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DLC add ons


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We really need to change the % when a DLC is added to the base game we should not get a drop in the % this is unacceptable in my eyes! The % should stay at 100% till that person buys the DLC and then it should drop ... We should not to be forced to buy the DLC to get back to 100% This needs to change lets make it so!! I know we are not forced but I truly im to believe that people as myself that want that 100% well, we are!! But if the % does not drop till we purchase the dlc im all for this!!!!!

Edited by Titanomachy_75
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1 hour ago, Titanomachy_75 said:

We really need to change the % when a DLC is added to the base game we should not get a drop in the % this is unacceptable in my eyes! The % should stay at 100% till that person buys the DLC and then it should drop ... We should not to be forced to buy the DLC to get back to 100% This needs to change lets make it so!! I know we are not forced but I truly im to believe that people as myself that want that 100% well, we are!! But if the % does not drop till we purchase the dlc im all for this!!!!!

sadly sony won't change it like that mate and same goes here too as yeah. I never can get 100% on brutal legend now due to the dlc not being for sale on psn anymore

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Sony has changed something similar before as the points of the platinum used to count towards the % so you'd get to 75% or whatever and then jump to 100% once you got the platinum. Changing this though? I think it unlikely as I don't really feel there is all that much energy around this issue. You'd get online trophies being put as DLC trophies on a game's release before you'd get this change I think. 


I can understand not liking DLC trophies. A lot of people for example weren't very happy when Conon Exiles randomly had an expansion that had trophies when a lot of people only did it because it was quick and given out on PSN+. On the other hand I've not really felt burned by them much myself and I feel it a little disappointing when a game getting DLC doesn't get trophies to go with it.

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54 minutes ago, DrBloodmoney said:

That would result in a situation where two people could have 100% in the same game - one who actually had 100% of the available trophies, and one who only had, say, 50%, and hadn't bothered to buy the dlc.


In the end, as much as it might irritate at times for the more completion-minded among us (of whom I am - at least loosely - one!), 100% has to mean everything - DLC and all.


Statistics are only statistics if they represent reality. 

If they don't, they are just numerically-shaped decorations.


This is all true but it comes down to a major factor they know the 100% in me or people in the same boat as me will have to pay for that DLC to get that 100% back I feel its not right cause at the end of the day that dollor in us is important. And I still feel the base game is what I paid for should dtill be 100% not 80% because a DLC was add in some cases I sold a game and now I have to get it back and paid for the DLC no that is not cool :) ...but I understand it and I thank everybody that heard me out. Happy Holidays 

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1 hour ago, StraightVege said:

Personally, I've always sorta wanted DLC to be an entirely separate entry on the profile, like a different game. Not sure how that would be implemented, though. Ultimately, the current system doesn't bother me that much, anyway.

I agree it show be its own thing ... But anyways I think we are stuck having it this way

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1 hour ago, StraightVege said:

Personally, I've always sorta wanted DLC to be an entirely separate entry on the profile, like a different game. Not sure how that would be implemented, though. Ultimately, the current system doesn't bother me that much, anyway.


This is a great idea.  I don't know how it'd be from the developer's side of things, but no reason the DLC can't be listed just as (Game) DLC.  And then the associated trophies listed there the same as a game without a plat. 


So those who like DLC could purchase and complete it for an extra completed game on their list, and those who don't like DLC wouldn't have it affect their completion percentage.  Everyone wins.  Well except the DLC's would probably sell less so there's a 0% chance of this happening.

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3 hours ago, kinnyman said:


This is a great idea.  I don't know how it'd be from the developer's side of things, but no reason the DLC can't be listed just as (Game) DLC.  And then the associated trophies listed there the same as a game without a plat. 


So those who like DLC could purchase and complete it for an extra completed game on their list, and those who don't like DLC wouldn't have it affect their completion percentage.  Everyone wins.  Well except the DLC's would probably sell less so there's a 0% chance of this happening.

Indeed seems we are never going to be satisfied ? 

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I wish it was that, I hate dlc add ons. My one 100% FF15 has dropped to 50% with the crap ton of DLC they released. I never bothered buying any as I didn't like the game so it was very annoying to see my percentage drop. Same thing happened with KH3 when Remind came out, and that is an insanely difficult DLC to get the trophies for

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This is my experience with Assassins Creed Black Flag on PS3. The Freedom Cry DLC that came with my BF disc installed it as standalone game with its on trophy list which i didn't even realise until I already 100%. So i've got a 100% entry for Freedom Cry and an Incomplete Black Flag entry because there's a Freedom Cry list in there as well!


Now PS stores have scrubbed that DLC and only the standalone is purchasable. An option for is the Season Pass (for however long it's still available) but that's too pricey for me.


So yeah. They have the option to release DLC's as standalone but I'm guessing that would take away from their sweet sweet season pass profits ?

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