenes, but what the game really nails is the art work and music. There are also some rather clever meta hooks, involving an item that's constantly involved in the bartending game and it's effect on the post credit scene.  No spoilers.


As this is a point & click your enjoyment will live and die on whether your find the characters and puzzles meaningful and engaging.  I'd give that a cautious yes, at least for me.  But I don't recommend it strongly enough to try and dig up a PC just to experience it.

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STEAM Completion - Sleeping Dogs (May 3, 2022)




Achievement Statistics


The Good

  • Strong sense of place in Hong Kong
  • Open world that is respectful of the player's time
  • Wei Shen's karaoke is a thing of beauty

The Bad

  • Camera is annoyingly unresponsive, especially during chases

A nicely curtailed, perfectly balanced open world game.  Sleeping Dogs takes the very best of Grand Theft AutoUbisoft Collect-a-thons, and I'd guess Yakuza (having only read about them) and distills it all down into a streamlined representation of the genre.  I really, really enjoyed my time with this game.  Wei Shen is a compelling character, the storyline is a hard boiled undercover cop story, replete with story beats you can see a mile coming, but performed so well I didn't care.  The emphasis on melee combat is the crowning jewel on what otherwise looks like a fairly superficial game at first glance.


I could have done without the "dates", the one-shot instances of Wei hooking up with various women he meets along the way.  It was a funny red herring when I noticed several big name actors in the opening credits, specifically Emma Stone, and assumed they'd have a prominent role in the story.  When Wei meets Amanda, a blonde American tourist, it was obvious she was voiced by Emma Stone and I rolled my eyes, thinking here would be our lame romantic interest that drives our hero.  Nope.  One interaction and she was outta here!


I did find the whole split XP system fatiguing, and spent the extra effort to swap out my outfits that provided Triad Bonus (for main missions) or Cop Bonus (everything else) just to reduce the likelihood I would need to replay missions to hit the achievement requirements.  It turned out not to be necessary.  The stat awards would a little irritating as well, but it did give me something to pay attention to while puttering around the open world grabbing the collectibles.  A word of warning: make sure to complete jobs that show up in the phone often.  I didn't realize that Tran's jobs were not infinite, nor required for 100%, so I had like 20 of them to crank through post-game.


DLCs were fun, especially the first Nightmare in North Point.  I suspect it was part of the zombie media craze going around in the early 2010s; gave me strong Undead Nightmare vibes from Red Dead Redemption.  The second DLC Year of the Snake was a pretty big disappointment.  It was fun seeing Wei adjust back to his life post-game, but the presentation and effort just felt off, like it was completed by a skeleton crew of developers.  The voice acting is way underplayed, the objectives are samey, and the big bad's motivation never felt fleshed out.  Oh well.


With the news that Square-Enix has sold off their Western IPs I'm hopeful we will get a sequel.  This game lives up to every bit of cult status it's built up over the years.  A strong recommend.

Edited by DrunkenEngineer
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Dishonored Dunwall City Trials DLC is done!


....at least on Steam.  Took about 15 hours, right on the money for most guides.  Funny enough, the most frustrating trial for me was getting Burglar Expert 3 Stars.  It could be because I saved it for last so I had some fatigue going.  I first tackled the By My Hand Alone and Daredevil trophies as they had the reputation for being the hardest, so I would have hated to waste a bunch of time knocking out the easier ones only to hit these as a roadblock.  Each took 2ish hours each to clear, but I didn't find them that frustrating as I enjoy the combat and platforming in the game quite a bit.  Perhaps that's why I struggled so much with the Burglar challenges as they were a serious test of my patience.


I own all of Arkane's games on Playstation digitally, and I'm very tempted to at least boot up Dishonored on a guest account and get a feel for how the trials would go about on a controller and at 30FPS.  I know my number one rule of my checklist is one game, one account, but the damage is kind of done here as I've already bought dupes in both my libraries.


The thought of the trials have been stressing me out, so knocking them out on PC at least feels really good!

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8 hours ago, DrunkenEngineer said:


Dishonored Dunwall City Trials DLC is done!


....at least on Steam.  Took about 15 hours, right on the money for most guides.  Funny enough, the most frustrating trial for me was getting Burglar Expert 3 Stars.  It could be because I saved it for last so I had some fatigue going.  I first tackled the By My Hand Alone and Daredevil trophies as they had the reputation for being the hardest, so I would have hated to waste a bunch of time knocking out the easier ones only to hit these as a roadblock.  Each took 2ish hours each to clear, but I didn't find them that frustrating as I enjoy the combat and platforming in the game quite a bit.  Perhaps that's why I struggled so much with the Burglar challenges as they were a serious test of my patience.


I own all of Arkane's games on Playstation digitally, and I'm very tempted to at least boot up Dishonored on a guest account and get a feel for how the trials would go about on a controller and at 30FPS.  I know my number one rule of my checklist is one game, one account, but the damage is kind of done here as I've already bought dupes in both my libraries.


The thought of the trials have been stressing me out, so knocking them out on PC at least feels really good!


Awesome work m'dude! ?


I enjoyed those trials, though they are pretty brutal - nowhere else in that whole series are you asked to have even half the level of precision and speed those require!


I never actually had too much trouble with the "By My Hands Alone" one - I know that can be a frustration for some folks, but I never got much in the way of the enemies killing eachother - just lucky I guess - but man, I struggled on that "Daredevil" one for a looooong time!

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7 hours ago, DrBloodmoney said:


Awesome work m'dude! 1f44d.png


I enjoyed those trials, though they are pretty brutal - nowhere else in that whole series are you asked to have even half the level of precision and speed those require!


I never actually had too much trouble with the "By My Hands Alone" one - I know that can be a frustration for some folks, but I never got much in the way of the enemies killing eachother - just lucky I guess - but man, I struggled on that "Daredevil" one for a looooong time!


It’s too bad they didn’t add something similar in the sequels, to be honest.  I haven’t checked it out, but is Prey: Mooncrash similar-ish?  I get the impression that because it’s a roguelike there is a big jump in difficulty over the base campaign.


I ended up fooling around for almost 2 hours on the PS4 version on a local guest account - almost got Daredevil a couple of times, and made it to Wave 13 of Backalley Brawl twice (but without the required kills).  Man the trials are addicting.  Might come back and get the 100% on PS4 after I finish up the Steam version, it’s just such a good fuckin’ game.  One of my favorites.  I found an old note from 2012 when the game launched with playthroughs routed to get all the achievements.  It’s fun revisiting this one!


4 hours ago, Platinum_Vice said:

Jeepers, you two, making me dread that DLC 1f602.png


The universe is telling me to play this game, so be it! Installing now... 1f60e.png


You completed Hyper Light Drifter so I think you’ll do A-OK here with Dishonored.  Glad us two old fogies are inspiring you to give it a whirl!


It’s really not that bad of DLC.  I really worried myself reading all the impressions and on PC at least it wasn’t too terrible.  Just know that the odds are in your favor to eventually have everything line up and get a win.  By far the worst trophies are those @DrBloodmoney and I have been talking about.  Getting 3 Stars on Expert on all the challenges is still difficult, but I found it best to knock out the nasty challenges first.

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Just now, DrunkenEngineer said:


It’s too bad they didn’t add something similar in the sequels, to be honest.  I haven’t checked it out, but is Prey: Mooncrash similar-ish?  I get the impression that because it’s a roguelike there is a big jump in difficulty over the base campaign.


Nah, not really. It's been a while, and I remember loving Mooncrash, but don't recall it being particularly more difficult than the main game - I suppose it is at first, but that because you are deliberately underpowered, as a narrative hook - that's how it can be a rogue-like of sorts.

You do die more, but it never feels wildly different to the main campaign, and you are actually progressing even when you die. Actually, the main campaign on the higher difficulties was much more unforgiving, I think - on the tougher difficulties, the first few hours of that game could be incredibly punishing - especially for a the no-powers playthrough!



Just now, DrunkenEngineer said:

You completed Hyper Light Drifter so I think you’ll do A-OK here with Dishonored.  Glad us two old fogies are inspiring you to give it a whirl!


It’s really not that bad of DLC.  I really worried myself reading all the impressions and on PC at least it wasn’t too terrible.  Just know that the odds are in your favor to eventually have everything line up and get a win.  By far the worst trophies are those @DrBloodmoney and I have been talking about.  Getting 3 Stars on Expert on all the challenges is still difficult, but I found it best to knock out the nasty challenges first.


True @Platinum_Vice - and really, it would be a shame to let the Trials DLC put anyone off the game as a whole, since it's the only DLC across any of the games that isn't directly narratively tied-in to the story.

Obviously, getiting the S-Rank is the goal for most of us, but narratively and gameplay-wise, you aren't missing anything huge by ignoring the Trials entirely, or not getting them all finished / leaving them for another day 


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40 minutes ago, DrBloodmoney said:

True @Platinum_Vice - and really, it would be a shame to let the Trials DLC put anyone off the game as a whole, since it's the only DLC across any of the games that isn't directly narratively tied-in to the story.

Obviously, getiting the S-Rank is the goal for most of us, but narratively and gameplay-wise, you aren't missing anything huge by ignoring the Trials entirely, or not getting them all finished / leaving them for another day 


This was true for me until now.


And they are single-player trophies so you can come back any time.  There is a leaderboard but I can’t imagine that has anything to do with trophy requirements.


Still, absolutely visit the Trials!  You’ll be better for it ✊

17 minutes ago, Kristen Danielle said:

I have that little voice, too. When were you first diagnosed?


I’m actually not formally diagnosed, but I have consulted medical professionals.  I was advised that “yup, you have some compulsive tendencies which makes you really good at your job.  As long as they don’t interfere with your day to day keep on keepin’ on”.  And it generally doesn’t affect me while at work or anything, but video games or anything that triggers an emotional response can get me going.


Some examples: As a kid I would freak out if people dog-eared my books or bent the spines.  And as a teenager I was fastidious in keeping my shoes clean and would get upset if people scuffed them up!


My partner has a nickname for me. “OC-DC” would works in multiple ways (play on the term “AC-DC”, as I’m both an electrical engineer and listen to heavy music ?).

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9 minutes ago, DrunkenEngineer said:

I’m actually not formally diagnosed, but I have consulted medical professionals.  I was advised that “yup, you have some compulsive tendencies which makes you really good at your job.  As long as they don’t interfere with your day to day keep on keepin’ on”.  And it generally doesn’t affect me while at work or anything, but video games or anything that triggers an emotional response can get me going.


Some examples: As a kid I would freak out if people dog-eared my books or bent the spines.  And as a teenager I was fastidious in keeping my shoes clean and would get upset if people scuffed them up!


My partner has a nickname for me. “OC-DC” would works in multiple ways (play on the term “AC-DC”, as I’m both an electrical engineer and listen to heavy music 1f602.png).

Respectfully, compulsive tendencies are not Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. You're a neat freak that doesn't like your stuff touched or dirtied. There are times that I can't sleep at night because my brain's thoughts will not shut down. I have intrusive thoughts that derail my entire mood and day sometimes and also trigger my anxiety, which often gets so bad that I have to be fully sedated just to slow down my breathing to proper levels. If you can function without medication and/or regular therapy, you don't have OCD. That said, I really want to get back to the write-up I was doing on this board where I played and reviewed all of the Resident Evil main story games. I started with 0 and I think I got 1 done, but I never did my reviews of 2 and 3. I've got a treatment today, so maybe after I get home! ?

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16 minutes ago, Kristen Danielle said:

Respectfully, compulsive tendencies are not Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. You're a neat freak that doesn't like your stuff touched or dirtied. There are times that I can't sleep at night because my brain's thoughts will not shut down. I have intrusive thoughts that derail my entire mood and day sometimes and also trigger my anxiety, which often gets so bad that I have to be fully sedated just to slow down my breathing to proper levels. If you can function without medication and/or regular therapy, you don't have OCD. That said, I really want to get back to the write-up I was doing on this board where I played and reviewed all of the Resident Evil main story games. I started with 0 and I think I got 1 done, but I never did my reviews of 2 and 3. I've got a treatment today, so maybe after I get home! 1f601.png


Totally understood!  Thanks for sharing.  I can say that I do share your experience r.e. intrusive thoughts, anxiety, and bouts of insomnia, and engage in regular meditation and therapy (and lots of time in the gym).  I hope my content didn’t come across as disrespectful to people with confirmed, diagnosed cases of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

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5 hours ago, DrunkenEngineer said:


Totally understood!  Thanks for sharing.  I can say that I do share your experience r.e. intrusive thoughts, anxiety, and bouts of insomnia, and engage in regular meditation and therapy (and lots of time in the gym).  I hope my content didn’t come across as disrespectful to people with confirmed, diagnosed cases of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

You're totally good! No need to worry! I hope that your treatment is working for you. If you're experiencing those kinds of symptoms, you should see about them. My treatment experience sucked today, but that's another story entirely! xD

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On 5/10/2022 at 4:54 PM, DrunkenEngineer said:



Dishonored Dunwall City Trials DLC is done!


Congrats!! Damn man look at you, beastin like always? it's that very DLC that gives me the lone cause for trepidation with starting Dishonored. It's definitely on the list though...

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Heyo there!


I stumbled around too (1 year late to the party) and damn, nice collection you're having there :D 

Loved the Elden Ring "Magic builds are much easier than melee (as is tradition), and so of course I would refuse to use them and made the game much harder on myself" part, because well...most of us do the same mistake chad decision ? and end up being pulverized by Malenia


Also, as a Steam user, I too support the Glorious Platform Agnosticism. Games are great regardless of platform!

Big thumbs up from me :D will await for more updates, now that I've found your checklist! xD 

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5 hours ago, Copanele said:

Heyo there!


I stumbled around too (1 year late to the party) and damn, nice collection you're having there :D 

Loved the Elden Ring "Magic builds are much easier than melee (as is tradition), and so of course I would refuse to use them and made the game much harder on myself" part, because well...most of us do the same mistake chad decision 1f602.png and end up being pulverized by Malenia


Also, as a Steam user, I too support the Glorious Platform Agnosticism. Games are great regardless of platform!

Big thumbs up from me :D will await for more updates, now that I've found your checklist! xD 


Yo! I’m glad you finally stopped by!  I get major envy when I look at your profile, it’s definitely inspiring.  I can tell you enjoy completing series of games, same as I do.  And you’ve got some real ball busters on your profile.  Unfortunately, my games are spread around between my two platforms, and I can’t seem to be content with that ?  


Malenia was actually pretty straight forward on my melee build.  I went quality with the Bloodhound’s Fang and she was down within a handful of tries.  My friends who all went magic builds just struggled mightily against her.


What kinds games do you play on Steam, if you don’t mind me asking?

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33 minutes ago, DrunkenEngineer said:


Yo! I’m glad you finally stopped by!  I get major envy when I look at your profile, it’s definitely inspiring.  I can tell you enjoy completing series of games, same as I do.  And you’ve got some real ball busters on your profile.  Unfortunately, my games are spread around between my two platforms, and I can’t seem to be content with that 1f602.png  


Malenia was actually pretty straight forward on my melee build.  I went quality with the Bloodhound’s Fang and she was down within a handful of tries.  My friends who all went magic builds just struggled mightily against her.


What kinds games do you play on Steam, if you don’t mind me asking?

Hah thanks! Yeah I love finishing series of games, unless it's a series I lose interest in :D 


So what I occasionally play on Steam, whenever I get mighty bored of the PS4/go somewhere with my laptop during weekend, is usually Disciples Sacred Lands and Disciples II whenever I want a good old Turn Based game. For fighting chill I play Guilty Gear XX Accent Core, and if I feel like playing a good top-down aRPG, Titan Quest is just the right thing. It's completely different from the joke version that is on PS4 + it has all the patched and updated Expansion packs.


I never go for Steam Achievements however, it would take double the work xD 


EDIT: Oh yeah, I also play a lot of Heroes of Might and Magic 3, although I don't have the Steam version. I got the GoG edition.

Edited by Copanele
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