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Trophy Hunters League - Season 41 winner: Banana_Sausage47!

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CWC Round 2 Results


pridefc83 (7) vs Kochiya-Shana (106) vs Precision-Playy (49)


CWC Final Round


Kochiya-Shana vs. Precision-Playy


Ok doods these are the results from round 2. pridefc83 has been eliminated and it is Shana vs Boss man Precision in the final round! This concludes my minimal takeover of the League of Trophy Hunters

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Finally got internet going again after an electrical call-out, woulda been nice to fight off against Kochiya but been ill all day and still feel wasted, so congrats to her on the CWC, hope you feel like you really earned it, despite my inability to earn trophies today.

Edited by Precision-Playy
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Finally got internet going again after an electrical call-out, woulda been nice to fight off against Kochiya but been ill all day and still feel wasted, so congrats to her on the CWC, hope you feel like you really earned it.


so the poison has taken affect *evil laugh*  *clears throat* Good that your internet is going again and hope you get better dood *walks away while whistling*

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so the poison has taken affect *evil laugh*  *clears throat* Good that your internet is going again and hope you get better dood *walks away while whistling*


How to spot a supervillain:

  1. Subtlety: small text above. Check
  2. Composure: clears throat and walks away whistling. Check
  3. Maturity: being compassionate. Check
  4. A trusty sidekick: an army of prinnies under your command and connections to people with a hitlist. Check
  5. Laughter: evil laugh. Check

Damn, we're definitely dealing with a supervillain here ;)  .

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Interested in the league. Sign me up for next season.

Hey Blue, you meet the requirements so im delighted to add you to the waiting list for S5  :D



Haven't really been active the last few months, so sorry for that. Anyway great season, seeing some nice scores this season. 


Looks like i'm dropping to gold league again, but i kinda expected that. Will try to become more active again in the coming months! :)

Im going to take this as an automatic re-submission for S6 if that's what you would like buddy!?



I know I have nothing to do with the CWC, but I have thought of a question.  What would happen if two people in the CWC were to tie?  Specifically, what would happen if two people scored zero points AND what would happen if two people scored any number more than zero?  Like, if they both scored zero points, would they both be eliminated, because they weren't able to score any points, or both make it to the next day and have two people eliminated the next day?  And with two scoring the same greater than zero amount, would they both remain in the competition and have two be eliminated the next day?


Just making conversation.

All competitors stay in the competition ready for a double Elimination the next day, i am planning to completely overhaul the rules to try and cover anything and everything i can which is currently ambiguous, with help from all the competitiors! 



I had fun in my first season. Thanks Precision!

Pleasure to entertain you my good man :)



Looks like the Manganese league finished with the most platinums and highest average score. :pimp:

Enjoyed taking part this season, thanks to Precision and all the admin for doing a great job. Also to everyone who participates in the league, keeping this place entertaining and drama free.


Good luck to everyone in the CWC.


Well we all know who certainly played a big part in that ;) Thanks for the recognition to the Admin team and myself, some people always seem to forget the admins ;P 


So Precision you're probably busy defending your title as CWC champion right now, but I have an idea I'd like to share: how about putting the top 3 (or 5) highest scores of all time on the first post underneath the Hall of Fame. This could motivate competitors to get higher scores to make it to the list.



It's definately something i could do, if people want that, but would i do all-time League only or All-time all-time? 



Just an idea for the special team based round thing: Why not base it on a person's game collection like for example most of my games are of Japanese origin so I'd go on the Eastern team while someone with most of their collection being sports/shooters would be on like the Western team, kind of like a clash of who makes the better games East or West since it is probably more balanced than using each person's region, gender, religion or some other thing like that so why not use a person's gaming style as the basis? - Now this isn't using say English versions or what not to decide but say Tales of Graces f for example it'd be a game tipping someone's scales towards the East while something like COD would tip it to the West, make sense?

Im still undecided atm as to how im going to approach setting this up, but it is definately another idea i could look into. :)



Hey guys, I don't think I'll be as active as I was for the next season (if at all), but I'd like to try and get the 'fa cup' running and possibly the champions league. If you can help lend a hand plz send me a PM, as in order for it to work I'll need a fair few hands.

Please do let me know how this comes along closer to the season start, i heavily support this idea to updates from time to time would be nice to have :)



oh goodie

hehehe i see u precision...

Hey Chukk, hows it going?   :)



Edited by Precision-Playy
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so the poison has taken affect *evil laugh*  *clears throat* Good that your internet is going again and hope you get better dood *walks away while whistling*

I'm not Dead! I'm a Killer that's why...... Killer's Don't Die so easy ;) *Chuckles at the pure fear running through Prinnies veins after reading this*



So which league will Archon be in?

Archon doesn't have a league allen, he retired last season and to the best of my knowledge, hasn't re-applied to join. If he did, then you must pray that he isn't in yours :P

I thought S5 was next. Or is that full?


You know me, i did the exact same thing last season :D S5 is next xD

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It's definately something i could do, if people want that, but would i do all-time League only or All-time all-time? 

I'm not sure what you mean with 'All-time all-time'. If you mean with 'All-time League only' the scores since season 1 up till now, than yeah I'm in favor of that. If the scores stay there until someone gets an even higher score, that could motivate some people.



I'm not Dead! I'm a Killer that's why...... Killer's Don't Die so easy ;) *Chuckles at the pure fear running through Prinnies veins after reading this*



Archon doesn't have a league allen, he retired last season and to the best of my knowledge, hasn't re-applied to join. If he did, then you must pray that he isn't in yours :P

LOL :awesome:

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I'm not Dead! I'm a Killer that's why...... Killer's Don't Die so easy ;) *Chuckles at the pure fear running through Prinnies veins after reading this*



Well I didn't use the fast acting poison, they were soldout of that on the black market. Don't worry should finally get the job done sometime during the season dood ;)

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Hey Blue, you meet the requirements so im delighted to add you to the waiting list for S5  :D



Im going to take this as an automatic re-submission for S6 if that's what you would like buddy!?



All competitors stay in the competition ready for a double Elimination the next day, i am planning to completely overhaul the rules to try and cover anything and everything i can which is currently ambiguous, with help from all the competitiors! 



Pleasure to entertain you my good man :)



Well we all know who certainly played a big part in that ;) Thanks for the recognition to the Admin team and myself, some people always seem to forget the admins ;P 


It's definately something i could do, if people want that, but would i do all-time League only or All-time all-time? 



Im still undecided atm as to how im going to approach setting this up, but it is definately another idea i could look into. :)



Please do let me know how this comes along closer to the season start, i heavily support this idea to updates from time to time would be nice to have :)



Hey Chukk, hows it going?   :)




heyyo i would join but i dont get games that often but when i start i will let u know

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Finally got internet going again after an electrical call-out, woulda been nice to fight off against Kochiya but been ill all day and still feel wasted, so congrats to her on the CWC, hope you feel like you really earned it, despite my inability to earn trophies today.

Wow, I went overboard with all my prep work then...


Finishing a game from the second round, loading up decision point saves in 2 games I had prepared for CWC, an easy movie-tie in and then the Hell known as Sound Shapes all to maximise points with the least amount of required time and effort.


To think I went with these so I could at least put up a fight against you considering all of your scores this season excluding a single round and your previous CWC showing, I'm surprised actually but I have been talking with a few competitors about considering an attempt at a 1,000 point round for next season and I guess this at least makes it look possible, I hope(opponent for said round is probably hoping it is impossible though). I am happy that I at least got my 50th platinum before October ended though.


Good round though to all CWC competitors and those that didn't make it for pushing those to try their best.


Edited by Kochiya Shana
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To think I went with these so I could at least put up a fight against you considering all of your scores this season excluding a single round and your previous CWC showing, I'm surprised actually but I have been talking with a few competitors about considering an attempt at a 1,000 point round for next season and I guess this at least makes it look possible, I hope(opponent for said round is probably hoping it is impossible though). I am happy that I at least got my 50th platinum before October ended though.


Definitely achievable with the right games at your disposal. If money was no issue id possibly even fancy myself to be able to hit that B2B, so no doubt you will be able to :)

Edited by Precision-Playy
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Wow, I went overboard with all my prep work then...


Finishing a game from the second round, loading up decision point saves in 2 games I had prepared for CWC, an easy movie-tie in and then the Hell known as Sound Shapes all to maximise points with the least amount of required time and effort.


To think I went with these so I could at least put up a fight against you considering all of your scores this season excluding a single round and your previous CWC showing, I'm surprised actually but I have been talking with a few competitors about considering an attempt at a 1,000 point round for next season and I guess this at least makes it look possible, I hope(opponent for said round is probably hoping it is impossible though). I am happy that I at least got my 50th platinum before October ended though.


Good round though to all CWC competitors and those that didn't make it for pushing those to try their best.


I'm already looking forward to the s5 platinum cup fixtures. Congrats with 50 plats :yay:.

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CWC Final (29th Oct) :


Kochiya-Shana (452) - (0) Precision-Playy



Congratulations to Kochiya-Shana, the new CWC champion :)


That was close lol


By the way, any news on new features for Season 5? I'm looking forward to see some new stuff :D

Edited by Omar
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Congrats with the victory Shana :yay: .


CWC Final (29th Oct) :


Kochiya-Shana (452) - (0) Precision-Playy



Congratulations to Kochiya-Shana, the new CWC champion :)

Damn all that in just one day :o  :jaymon:  :yay: .



So which league will Archon be in?

I'm in a league of my own :giggle: . Sorry, could resist :lol: .

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Congrats on the CWC title Shana! 


Thought I had a pretty good season then Shana almost scores my season total in a day...... :| ..........I'm just gonna go over in this corner and cry about that doods


If it makes you feel better, she scored 4 times my season total xD

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