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Trophy Hunters League - Season 41 winner: Banana_Sausage47!

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(1) S4V463_F0XH0UND (124) - (142) ExHaseo (2)


This was a good match. It was the first time in a while I had to really try. Instead of just half-ass it and play FFXIV.


That fixture probably cost me my chance at winning though. I'm basically out of quick and easy games :/

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Been playing a lot of blur the last couple of days. Managed to get 6/9 of the campaigns done on hard. So i'll probably push through till i finish it. I already done all of the online as well (apart from one trophy i need to boost which takes like 5 minutes...) After that it's a small grind and then i'll have another UR platinum :D 


How is everyone else doing/playing?

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Been playing a lot of blur the last couple of days. Managed to get 6/9 of the campaigns done on hard. So i'll probably push through till i finish it. I already done all of the online as well (apart from one trophy i need to boost which takes like 5 minutes...) After that it's a small grind and then i'll have another UR platinum :D


How is everyone else doing/playing?

Completed all Death Modes in Sound Shapes and I'll pop the plat later today for Rach's non-violence event, so I don't have a lot of points. Sound Shapes is one of the 3 plats that will be unlocked this year, the others being Ys (for the We Play) and Tales of Hearts R (trophy #6,000). After that I'll return to farming 5 million gold in Diablo. So far I have 1.61/5 million. There was a game session planned, but the guy doesn't seem to respond :shakefist:.

Edited by Dragon-Archon
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Been playing a lot of blur the last couple of days. Managed to get 6/9 of the campaigns done on hard. So i'll probably push through till i finish it. I already done all of the online as well (apart from one trophy i need to boost which takes like 5 minutes...) After that it's a small grind and then i'll have another UR platinum :D


How is everyone else doing/playing?


Got 2 trophies from LBP Vita a couple days ago but that is all I got, been pretty busy this fixture. I did at least finish the story on it though dood

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Damn you made some serious progress. Do you like the Grand Magic Games arc? It's my favourite part of Fairy Tail. Also did you watch the movie?


Yhe i really liked that its one of my favourite as well so far, still got some to watch so cant say for whats next. And no i havent watched the movie yet.

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Yhe i really liked that its one of my favourite as well so far, still got some to watch so cant say for whats next. And no i havent watched the movie yet.

Tartaros, the arc on air right now, is pretty good. But GMG was still the best. 

If you haven't read the manga, you're in for a few surprises near the end of the Tartaros arc ;).

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Wow, there are a lot of retirements this season. 


Are we doing a holiday event this year?


When jem retired he said he was going to try to do another holiday event and make it an annual thing. He told me this a few months ago though so not sure if he is still planning on it dood

Prinny decided to start season 12 on January 1st, so it could happen.


When did I decide this dood?!?! O_o

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