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Trophy Hunters League - Season 41 winner: Banana_Sausage47!

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When jem retired he said he was going to try to do another holiday event and make it an annual thing. He told me this a few months ago though so not sure if he is still planning on it dood


When did I decide this dood?!?! O_o

If Jem is too busy, I'm willing to do it.


You promised me that dood that time when we went to the bar together. Don't you remember how we talked about what a great run we had and you said "screw it, let's start THL season 12 on January 1st". We even made a toast. I guess you must've drank a lot of Prinny Juice if you can't remember it, but don't worry dood I just happened to have a recording device with me and recorded it. What a coincidence  :awesome:.

Edited by Dragon-Archon
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If Jem is too busy, I'm willing to do it.


You promised me that dood that time when we went to the bar together. Don't you remember how we talked about what a great run we had and you said "screw it, let's start THL season 12 on January 1st". We even made a toast. I guess you must've drank a lot of Prinny Juice if you can't remember it, but don't worry dood I just happened to have a recording device with me and recorded it. What a coincidence  :awesome:.


I'll probably message him a little closer to the holiday break to see if he still wants to do it and let you know. I have a feeling that if you run the holiday event you will ensure that the Jan 1st event will be one of the days of the holiday event dood xD


Yeeaaah since I can't remember it I'm just going to act like it didn't happen but I guess this is a sign I need to attend some AA meetings dood

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I'll probably message him a little closer to the holiday break to see if he still wants to do it and let you know. I have a feeling that if you run the holiday event you will ensure that the Jan 1st event will be one of the days of the holiday event dood xD


Yeeaaah since I can't remember it I'm just going to act like it didn't happen but I guess this is a sign I need to attend some AA meetings dood

That didn't even occur to me, but thanks for the idea :highfive:. Though I don't think a lot of people will play games on December 31st..

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Just got home from the trip. Not sure if I'll play today or not, still got to unpack, pick up the kids and so my weekly paperwork, which should be much shorter than usual. Plus my daughter has two softball games tomorrow so we'll all probably get to sleep early tonight.

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When jem retired he said he was going to try to do another holiday event and make it an annual thing. He told me this a few months ago though so not sure if he is still planning on it dood


When did I decide this dood?!?! O_o

I was actually going to pm you about that when it got closer to December. Yes, I'm still planning on doing it (though I'm not sure if I'm going to participate yet), and I have some new ideas to make this year's holiday special the best one yet! (even though it's only the second one)

Edited by jem12345
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FIXTURE SET 9: Golden Game- Shift 2 Unleashed



xZoneHunter vs Jarethgeason

ReimiSaionji9742 vs ToxiKirby

Boooda56 vs Precision-Playy

X18JELLO18X vs Mah2c

HcG-_Clawz vs pureproteinman



Somalia99 vs Kochiya-Shana

man_with_wdjat vs VASORAT13

zajac9999 vs whoadreader

J2V_89 vs sinnriel

HcG-_Terror vs Gregorymany



Hemiak vs Dragon-Archon

freddie1989 vs omar280792

BlueFireReaper vs RachP13

TheAkittaja123 vs S4V463_F0XH0UND

ganryu_pl vs ExHaseo




RalphyLDN vs Ka-Pi96

Mystvayne vs Not_like_therest

allenbird vs x9zachattack5x

me3lingual vs Tristanfun2


Final fixture, make it count doods!


Approx Start Time: 7 minutes doods

Edited by Wdjat Prinny Doods
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ToxiKirby (13) - (12) Jarethgeason

Mah2c (11) - (44) ReimiSaionji9742 (1)

Precision-Playy (6) - (63) xZoneHunter

pureproteinman (61) - (0) Boooda56

X18JELLO18X (5) - (11) HcG-_Clawz



whoadreader (0) - (8) Somalia99

VASORAT13 (5) - (33) Kochiya-Shana

Gregorymany (5) - (43) zajac9999

(1) sinnriel (63) - (3) man_with_wdjat 

J2V_89 (15) - (0) HcG-_Terror



S4V463_F0XH0UND (13) - (56) RachP13 (1)

(1) ExHaseo (113) - (50) BlueFireReaper

Dragon-Archon (23) - (0)TheAkittaja123

(1) omar280792 (79) - (52) ganryu_pl

freddie1989 (15) - (0) Hemiak



Ka-Pi96 (0) - (32) NIALLERMANBUZ

Raitandrul (0) - (34) Mystvayne

RalphyLDN (5) - (2) allenbird

(1) Not_like_therest (75) - (0) me3lingual

Tristanfun2 (0) - (17) x9zachattack5x


1 person played the golden game (ganryu_pl)

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But.....but it is 75 and zajac even confirmed dood. Zajac help a brotha out man........damn the prinny juice must be affecting me in a bad way if I'm asking zajac for help doods


Lol it is 75, but tbh I heard that Prinny just rolled his special 100 sided dice and it happened to come up on 75. What are the chances of that? O.o






The chance is 1% Prinny, before you get your dice back out again. :P

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Lol it is 75, but tbh I heard that Prinny just rolled his special 100 sided dice and it happened to come up on 75. What are the chances of that? O.o






The chance is 1% Prinny, before you get your dice back out again. :P


Maaan you told me you wouldn't tell people about my 100 sided die method then again it was foolish of me to believe that a fellow trophy hunter wife could keep a secret dood :P

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