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Trophy Hunters League - Season 42 sign-ups still open!

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Why's that?


I mean its fine, but just not as good as S1. Theres not as much at stake and feels like kids just playing a game. 

Don't spoil him. Also..


(Wasn't all that disappointing in my opinion)


Coulda been a LOT better though. 

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Do yourself a favor and watch Log horizon instead.

Thnx for the recommendation, I'll put it on my To Watch list.


Note to self: create an Anime Planet account (and this time for sure).


I mean its fine, but just not as good as S1. Theres not as much at stake and feels like kids just playing a game. 

Ok, that doesn't sound too bad,



Another season down doods, these seasons are starting to go waaay too fast O_o

The fixture is already over??? Time really flew by, at least I got a silver trophy today in Tales of Hearts R. Oh well, now I can focus on SAO.

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Why's that?


Well as a massive sao fan i can say that season 1 was better but i also liked season 2 nontheless. didnt really liked the ggo part though. But season 2 comes with less action less epicness and even more harem.

I was thinking about watching both season again. 


Oh and as zonehunter said, Log Horizon is pretty good aswell.


Just remember to watch the opening over and over again.



Oh and dont forget the awesome ending. It always made me really happy after an epic episode.



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Well as a massive sao fan i can say that season 1 was better but i also liked season 2 nontheless. didnt really liked the ggo part though. But season 2 comes with less action less epicness and even more harem.

NOOOOO noooo-onion-head-emoticon.gif?1292862514, what's the point in more harem stuff. Kirito already has a girlfriend. Is the soundtrack at least as good as in the first arc?

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Well as a massive sao fan i can say that season 1 was better but i also liked season 2 nontheless. didnt really liked the ggo part though. But season 2 comes with less action less epicness and even more harem.

I was thinking about watching both season again. 


Oh and as zonehunter said, Log Horizon is pretty good aswell.


I thought GGO was pretty cool, didn't really care for the Excalibur arc and Mother's Rosario arc was just too good dood

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I thought GGO was pretty cool, didn't really care for the Excalibur arc and Mother's Rosario arc was just too good dood

This is my opinion on SAO II as well and as for Log Horizon it's 2nd season was of lower quality than it's 1st granted I believe it shifted studios at least the designs make it feel like it did without checking.

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I didn't win for my first time being in this league but ya know, I had fun and I want to thank you guys for letting me participate. Especially the awesome doods who run the entire thing. Wouldn't mind trying a second shot at this. ^^;

At least we didn't have to face off against Pureprotein. I remember when I had to face him during my first season and I got my ass KICKED. (By a couple of hundred points)

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I didn't win for my first time being in this league but ya know, I had fun and I want to thank you guys for letting me participate. Especially the awesome doods who run the entire thing. Wouldn't mind trying a second shot at this. ^^;


Eh, atleast you got promoted. ^_^ unless you bottle it...

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Well as a massive sao fan i can say that season 1 was better but i also liked season 2 nontheless. didnt really liked the ggo part though. But season 2 comes with less action less epicness and even more harem.

I was thinking about watching both season again. 


Oh and as zonehunter said, Log Horizon is pretty good aswell.


Oh you mean the Aincrad arc where they left out a lot of important information and rushed through parts such as Red Nosed Reindeer? If so I heavily suggest you read the LN or if you're into H go search for translations of the original work which kind of explains the harem aspect considering Kirito got around almost as much as a Nanaya does in Tsukihime.


Anyway for now until next season I think I'll play these new games I picked up today(Saekano, DATE A LIVE, IA/VT and ESTIVAL VERSUS) and my UR challenge games.

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Another season down doods, these seasons are starting to go waaay too fast O_o

your telling me lol

So what do all you guys have planned for the off season?

Currently just Heavy Fire: Shattered Spear which is ineligible in the league.

i mite hit all my games that dont make the cut for playing in the league :)

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At least we didn't have to face off against Pureprotein. I remember when I had to face him during my first season and I got my ass KICKED. (By a couple of hundred points)


Yeah I'm pretty sure I would have too.. I fall into the habit of just focusing on one game most of the time. :S


Plus I've been platinuming a lot of the games I own.


Eh, atleast you got promoted. ^_^ unless you bottle it...


Pfft, me getting promoted?  :awesome: My competition game isn't that great.

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Oh you mean the Aincrad arc where they left out a lot of important information and rushed through parts such as Red Nosed Reindeer? 

I agree with this, it felt really rushed, I would've prefered if the anime was fleshed out.


Also is it just me or is Asuna becoming a secondary character.instead of the female protagonist.

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Smart arse, I figured but I thought maybe you might try something that takes longer than 12 hours to complete and non VN lol ;)

Working on within the season just gone;


Grid Autosport (Plat yesterday) 

Project Cars

Cod AW Zombies 

Beach Buggy Racing



Also my score against Clawz this season was 375 with no VN played hehe :)



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So looking at the scores I pulled another triple digit to get a DW against Prinny and it looks like J2V beat me3lingual so I pulled a 3 win streak to eek survival by 1 point. I think?!

Also Murdered Soul Suspect was my new fastest plat albeit only 17 hours!!

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So looking at the scores I pulled another triple digit to get a DW against Prinny and it looks like J2V beat me3lingual so I pulled a 3 win streak to eek survival by 1 point. I think?!

Also Murdered Soul Suspect was my new fastest plat albeit only 17 hours!!

Freddie I could have sworn I told you not to score triple digits this round, as punishment I'm creating a purgatory league that is lower than bronze to put you in dood xD

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