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Trophy Hunters League - Season 41 winner: Banana_Sausage47!

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@Zach, I'm not being sneaky, I really haven't scored anything yet. Didn't play two nights ago due to Bball. I'm working through Doom 2 now which takes entirely too long for two trophies.

Just got my 189th plat. I'm getting quite close to 200 :D But i'm still not really sure which i want for my 200th plat. I'll probably go for Sword Art Online: HF, Trillion God of Destruction or Trackmania Turbo... Which one should i pick? -_-

I notice you have Shadow of the Colossus on your account. I think that would make a great 200 milestone. :ninja: Edited by Hemiak
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Is there a forecast on when the fixtures will end? Want to make sure I sync my trophies before I lose out on some points.

Haven't seen an official forecast, but fixtures last 4 days and then you have an extra 12 hours to sync. So, this fixture will end at midnight London time on Saturday night. That'd be 7 PM as usual if you are EST.

Maybe we can get a full forecast to make it easier for everyone. Is the OP going to be transferred to Clawz or are we going to have to hope wdjat stays off the Prinny juice long enough to occasionally update the OP?  :P

Edited by MStalker58
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Haven't seen an official forecast, but fixtures last 4 days and then you have an extra 12 hours to sync. So, this fixture will end at midnight London time on Saturday night. That'd be 7 PM as usual if you are EST.

Maybe we can get a full forecast to make it easier for everyone. Is the OP going to be transferred to Clawz or are we going to have to hope wdjat stays off the Prinny juice long enough to occasionally update the OP?  :P

Wdjat is going to be updating the OP. But based on previous seasons, the forecast will be as follows:


Fixture 1: Apr 27 - 30

Fixture 2: May 1 - 4

Fixture 3: May 5 - 8

Break 1: May 9 -10

Fixture 4: May 11 - 14

Fixture 5: May 15 - 18

Fixture 6: May 19 - 22

Break 2: May 23 - 24

Fixture 7: May 25 - 28

Fixture 8: May 29 - June 1

Fixture 9: June 2 - 5


CWC: June 8 - 10


Of course, this is pending approval from Clawz, but I used last season's schedule to figure out the timing.  This is now the official forecast for Prinny to update the OP.

Edited by ShogunCroCop
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Haven't seen an official forecast, but fixtures last 4 days and then you have an extra 12 hours to sync. So, this fixture will end at midnight London time on Saturday night. That'd be 7 PM as usual if you are EST.

Maybe we can get a full forecast to make it easier for everyone. Is the OP going to be transferred to Clawz or are we going to have to hope wdjat stays off the Prinny juice long enough to occasionally update the OP?  :P


Stay off prinny juice, what is this madness you speak dood!?!?

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Was so glad when I realized that Hitman GO doesn't count for points. You had me worried there for a minute, Dragon.  :unsure:



Stay off prinny juice, what is this madness you speak dood!?!?


I know, that was blasphemy. I mean now that you have retired from running the league you deserve to relax and drink all you want, right? I guess if something needs updated, we'll just have to wait and catch you at the end of a bender dood. 

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Don't know why, but I've been having this strange feeling that someone's been watching me  :stalker: ...


Who me? It's not like my name is Stalker or anything. I promise that I don't know anything about why your profile has seen a massive spike in views during this fixture or why someone seems to be manually updating your profile every 10-15 minutes. I totally wouldn't hire spies from your friends list to give me real-time updates on what you are playing or anything.  :devil:  :stalker:


Oh goodness, tell me you're apart of the rain day thingy, Freddie.


Haha, that cursed Platinum Rain Day event strikes again. It took every ounce of me to resist popping mine a couple of seasons ago. It's just so tempting to drop all of those points on someone in the league. And if you are playing someone from the event in a fixture, it can be an anxious wait to see if they give in and decide to pop 100-200 points on you in a matter of minutes.

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Who me? It's not like my name is Stalker or anything. I promise that I don't know anything about why your profile has seen a massive spike in views during this fixture or why someone seems to be manually updating your profile every 10-15 minutes. I totally wouldn't hire spies from your friends list to give me real-time updates on what you are playing or anything.  :devil:  :stalker:

I believe you. Though it's strange that so many people have been asking me what I'm going to play soon :hmm:. But do you know anything about those hidden cameras and wiretaps I found in my penthouse-lair? Luckily there were none in the treasure room, so that's a huge relief.

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I believe you. Though it's strange that so many people have been asking me what I'm going to play soon :hmm:. But do you know anything about those hidden cameras and wiretaps I found in my penthouse-lair? Luckily there were none in the treasure room, so that's a huge relief.



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@Zach, I'm not being sneaky, I really haven't scored anything yet. Didn't play two nights ago due to Bball. I'm working through Doom 2 now which takes entirely too long for two trophies.

I notice you have Shadow of the Colossus on your account. I think that would make a great 200 milestone. :ninja:

I didn't even realize the league started two days ago until today. xD I won't be very active this season I don't think.

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Good move Doc. I couldve gotten a plat by now by HDN Unleashed has this lily ranks thing *ugh* Looks like I need to step my gaming up more seriously. Bring it Voltage Gamer. >=D

Thing are going to be very Interesting  B) my next platinum is prety close I just need three more and I got the platinum for Hitman Absolution  :lol: but after that well... I wont get an platinum very soon

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