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Trophy Hunters League - Season 41 winner: Banana_Sausage47!

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So anyone seen a good anime/movie lately?


I posted a message in the PRD thread to notify all the participants about the Christmas special (aaaaand maybe also to vote for the second option in the poll :ninja: ). A few people joined and if they like it, they may join season 12 too.


I just started watching Magi, zonehunter recommended this anime to me like a month ago or something so i gave it a try now. And even though i have only watched 1 episode i'm already liking it. 


I also watched The Interview yesterday and thought it was a pretty funny movie ^^





Wouldn't the #1 just choose the highest-scoring player from each League and create an unbeatable all-stars team?


Huh? I dont know what you're talking about dude. :ninja::awesome:

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For some strange reason I've felt the urge to watch the Fast and Furious series. I had only watched the first 2 YEARS ago, so I've rewatched all up to the 4th one. The acting is borderline atrocious especially in the first one, but its enjoyable. I heard the series really picks up with 4,5,6 and 7 so Im excited to watch those now. 




Fast Five is my favourite out of the series. I enjoyed all of them even though Tokyo drift kinda different.


As far as the teams go, I think having maybe the top 2 in each league being a team captain and then have a draft in order to pick teams.

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I just started watching Magi, zonehunter recommended this anime to me like a month ago or something so i gave it a try now. And even though i have only watched 1 episode i'm already liking it. 


I also watched The Interview yesterday and thought it was a pretty funny movie ^^




Huh? I dont know what you're talking about dude. :ninja::awesome:

Nice, what's it about?


Right ;).

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Sorry this post is so long, but I have a lot of people to quote.

I was in the league for seasons 2-5/8 and while there were some short periods where the league was dead, it's never been quite this bad. I think the seven-day fixtures is part of the problem but also because a lot of the earlier competitors aren't in the league anymore. I did a small amount of banter with my opponents while I was in the league, but now I don't really have a reason to post here most of the time.


Apparently there was a team league before I started trophy hunting competitively, but it died after one or two seasons. Last year TheLastSurvivor overtook the team league with me counting the scores. There was supposed to be a second season, but not enough teams joined. If there was enough interest in the league, I would've taken over the team league myself.


A season of teams sounds interesting, but I think rather than replace the individual league for a season, there should be a side league for teams. I remember one of the earlier seasons when there was the league of champions running alongside the league of trophy hunters, so I don't think it would be that hard to do something like that again. I have some ideas about how this'll work and would even run it if people are interested (can't participate in it sadly), but the team league's format would depend on how many people are in the league next season. Hopefully the holiday special will gain some interest in the league.


I'm not sure if you figured this out already since you joined the event, but the Christmas Special is an annual event that I made to:


A. Give the admins a break from counting scores.

B. Give people in the league something to do while waiting for the next season.

C. Give the league some publicity and attract trophy hunters who are unable to compete in the league full-time (like me!).


The main rules of the event are similar to running a single extended fixture of the league. The only difference is that you'll be on a team. While the teams aren't random, you won't know who's on your team until after registration closes, so it's a little different from the team league in that regard. After the "fixture" is over, scores will be counted, and the team with the most points wins! To keep the holiday special interesting, I've decided to add special rules each year. This year's happen to be the golden game and the rule where each trophy's score is multiplied by the number of team members who have that trophy, but I've already thought of the rules for 2016 (which are completely different and you'll find out on my birthday next year).


I've been watching Fist of the North Star the past week and a half. It's a lot better than I expected it to be.


I was thinking a cool way to choose teams would be to have the members of the platinum league next season draft members from the other leagues. The number one person in the platinum league would choose someone from gold, silver, and bronze, then the number two person, three, and so on.


Once I found the Christmas Special thread, I understood what it was. I didn't participate last season. That's why I was confused.

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Fast Five is my favourite out of the series. I enjoyed all of them even though Tokyo drift kinda different.


As far as the teams go, I think having maybe the top 2 in each league being a team captain and then have a draft in order to pick teams.

That could work as long as there's a rule preventing captains to pick from their own league. If we do end up running the individual league and team league simultaneously, it would be weird going up someone in the individual league who's also on your team.

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Wouldn't the #1 just choose the highest-scoring player from each League and create an unbeatable all-stars team?


There could be some way of doing this where it's more fair. Maybe make it so that the Top 4 finishers in Plat pick from the bottom 4 in Gold and Bronze, and Top 4 in Silver. Then the bottom 4 in Plat get Top 4 in Gold and Bronze, and bottom 4 in Silver. Or something like that to try and make it as even as possible across the board.

Edited by ShogunCroCop
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Nice, what's it about?


Right ;).


As i only watched 1 episode its kinda hard to tell so i just copied this shit :D


In a sand-swept land of caravans, brigands and adventurers, legends tell of the ominous dungeon towers that suddenly appeared 14 years ago. It's said that by clearing one of these prisons, you can obtain treasure beyond your wildest dreams, and even form a contract with magical genies of immense power - assuming you make it out alive. In this world, Alibaba is a young rogue who wants nothing more than to get rich by clearing all of the world's dungeons, starting with the nearby tower Amon; Aladdin is a curious young boy with a magical flute and a hidden ability; and Morgiana is a slave who can't escape her chains. As their fates intertwine, the three find themselves wandering the land, battling powerful enemies, and taking a stand against powerful forces that seek to corrupt the weak and innocent.


A month too late though.... :awesome: Hope you enjoy it as much as i did :D


Better late then never right? :D  First i wanted to watch some stuff i've already started and some other anime that have been on my mind. So now i went for this one.


Im pretty sure i'm going to like it. I only watched 1 episode and im already liking aladdin and alibaba, and it has my 3 favourite genres all in one. Action Fantasy and Adventure so thats also really good :P and to make it even better some comedy

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Not a great fixture for me as i said beforehand but i have made good progress on GTA IV for PRD, got 100% completion done, man those pigeons are boring as f*&k!! Congrats on your win Stalker, i told you not to worry.


Break time is good, i will be putting some more to my PRD count hopefully, I have The Order to get through!!

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Not a great fixture for me as i said beforehand but i have made good progress on GTA IV for PRD, got 100% completion done, man those pigeons are boring as f*&k!! Congrats on your win Stalker, i told you not to worry.


Break time is good, i will be putting some more to my PRD count hopefully, I have The Order to get through!!


Glad you used up all of your energy and points in that shootout with Ichiban last week. Also helped that those annoying pigeons kept you busy for most of the week.  :)

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Sorry for the late release but here are the scres doods:





(1) Boooda56 (119) - (61) Mah2c

xZoneHunter (52) - (56) zajac9999

HcG-_Clawz (139) - (130) ReimiSaionji9742 (2)

Somalia99 (26) - (1) X18JELLO18X



Jarethgeason (38) - (60) Gregorymany (1)

man_with_wdjat (100) - (147) whoadreader (2)

ganryu_pl (40) - (185) ToxiKirby (3)

omar280792 (17) - (4) Dragon-Archon



NIALLERMANBUZ (45) - (0) Ka-Pi96

J2V_89 (48) - (78) Mystvayne

allenbird (0) - (31) HcG-_Terror

VASORAT13 (0) - (49) RalphyLDN (1)



TheAkittaja123 (9) - (67) Mike13858 (1)

NICK16_06 (12) - (17) ShogunCroCop

MStalker58 (100) - (12) freddie1989

me3lingual (54) - (45) Ichiban-Hybrid

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freddie1989's photo has been added to the creepy stalker wall shrine of fallen opponents.


Going to use the break to stalk.....uhhh.....uhhh..... I mean gather intel on my future opponents.  :stalker:

It's on....oh hell yes it is on now!!! Next time round I will obliterate you and add you to my wall that I just created in your honour!!
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It's on....oh hell yes it is on now!!! Next time round I will obliterate you and add you to my wall that I just created in your honour!!


Dammit, I knew trying to trash talk would come back to bite me. I should have stayed in the shadows. Let's just hope you don't notice that lock of hair I cut off while you were distracted and chasing pigeons all over Liberty City. You would be really mad if you found out about that.  :huh:


You can't stalk a stalker though. Can you? Luckily, a rematch won't happen until next season or even longer if the league does a team format next season. (Orders a truckload of sardines to bribe Prinny and ensure teams next season.)

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League tables updated doods



Dammit, I knew trying to trash talk would come back to bite me. I should have stayed in the shadows. Let's just hope you don't notice that lock of hair I cut off while you were distracted and chasing pigeons all over Liberty City. You would be really mad if you found out about that.  :huh:


You can't stalk a stalker though. Can you? Luckily, a rematch won't happen until next season or even longer if the league does a team format next season. (Orders a truckload of sardines to bribe Prinny and ensure teams next season.)

Hmmm a truckload of sardines does sound nice BUT with the money I could make selling tickets for this grudge match I could buy a parking lot full of truckloads of sardines dood *evil laugh*

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ReimiSaionji9742 vs X18JELLO18X

zajac9999 vs Somalia99

Mah2c vs xZoneHunter

Boooda56 vs HcG-_Clawz



ToxiKirby vs Jarethgeason

whoadreader vs Gregorymany

Dragon-Archon vs ganryu_pl

omar280792 vs man_with_wdjat



VASORAT13 vs J2V_89


Mystvayne vs Ka-Pi96

RalphyLDN vs allenbird



ShogunCroCop vs Mike13858

freddie1989 vs TheAkittaja123

Ichiban-Hybrid vs MStalker58

me3lingual vs NICK16_06


Approx Start Time: 56 minutes dood

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