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Trophy Hunters League - Season 41 underway!

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I see what you're saying. My point is just that if the season ends early, the next season wouldn't start for a while since it would run into the holidays if the break was kept normal. At least it would give more time to find replacement people though (if we still need some by then).

If the holiday event is still ongoing on January 1-3, I have a list of about 50 people that will be very interested to join :).

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I'd rather see three leagues than have only 8 people per league. Otherwise, there would be an extremely long winter break. If THL just survives one more season, maybe the Second Annual Trophy Hunter's League Holiday Special will lure some people back.


Or we just get the winter break until after christmas and start the season on the first of January so we can start the new year with a good start :D


Totally not saying this because of the plat rain day :ninja: 

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If the holiday event is still ongoing on January 1-3, I have a list of about 50 people that will be very interested to join :).

Sorry, but I'm making the holiday event a little earlier this year. I think having the Holiday Special go past New Year's would be unfair for people who are not participating in your event (it's totally not because I don't want to count hundreds of plats). I can extend the holiday special to ten days instead of seven this year, but I can't make it much longer than that since I can't really work on it until my finals are done (sometime the second full week of December).

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I'm synced, probably out tbh, didn't play for most of the day so only had a few hours to collect trophies. Might just squeeze through though, haven't seen what other people have got. :)

You're fine, it's definitely me that's out. I spent the last 4 and a half hours trying to get one trophy, because I thought I was close, but there's no way to track it. And I refuse to play something else until I get it, because this stupid game pissed me off.

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I've decided to be like the cool kids and retire as well.

I forgot how much pressure there is to always be getting trophies when in the league. I mean, it's great for just plowing through games, but I've got a lot of games I want to play that are pretty slow in the trophy department (like 3D Dot Game Heroes, Skullgirls, Vesperia, FFX, X-2, Persona 4 Golden, Trinity Universe). I want to be able to play them at my own pace, without having to jump between games like I did all season with FFXIV.

Edited by ExHaseo
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I've decided to be like the cool kids and retire as well.

I forgot how much pressure there is to always be getting trophies when in the league. I mean, it's great for just plowing through games, but I've got a lot of games I want to play that are pretty slow in the trophy department (like 3D Dot Game Heroes, Skullgirls, Vesperia, FFX, X-2, Persona 4 Golden, Trinity Universe). I want to be able to play them at my own pace, without having to jump between games like I did all season with FFXIV.




Sucks to see ya go, but the allure of J-games has claimed many before you and im sure you wont be the last ;p 

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I've decided to be like the cool kids and retire as well.

I forgot how much pressure there is to always be getting trophies when in the league. I mean, it's great for just plowing through games, but I've got a lot of games I want to play that are pretty slow in the trophy department (like 3D Dot Game Heroes, Skullgirls, Vesperia, FFX, X-2, Persona 4 Golden, Trinity Universe). I want to be able to play them at my own pace, without having to jump between games like I did all season with FFXIV.


Talk about perfect timing, I was just now compiling the retiring members/returning members list dood. 

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Im Synced as well, and its already clear that im out. Was way to tired to put up much of a fight today and RNG was against me in the last few hours :(

Anyway Goodluck to both zajac and zach

Out of likes, so thanks for the good luck. :) Sucks you were tired though!

Edited by Minene Uryuu
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Yhe exactly what zone said. And im also not going to be really competitive because i want to get back in to Elder Scrolls Online which takes about the same time as FF XIV maybe even more. And other games that i want to get ready for the Plat rain day.

And with this i just like to see how i can manage to do without being competitive.

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I'm 'the' zajac now? :P But yeh I'm synced. 


Planning for at least 300 today, maybe. Not gonna sync until the end though probably just to keep you on your toes. ;)

Lol if you pull that off (which I know you can), you win. :P


And yes you're THE Zajac..... Lol it was just a typo. xD

Edited by Minene Uryuu
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I never really understood why people want to leave the league because they want to play longer games or can't trophy hunt for a while. I have been here since the beginning. I have never won a league. I have gone months with only getting a couple of trophies when i got to the point of precision and prinny sending me one of those purge messages. But i can be very competitive at times to make even the biggest trophy addicts in the THL lose. We all have our ups and downs when it comes to earning trophies, but don't let that be the reason for leaving this awesome event. THL is more than just another competition. If you're having fun in this event, why leave?


That's just what i think of it either way. 


That's the point. I'm not really having fun, because I always feel pressure to get more trophies, and can't just play the games I want to play.


Here's why. Unlike you, I'm competitive all the time. Not just sometimes. Which is why (before joining the site and starting to trophy hunt) I used to almost exclusively play fighting games. I would enter and even run tournaments, as well as host weekly events at my house. The only reason I stopped, is because I moved across the country, and there's no fighting game scene anywhere near where I live. I also have ADD, and am always thinking about a billion things at once. So unlike, I guess, normal people, I can't just put the competition out of my head when I want to focus on something else. It's literally impossible for me. There's always a nagging voice telling me I need to be getting more trophies, because I'm going to lose. In the very rare instances when I can put that little voice out of my head (usually just when I'm against low scorers, who I know pose no threat), is when I have the most fun trophy hunting. 


It also doesn't help when people predict I'm going to win either. That puts some pressure on too. I've also noticed that some people tend to get higher scores against me when that happens. As if they feel like if they beat me, then it doesn't matter if they lose. They beat the favorite, and/or the person who won, so they're actually the best. Which makes it so I have to try even harder, and play more games I don't feel like playing at the time. Which isn't always fun. Don't get me wrong, I never play games just for trophies, and I don't play games unless I wanted to play independently from the league. I just prioritize the ones with easier lists when I'm in the league, and take breaks from the ones I'd rather be playing to get those easy trophies. I also feel the need to plan out my time, so that I have time to play the game I want to play at the time, as well as a game/games needed to get trophies. And having everything planned out like that, makes it way less fun, because I can't get into something when I know that I have a limited amount of time.


This is why it makes the whole experience less fun for me, and that's why I'm leaving. I'm happy for you that you can just ignore these things that bother me, and do whatever you want at times, but just know that not everyone is like that.


Also, even if I could just put the league out of my mind, I wouldn't want to waste a spot for someone who may want to join instead. If I'm not really participating, there's no reason for me to be in the league. It's just a waste of a slot someone else may want. It'd be like if a football team had a player who just decided to stand on the field and play on their phone for the whole game. They don't care, they're not participating in the game like everyone else, so why are they even there?

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