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Trophy Hunters League - Season 41 winner: Banana_Sausage47!

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Nice, you remembered to put on the shades this time :highfive:


I actually forgot about this, so here the announcement:


! finally got my first Star Ocean 4 The Last Hope trophy :dance:


Ok, now that you're all having this expression:



It's time for part 2 of the announcement, but first some more spoiler inceptions :devil:. Let's see which one of you has the dedication to go through all of them :P


I'm coming back for THL season 9 B) 





Welcome back :D

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It's looking more likely I'm not going to win this fixture, my PS3 is still having freezing issues, not sure about the cause though, since there's no dust in the vents & it isn't overheating. I probably would've cleared BloodRayne: Betrayal by now if it didn't keep freezing on me, and it's not the only game that has been freezing, I'll try my best for a decent score at least, but a win doesn't seem possible with just 3 points earned on day 1.


I think I'll refrain from attempting Surgeon Simulator for the rest of the season, I am absolutely terrible at it, luckily I don't get frustrated to the point of snapping while playing it, even that time where I was roughly a second too slow.

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It's looking more likely I'm not going to win this fixture, my PS3 is still having freezing issues, not sure about the cause though, since there's no dust in the vents & it isn't overheating. I probably would've cleared BloodRayne: Betrayal by now if it didn't keep freezing on me, and it's not the only game that has been freezing, I'll try my best for a decent score at least, but a win doesn't seem possible with just 3 points earned on day 1.


I think I'll refrain from attempting Surgeon Simulator for the rest of the season, I am absolutely terrible at it, luckily I don't get frustrated to the point of snapping while playing it, even that time where I was roughly a second too slow.


I've only scored 1 point so far and I'm not sure how much more I will even score so you definitely still have a chance dood

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Mwahahahahaha!!!!!!! Just be glad you weren't here for Miku Prinny dood :P

I haven't updated the tables yet but is anyone having trouble opening the link for it doods?


Oh im quite glad. 


Nah, its just Shogun haxing your computer dood. Works fine for me. 

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Don't worry, I was planning for this to be a short lived one anyway. I saw it the other day and thought it was amusing enough to have for a day or 2 dood lol


Thank prinnygod (is there a prinny god?), are you going for something special when season 9 starts? Maybe a dragon-prinny :awesome:

Edited by Dragon-Archon
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Well I guess I'm just having problems on my end sooooo the update will be delayed until tomorrow morning doods





Thank prinnygod (is there a prinny god?), are you going for something special when season 9 starts? Maybe a dragon-prinny :awesome:



On Disgaea one of the tiers for the prinny class is called "Prinny God" so technically there is dood! Not sure if I will do something special for next season  oh and just so you know......


I actually do have a prinny dragon avatar stored away dood

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Well I guess I'm just having problems on my end sooooo the update will be delayed until tomorrow morning doods




On Disgaea one of the tiers for the prinny class is called "Prinny God" so technically there is dood! Not sure if I will do something special for next season  oh and just so you know......


I actually do have a prinny dragon avatar stored away dood

Lol, ok.


Awesome :dance:, looking forward to see that one.

This is when we summon Prinny Baal for an epic duel against the epic Dragon God Prinny.

No one has ever beaten the Dragon-Prinny Alliance :D. The Jellies and Shin-Demons thought they could and were utterly annihilated :awesome:.

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