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Trophy Hunters League - Season 41 winner: Banana_Sausage47!

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I'm going for the 0 trophies look in this fixture. Grinding the 500 bounties in Diablo 3 ROS is definitely taking it's toll on me. Thinking I may hang this one up for now and come back to it in small chunks because I'm burnt out.

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I'm going for the 0 trophies look in this fixture. Grinding the 500 bounties in Diablo 3 ROS is definitely taking it's toll on me. Thinking I may hang this one up for now and come back to it in small chunks because I'm burnt out . allow me to give you my favorite piece of advice. Do 1 hr a day on this, until done.  It might seem like you're making no progress,  and some days you might feel it and go longer or call it early,  but you'll eventually get there. I do this both with grinds and with harder challenged I have to "skill-grind."  

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I'm going for the 0 trophies look in this fixture. Grinding the 500 bounties in Diablo 3 ROS is definitely taking it's toll on me. Thinking I may hang this one up for now and come back to it in small chunks because I'm burnt out . allow me to give you my favorite piece of advice. Do 1 hr a day on this, until done.  It might seem like you're making no progress,  and some days you might feel it and go longer or call it early,  but you'll eventually get there. I do this both with grinds and with harder challenged I have to "skill-grind."  



That is so....large.

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Lmfao. Total phone fail. I have no idea how either of those two problems occurred. I apologize for any damage I may have caused to people reading it as their pupils dilated to 500% size trying to take it all in.

Edit: @Mstalker yes to all of the above.

Edited by Hemiak
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Lmfao. Total phone fail. I have no idea how either of those two problems occurred. I apologize for any damage I may have caused to people reading it as their pupils dilated to 500% size trying to take it all in.

Edit: @Mstalker yes to all of the above.

I thought living near Houston finally drove you mad. :)

I'll be updating it tomorrow morning

Looking forward to it. I think I did enough to stay in Silver League next season, but I am not sure.

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Regarding DOA5: Last Round, some of the trophies were made easier via my DOA5: Ultimate save where as others had to be earned the natural way regardless. Does me using my Ultimate save for some of the trophies lock me out of any points from that game or will I get points for anything that was gotten normally (pending a detailed list of what would count, granted)?

Edited by Walter-kun
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Lmfao. Total phone fail. I have no idea how either of those two problems occurred. I apologize for any damage I may have caused to people reading it as their pupils dilated to 500% size trying to take it all in.

Edit: @Mstalker yes to all of the above.

I got the email on my phone, opened it up and everything was all pushed together in this large black font and I was like "wow...someone must be mad at what I posted" lol. I took your advice and only played an hour and lost all my progress because I was trapped in a section and these dudes teamed up and killed my hardcore character. Thankfully I had a save from the day before.

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League tables are updated and also some news. Due to some recent personal circumstances I will no longer be able to run the league after this season. I'll still be around the site, gaming, and that jazz I just won't be able to consistently give the time and effort needed to run the league.


As for the future of the league Clawz said he maybe able run it alongside someone else if someone can split the work with him so if someone wants to run it alongside him or if you want to run it yourself message me and let me know so we can begin the transition process after the season ends .I've enjoyed running the league and wish I could continue running it but I sadly won't be able to anymore doods 

Thanks for all the hard work Prinny. You took the torch when Precision stepped down and kept the league great. I hope everything is okay with your personal circumstances and hope to see you around the forums alot. :)

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League tables are updated and also some news. Due to some recent personal circumstances I will no longer be able to run the league after this season. I'll still be around the site, gaming, and that jazz I just won't be able to consistently give the time and effort needed to run the league.


As for the future of the league Clawz said he maybe able run it alongside someone else if someone can split the work with him so if someone wants to run it alongside him or if you want to run it yourself message me and let me know so we can begin the transition process after the season ends .I've enjoyed running the league and wish I could continue running it but I sadly won't be able to anymore doods 




You won't be able to get any points from it


You did a great job doing it for so long! We'll always remember the prinny regime :P

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League tables are updated and also some news. Due to some recent personal circumstances I will no longer be able to run the league after this season. I'll still be around the site, gaming, and that jazz I just won't be able to consistently give the time and effort needed to run the league.


As for the future of the league Clawz said he maybe able run it alongside someone else if someone can split the work with him so if someone wants to run it alongside him or if you want to run it yourself message me and let me know so we can begin the transition process after the season ends .I've enjoyed running the league and wish I could continue running it but I sadly won't be able to anymore doods 



You won't be able to get any points from it

Welp, since it seems I can't get into the CWC anyway, I may as well at least crush pureproteinman as thoroughly as possible with what I have left. :awesome:

In any case, great job on your run with the league. :)

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League tables are updated and also some news. Due to some recent personal circumstances I will no longer be able to run the league after this season. I'll still be around the site, gaming, and that jazz I just won't be able to consistently give the time and effort needed to run the league.


As for the future of the league Clawz said he maybe able run it alongside someone else if someone can split the work with him so if someone wants to run it alongside him or if you want to run it yourself message me and let me know so we can begin the transition process after the season ends .I've enjoyed running the league and wish I could continue running it but I sadly won't be able to anymore doods 


Sad to hear that the Prinny regime is coming to an end. I guess all of those takeover attempts finally took their toll. Seriously though, you did a great job. All of your work and time involved in running the league is much appreciated. Job well done dood.  :yay:


Hopefully you'll still be playing in the league or around on the forums. 

Edited by MStalker58
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