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Trophy Hunters League - Season 41 winner: Banana_Sausage47!

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Finished season 2 of SAO. GGO seemed like a spin off anime because Kiriko used that girl avatar and Sinon was the female protagonist. While there were a few funny moments, I would've prefered if the reason was given as to why Kiriko used that avatar. During the GGO arc it felt like I was watching an anime version of Star Wars o_0. I actually liked the 3 Excalibur filler episodes more than the GGO arc. Mother's Rosarie was ok too, Asuna got a big part in that arc, but Kiriko was hardly there. I'm hoping season 3 will bring back the feeling from the Aincrad arc and put both Kuriko and Asuna in the lead again. Anyone got an idea when season 3 might start?


I'm pretty surprised I did so well this season. I just played through my backlog and worked towards my 100 plat goal. o_o

Yeah I also did surprisingly well for playing mostly SO4.


@everyone - are people thinking about their GG selections for next season yet?

I have a few games in mind.

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Finished season 2 of SAO. GGO seemed like a spin off anime because Kiriko used that girl avatar and Sinon was the female protagonist. While there were a few funny moments, I would've prefered if the reason was given as to why Kiriko used that avatar. During the GGO arc it felt like I was watching an anime version of Star Wars o_0. I actually liked the 3 Excalibur filler episodes more than the GGO arc. Mother's Rosarie was ok too, Asuna got a big part in that arc, but Kiriko was hardly there. I'm hoping season 3 will bring back the feeling from the Aincrad arc and put both Kuriko and Asuna in the lead again. Anyone got an idea when season 3 might start?


Yeah I also did surprisingly well for playing mostly SO4.


I have a few games in mind.

Kiriko is the fan nickname to the GGO avatar his actual avatar name is Kirito as for the reason no clear reason was given also it was a MALE avatar not the female version that is clearly stated. There are 2 possibe speculated reasons 1 being the avatars are randomly handed out remember his GGO avatar was said to be rare moreso that he had the male version and the 2nd is it is possible due to his transferred account having high playtime he had higher odds of a rare avatar since remember the guy wanting to buy it asks how long he had played. 


Season 3 I'd wait for an announcement but going by the material that should be a good season as for lack of Kirito in Mother's Rosario it wasn't too bad and Yuuki was a great character also Sinon is a great character too GGO overall was a nice change of pace and didn't hang around too long also SAO uses multiple MMOs since we still have another game left.


The Excalibur arc wasn't that great in my opinion too short and Gary Stu in order to trigger the quest when everybody else was doing the worst possible thing so they're trying to make me believe no other player considered Ragnarok?


Oh, the game we're waiting on if another season gets done should please you hopefully. I'd also like to say Accel World was the better series too bad it didn't get a 2nd season...

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We'll, it seems that I'll be home while the first round of the CWC is happening. Good time to finish up other things!


Oh, the game we're waiting on if another season gets done should please you hopefully. I'd also like to say Accel World was the better series too bad it didn't get a 2nd season...

I'm still hoping that the fight between SIlver Crow and Kirito happens in the form of an anime OVA.

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Kiriko is the fan nickname to the GGO avatar his actual avatar name is Kirito as for the reason no clear reason was given also it was a MALE avatar not the female version that is clearly stated. There are 2 possibe speculated reasons 1 being the avatars are randomly handed out remember his GGO avatar was said to be rare moreso that he had the male version and the 2nd is it is possible due to his transferred account having high playtime he had higher odds of a rare avatar since remember the guy wanting to buy it asks how long he had played. 


Season 3 I'd wait for an announcement but going by the material that should be a good season as for lack of Kirito in Mother's Rosario it wasn't too bad and Yuuki was a great character also Sinon is a great character too GGO overall was a nice change of pace and didn't hang around too long also SAO uses multiple MMOs since we still have another game left.


The Excalibur arc wasn't that great in my opinion too short and Gary Stu in order to trigger the quest when everybody else was doing the worst possible thing so they're trying to make me believe no other player considered Ragnarok?


Oh, the game we're waiting on if another season gets done should please you hopefully. I'd also like to say Accel World was the better series too bad it didn't get a 2nd season...

Oh right :facepalm:. My bad. 


Nice, looking forward to season 3. Is it on par with Aincrad? Yeah Yuuki is a great character. I liked how you first see Asuna's version of Zekken and afterwards Yuuki is introduced (followed by a death stare to Kirito :lol: ).


Yui said that the Ragnarok thing was randomly generated, so players assumed it was just a fixed thing and never expected the system would create a quest that will cause the world's destruction.


Awesome, there's another SAO game in development? I'm considering to get SAO: Lost Song. Hollow Fragment has a lot of grinding, so I'll postpone that after completing SO4. I'll give Accel World a try too.

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Oh, the game we're waiting on if another season gets done should please you hopefully. I'd also like to say Accel World was the better series too bad it didn't get a 2nd season...


I enjoyed accel world a lot more too. It is a shame we never got a season 2 because the conflict in the second half of season 1 lasted a bit too long. Have you read the manga? Im considering reading it since I'd like more of the story..

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I'm still hoping that the fight between SIlver Crow and Kirito happens in the form of an anime OVA.


I've been hoping for that as well but seems the only OVAs are those that came with the Accel World games.


Oh right :facepalm:. My bad. 


Nice, looking forward to season 3. Is it on par with Aincrad? Yeah Yuuki is a great character. I liked how you first see Asuna's version of Zekken and afterwards Yuuki is introduced (followed by a death stare to Kirito :lol: ).


Yui said that the Ragnarok thing was randomly generated, so players assumed it was just a fixed thing and never expected the system would create a quest that will cause the world's destruction.


Awesome, there's another SAO game in development? I'm considering to get SAO: Lost Song. Hollow Fragment has a lot of grinding, so I'll postpone that after completing SO4. I'll give Accel World a try too.

I meant event-wise they should've seen it as weird to be on the side of Ragnarok.


I meant the next game after Aincrad, ALO, GGO, etc. The Alicization Arc is what I am referring to since the only games that are SAO are Infinity Moment, Hollow Fragment, Lost Song and then Kirito and Asuna's appearance in Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax where somehow Asuna can use Mother's Rosario in her Aincrad avatar...


I enjoyed accel world a lot more too. It is a shame we never got a season 2 because the conflict in the second half of season 1 lasted a bit too long. Have you read the manga? Im considering reading it since I'd like more of the story..

The way they ended it as well made it feel like another season was coming but then nope just more SAO and yes I've read a bit have to do some catching up but definitely a recommended read.

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I meant event-wise they should've seen it as weird to be on the side of Ragnarok.


I meant the next game after Aincrad, ALO, GGO, etc. The Alicization Arc is what I am referring to since the only games that are SAO are Infinity Moment, Hollow Fragment, Lost Song and then Kirito and Asuna's appearance in Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax where somehow Asuna can use Mother's Rosario in her Aincrad avatar...

Lol, ok completely misunderstood that. I'm guessing Asuna can do some serious damage with Mother's Rosario. Here's hoping there will be an epic fight in the anime where she uses it. Favorite fight so far is Kirito vs Gleam Eyes.


Is the Alicization arc the final arc? And do you know if the Laughing Coffin purge was in the Aincrad arc or was that added later during GGO? It would make sense if it was in the Aincrad arc, because a certain Knight of Blood Oath was secretly a member of LC too.

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  1. dean_gustafson
  2. theshywaterguy
  3. ShogunCroCop
  4. Ichiban-Hybrid
  5. TheLastSurvivorD
  1. Grindcore12391
  1. x9zachattack5x
  2. RalphyLDN
  3. Tristanfun2
  1. ToxiKirby
  2. pureproteinman
  3. Boooda56
  4. Precision-Playy
  5. HcG-_Clawz
  6. Mah2c
  7. X18JELLO18X
  8. HcG-_Terror
  9. Somalia99
  10. ReimiSaionji9742
  11. Jarethgeason
  12. xZoneHunter
  13. Gregorymany
  14. sinnriel
  15. VASORAT13
  16. Hemiak
  17. ganryu_pl
  18. zajac9999
  19. TheAkittaja123
  20. Kochiya-Shana
  21. J2V_89
  22. whoadreader
  23. man_with_wdjat
  24. freddie1989
  25. me3lingual
  26. Raitandrul
  28. ExHaseo
  29. S4V463_F0XH0UND
  30. Dragon-Archon
  31. BlueFireReaper
  32. RachP13
  33. allenbird
  34. omar280792
So this is the preliminary participant list. If I have you in the wrong category or you simply have changed your mind about your standing in the league let me know before the CWC ends as it will be locked in after that.
Ok golden game stuff, I asked you doods a couple fixtures ago if you wanted to keep it 1 game a fixture or 1 every 3 fixtures and the majority of you chose to keep it 1 game a fixture so it'll stay that way. This time however we will have 9 different games from 9 different genres. Here are the genres for next season:
  1. Shooter
  2. Rpg
  3. platformer
  4. Racing
  5. Action/adventure
  6. Sports
  7. Shoot em up/bullet hell
  8. rhythm
  9. puzzle
So you guys will list one game per genre you would like to be the golden game then I'll use RNG to pick a game from each genre to be the golden games for next season. If you can't think of a choice for a particular genre that is fine, as long I can get a few choices per genre it is all good.
Also remember games must meet the following criteria to be nominated as a golden game dood:
  • 50th time on the fastest achievers list must be a minimum of 3 days
  • Episodic games can't be golden games
  • Games with any autopopable trophies can't be golden games 
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Ok golden game stuff, I asked you doods a couple fixtures ago if you wanted to keep it 1 game a fixture or 1 every 3 fixtures and the majority of you chose to keep it 1 game a fixture so it'll stay that way. This time however we will have 9 different games from 9 different genres. Here are the genres for next season:

  • Shooter
  • Rpg
  • platformer
  • Racing
  • Action/adventure
  • Sports
  • Shoot em up/bullet hell
  • rhythm
  • puzzle
So you guys will list one game per genre you would like to be the golden game then I'll use RNG to pick a game from each genre to be the golden games for next season. If you can't think of a choice for a particular genre that is fine, as long I can get a few choices per genre it is all good.


Also remember games must meet the following criteria to be nominated as a golden game dood:

  • 50th time on the fastest achievers list must be a minimum of 3 days
  • Episodic games can't be golden games
  • Games with any autopopable trophies can't be golden games 


LOL let the debate begin about what game fits in what genre!!

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  1. Shooter - Battlefield 3
  2. RPG - Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment
  3. Platformer - Sonic Unleashed
  4. Racing - Need for Speed Most Wanted
  5. Action/adventure - Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2(I know it is more action than action/adventure but closest I can think of)
  6. Sports - ...
  7. Shoot em up/bullet hell - Touhou Gensou no Rondo
  8. Rhythm - IA/VT Colorful
  9. Puzzle - ...

I have ideas for the other genres but I decided to only cover the genres where there were games I'd gladly play if they appeared.



Since no penalty added a few more.

Edited by Kochiya Shana
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These are my nominations for now, will add more if I can think of any.

  1. Shooter - Call of Duty: Black Ops II
  2. Rpg - Disgaea 4
  3. platformer - LittleBigPlanet2
  4. Racing - 
  5. Action/adventure - 
  6. Sports -
  7. Shoot em up/bullet hell - 
  8. rhythm - 
  9. puzzle - 

Bluefirereaper votes for BO2, so can i vote for BO2 aswell? just wanted to know, i probably wont be picking this game anyway.

Prinny said he'll be using RNG, so it'll all be random pick.

Edited by RedWaterAngel
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Before I start suggesting golden games, I wanted to check to see if we're going to be punished for not playing a game we recommended or not. Because I'm definitely not suggesting anything if we do.



Oh yeah I forgot to put that in the post. I decided I won't be doing a penalty system because of the random nature of how games are chosen a game someone chose might end up during a fixture that isn't good for them. There is also just random unavoidable real life stuff that can come up during a fixture so won't do one.



quick question are we able to vote a game multiple times? 


Bluefirereaper votes for BO2, so can i vote for BO2 aswell? just wanted to know, i probably wont be picking this game anyway.


Nope 1 vote per game dood

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1. Shooter: --

2. RPG: Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep Final Mix

3. Platformer: Rayman Legends

4. Racing: Driveclub

5. Action/Adventure: DMC4 Definitive Edition

6. Sports: --

7. Shoot em up/Bullet hell: --

8. Rhythm: --

9. Puzzle: Virtue's Last Reward (if it fits here xD)

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Oh yeah I forgot to put that in the post. I decided I won't be doing a penalty system because of the random nature of how games are chosen a game someone chose might end up during a fixture that isn't good for them. There is also just random unavoidable real life stuff that can come up during a fixture so won't do one.


Ok cool, thanks dood. I just wanted to be sure.


Here's suggestions for golden games.

  1. Shooter - Modern Warfare 3
  2. Rpg - Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn
  3. Platformer - Bloodrayne Betrayal
  4. Racing - Burnout Paradise
  5. Action/adventure - Killer is Dead
  6. Sports - FIFA 14 (PS3)
  7. Shoot em up/bullet hell - GundeadliGne
  8. Rhythm - Project DIVA F 2nd
  9. puzzle - Catherine
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  1. Shooter - Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel (PS4)

  2. Rpg - Ni No Kuni

platformer - LittleBigPlanet 3 (PS4)

Racing - Gran Turismo 6

Action/adventure - Assassin's Creed Rogue

Sports - Everybody's Golf (Vita)

Shoot em up/bullet hell - Geometry Wars Dimensions Evolved (Vita)

rhythm - Just Dance 2015

puzzle - Road Not Taken

Edited by RachP13
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  • Shooter - Call of duty Advanced Warfare
  • Rpg - Lords of the Fallen
  • platformer - Knack (im sorry)
  • Racing - Driveclub
  • Action/adventure - Metal Gear Rising
  • Sports - MLB 15 
  • Shoot em up/bullet hell - yeah not happening
  • rhythm - DJ Hero 2
  • puzzle - Peggle 2


EDIT: Good luck keeping track of all this shit prinny xD

Edited by Boooda
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