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Trophy Hunters League - Season 41 winner: Banana_Sausage47!

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Since you all seem to have been trophy hunting for a waaay longer time than me, I'd like to ask you guys if it's a good idea to start a few old games I've had for my PS3 before switching to Xbox.


These are games I bought from 2008-2010 and haven't sold since then:


  • Red Dead Redemption
  • Assassin's Creed 2
  • Modern Warfare 2
  • 007: Quantum of Solace
  • 007: Bloodstone

From the list I've deleted games I've already achieved the platinum and games that have no trophies  :shakefist:


My main worry are online servers, and difficulty (np if it's offline though).



ahhh Quantum of Solace and the shotguns that have the range of assault rifles...lol...Ahh the memories.


The only game I haven't played from that list is bloodstone. AC2 would be the easiest of them all that I have played though. If you like collection and platforming then it should be an enjoyable game. QoS and MW2 are both FPS so if that is more your style, then go for QoS first. MW2 is a little different in that the challenges take some time to get through and get use to spawn points and such.


All of them are grinds though.

Edited by allenbird
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Yeah pretty much what zajac said. Generally I like the start a new season a week after the previous one but it depends on if we have 40 participants or not after the season ends so that is why there isn't an official start date for next season dood


And there's no summer break or something? :P (a longer break than the usual)

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I just told my brother twenty minutes ago that he would be deemed an inactive player if he didn't score this fixture. He turned on the PS4, got a bronze in ten minutes, and turned it back off....That's dedication if I've ever seen it!

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Fixture 8




pridefc83 v HcG-_Clawz

ToxiKirby v X18JELLO18X

Mah2c v theshywaterguy

pureproteinman v Precision-Playy

HcG-_Terror v ganryu_pl




Boooda56 v Gregorymany

Somalia99 v Hemiak

x9zachattack5x v xZoneHunter

Kochiya-Shana v sinnriel





VASORAT13 v omar280792

ReimiSaionji9742 v TheLastSurvivorD

Grindcore12391 v zajac9999

Jarethgeason v jem12345

allenbird v TheAkittaja123




man_with_wdjat v Blanc_WhiteHeart

Jiwan01 v whoadreader

me3lingual v Raitandrul

Antielectron- v trophybros

Ichiban-Hybrid v freddie1989


Approximate Start Time: 10 minutes ago

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Good luck, Prinny, although one platinum I had planned against you doesn't seem possible now, somehow when I paid for the entire Sly trilogy on PSN a few months ago, I'm now only entitled to the 3rd game, despite having all 3 downloaded at one point. I'll just have to find a replacement game... and maybe send Etna your way to ensure my victory  :devil: .

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Good luck, Jarethgeason. I will be at a disadvantage these last two fixtures since I'm going to be busy attending a bunch of graduation events and will not be able to get a platinum until I finish Arcana Heart 3. Even so, I still have a few games up my sleeve to ensure me victory!

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Bummer. Hope it's a good match anyway.


Yeah, next monday we get the keys to the place and then its renovations all day every day that week. Im not even sure if I'll have internet but I'll try to do some damage in the evening/night. 

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Well, today has been a very merry affair, first I couldn't download the game I was wanting to play, then my internet connection acts up while I look for a solution to the previous problem, and then my PS3 has freezing fits throughout the day, and lastly PSN seems to be down for me, meaning if that solution has been fixed, it doesn't matter, I wonder if a certain peg-legged Netherworld penguin had anything to do with this...

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Well, today has been a very merry affair, first I couldn't download the game I was wanting to play, then my internet connection acts up while I look for a solution to the previous problem, and then my PS3 has freezing fits throughout the day, and lastly PSN seems to be down for me, meaning if that solution has been fixed, it doesn't matter, I wonder if a certain peg-legged Netherworld penguin had anything to do with this...


Yes my plan is working smoothly so far dood *evil laugh*.......*clears throat* Man sorry to here about all that dood, hope all that gets corrected for you :devil:

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