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Trophy Hunters League - Season 42 sign-ups still open!

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The regular season ends in just over four hours, and those in the top spots will be planning what to do for the CWC while the rest of us are busy preparing for Season 9.  I, for one, am excited to see how I will fare on the final Bronze League standings.    Especially since with the people retiring are making it so the Top 7 in Bronze will move up Silver.  I am torn, because on the one hand, Bronze is kind of my home.  I have been in Bronze longer than most, and earning Bronze trophies is kind of my thing.  But on the other hand, maybe being in the Silver League (if I'm lucky enough to get promoted) will change my luck and I'll become the Silver Guy instead of the Bronze Boy.


Anyway, I'm just rambling to lower the density of Golden Game talk.  Golden Game this,  blah blah Golden Game.  I won't worry about Golden Game planning until it comes.  And I doubt I'll be buying games just for the chance at double points.  I'm broke, and all my money has to go to my future move to the Sunshine State.


I'll see you in Silver, maybe. I needed to win or tie to stay in Gold, and xZonehunter did his part to beat me relatively soundly. So down to Silver I go.

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It's too bad we helped each other get our TV Game Show platinum trophies, ShogunCroCop.  We could have had a battle of the game shows to see who would win.  You know, possibly, if we end up facing each other next season.


And Orange City, Hemiak.  But we won't be leaving until at least January.  Still have to save up money though.

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It's too bad we helped each other get our TV Game Show platinum trophies, ShogunCroCop.  We could have had a battle of the game shows to see who would win.  You know, possibly, if we end up facing each other next season.


And Orange City, Hemiak.  But we won't be leaving until at least January.  Still have to save up money though.

Yeah that would have been awesome.

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I will try, but I think I'd have to take up crack to beat Zajac.  :P


Haha, sorry to say but if I am in the cwc when the results come out tomorrow I won't be doing too much in the cwc, got other stuff I'm focused on atm. Of course if I somehow got through to the last day I'm sure I'd be able to muster up at least one big score. :P

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Haha, sorry to say but if I am in the cwc when the results come out tomorrow I won't be doing too much in the cwc, got other stuff I'm focused on atm. Of course if I somehow got through to the last day I'm sure I'd be able to muster up at least one big score. :P


I won't hold my punches to prepare for one of your big scores!

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I want everyone to just bare with me

Imagine my surprise when I joined THL again, only to find out you turned it into a stripping contest. You must've spent too much time with Gray and Lyon.



Bronze is actually going to be pretty awesome next season, damn.

I hope so too.


Well doods looks like another season comes to an end

One thing ends and another thing starts dood.


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