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Sony Responds to PS4 Hardware Issues


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Just posting an update with regards to the Hardware issues that our beloved PS4 is having in North America.  :pimp: 

Credit: IGN News and Blog to (www.ign.com)
Reference Link: http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/11/20/sony-responds-to-ps4-hardware-issues



“There have been several issues reported, which leads us to believe there isn’t a singular problem that could impact a broader percentage of PS4 units. We also understand that some units were reportedly damaged during shipping. The number of affected PS4 systems is less than 1%, which represents a very small percentage of total units shipped to date and is within the expected range for a new product introduction. We understand the frustration of consumers that have had a problem and are working with them and our retail partners to help troubleshoot issues and ensure affected units are exchanged.”





Razgriz  B) 



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I'm only hoping I won't have problems come 29th. I'll be picking mine up in store so I'll be careful taking it home. If there IS transport damage, it'll've happened during initial shipping.


I had bad luck with PS3. I bought it shortly after launch, then it broke down (red flashing) the day after. Here's hoping I'll get a proper working PS4 with no issues.

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I'm only hoping I won't have problems come 29th. I'll be picking mine up in store so I'll be careful taking it home. If there IS transport damage, it'll've happened during initial shipping.


I had bad luck with PS3. I bought it shortly after launch, then it broke down (red flashing) the day after. Here's hoping I'll get a proper working PS4 with no issues.

Well., you are not alone mate! here's someone also hoping that my PS4 won't break in it's first month or so

after making a pick up on Dec-19.

Yap, Dec-19 is the official launch day here in Singapore. --keeping fingers cross. 


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At the risk of being labelled as a "Sony pony" (what a silly name), I take them at their word.


This whole time articles are basing their facts only off Amazon's reviews as if they're the only retailer selling PS4s.

Who's gone out and asked Target, Best Buy, Future Shop, Gamestop, EB Games, Walmart, etc how many complaints they've gotten?


Let's assume 75% of Amazon orders were fulfilled in NA, I'd guess 350,000? I really have no clue.

Out of those people who actually got their system by now I think its safe to assume most of everyone who's run into problems by now would most definitely take to Amazon reviews and give it a 1 star rating. So far that's only 800 reviews. I'd round that up to 1,100 for those who either haven't bothered to review it or haven't gotten to it yet. And then add another 150 for the 2 and 3-star reviews.

Even if you don't remove all the trolls and reviews that are unverified by Amazon that's an extremely low percentage before you even consider malfunctions reported at other retailers.


All these waves of news day after day completely blew this problem out of proportion.


That being said, only time will tell if these problems really are only on day one and not something waiting to happen after about a year or so of use  :unsure:

Edited by rsoto1125
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Most major retailers have an exchange process in place already.  I know my company, Best Buy, has units set aside for same for same exchanges within the first 2 weeks for customers who purchased at our stores.  So far out of over 200 units at my location alone, there have been zero out of the box issues.  Additionally, the company as a whole has an allotment of units set for a 3-5 day exchange process for customers who bought our extended protection for problems up to 2 years later.

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Today I turned on my ps4 and started downloading NBA2K14 and Injustice:Gods Among Us, so I just put it on stand by mode and went to play some ps3, after 2 hours later I checked it and everything was downloaded and installed, all dandy! Then I decided I was gonna play some Killzone:Shadow Fall, which I have it on disc, the game was already on the system as I was playing it the day before, but when I tried to start it it said no disc, I tried it couple of times and the same, took the disc out, put it back in, still the same, by this point I was freaking out...Well I turned it off and turned it back on and it worked smoothly and good, played for hours....What I'm trying to say here is that most of those reported broken PS4's really don't have nothing, and people just assume the worst by the smallest things. It was an issue, but I think it can be resolve by patch and updates!

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Most major retailers have an exchange process in place already.  I know my company, Best Buy, has units set aside for same for same exchanges within the first 2 weeks for customers who purchased at our stores.  So far out of over 200 units at my location alone, there have been zero out of the box issues.  Additionally, the company as a whole has an allotment of units set for a 3-5 day exchange process for customers who bought our extended protection for problems up to 2 years later.


Kudos to you and all the people behind to set such quick and immediate response for troubled customers! #SALUTE 

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Most game stores secretly test their game consoles days before a major release. My local Gamestop got 150 PS4 units in, a few days before the US launch, and tested each (with Sony's permission). After that, they rebundled & reboxed them up with blue colored official sony tamper proof tape that Sony gave them. The four buggy/broken units where never sold, and instead where caught ahead of time and returned to sony. As far as I know, no one has returned their PS4 yet. If Gamestop is doing this to avoid problems, you better believe sony is asking other stores to do the same.


So don't worry. I bought two PS4s and both work fine. 


Wow. That's actually a great thing to hear.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i'm in the not so good boat, sometimes i can get the ps4 to post but most times i have to atleast restart ps4 few times just to get a signal from hdtv.  I've also seen my ps4 shutdown all by itself too so i'm not sure if i've got a hardware problem or software problem, i'm just hoping the next firmware maybe 1.5.2 or 3 gets mine running like it should.

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