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Trophy Hunters League - Season 42 sign-ups still open!

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Hey Clawz if you need to boost P4AU for some quick and easy points this fixture, let me know :awesome:.


Yes let's do it :awesome:


Bu-Bu-But....he was supposed to do it with me? You have pulled some dirty tricks before, but this is a new low even for a Dragon. Not only are you trying to steal my boosting partner, you are doing it in the fixture that I actually play him. That way, I get to emotionally deal with the betrayal while also watching him rack up points to beat me in THL. I wish there was an emote of someone stabbing you in the back and standing over your lifeless body in a pool of blood, because none of the current emotes adequately shows the feeling of betrayal I'm experiencing right now. 


@Clawz: I was just giving you a friendly reminder since you mentioned having to go back and boost another game. To be honest, I had forgotten about it as well. I'm in no rush since I still have to go back and do those challenges before I can hope for the plat. If you want to work on it this weekend we can try. I'll be out of town on Sunday for Mother's Day, but I should be free on Saturday if you want to at least start on it some. If you aren't in the mood right now, it's no big deal. We can do it whenever. I'm not in any rush and I always have boosting GRID to keep me busy.  :(

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Bu-Bu-But....he was supposed to do it with me? You have pulled some dirty tricks before, but this is a new low even for a Dragon. Not only are you trying to steal my boosting partner, you are doing it in the fixture that I actually play him. That way, I get to emotionally deal with the betrayal while also watching him rack up points to beat me in THL. I wish there was an emote of someone stabbing you in the back and standing over your lifeless body in a pool of blood, because none of the current emotes adequately shows the feeling of betrayal I'm experiencing right now. 


@Clawz: I was just giving you a friendly reminder since you mentioned having to go back and boost another game. To be honest, I had forgotten about it as well. I'm in no rush since I still have to go back and do those challenges before I can hope for the plat. If you want to work on it this weekend we can try. I'll be out of town on Sunday for Mother's Day, but I should be free on Saturday if you want to at least start on it some. If you aren't in the mood right now, it's no big deal. We can do it whenever. I'm not in any rush and I always have boosting GRID to keep me busy.  :(


Yhe we could get some done on saturday. I know we can do it whenever. But i always keep stalling games way to long and really need to work on that :P

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Careful, Clawz. I'm not sure I want to hear what a dragon's heart sounds like when it breaks. The sigh of disappointment was scary enough given all the smoke.

I wouldn't worry too much. Dragon is all smoke and no fire. He's like one of those large dogs that looks intimidating and barks really loud, but really it gets beat up and runs away scared from small cats.

A lot of loud noise, but nothing dangerous.

Edited by MStalker58
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Damn bad-atmosphere-onion-head-emoticon.gif?1... You could help me get the trophies :awesome:.

All jokes aside, if you are really wanting to boost P4AU and Prinny doesn't have the time to do the whole thing with you, maybe me, Clawz, and you can try working on it together. Obviously only 2 can be doing it at the same time, but we could possibly switch it up depending on who is online at the time and wants to work on it. Only issue might be someone falling behind but we all seem like trustworthy people so we'd make sure everyone finished.

Just throwing the idea out there. My ideas are usually bad though, so feel free to ignore me or tell me how dumb an idea it is. Either way, if Prinny doesn't have much time I'm always willing to jump in and help if needed. Not like I'm going to win any more fixtures this season, so don't have to worry about wasting time that I could be getting other trophies.

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All jokes aside, if you are really wanting to boost P4AU and Prinny doesn't have the time to do the whole thing with you, maybe me, Clawz, and you can try working on it together. Obviously only 2 can be doing it at the same time, but we could possibly switch it up depending on who is online at the time and wants to work on it. Only issue might be someone falling behind but we all seem like trustworthy people so we'd make sure everyone finished.

Just throwing the idea out there. My ideas are usually bad though, so feel free to ignore me or tell me how dumb an idea it is. Either way, if Prinny doesn't have much time I'm always willing to jump in and help if needed. Not like I'm going to win any more fixtures this season, so don't have to worry about wasting time that I could be getting other trophies.

M8 I think you should stop talking and maybe you will get a better scores in future haha :D

Nicely done protein. I guess I have to step my game up lol.

Dont worry my man , where not in the same league remember ;).

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Usually when it is this quiet it means there is a secret THL party going on but that couldn't be the case this time since I wasn't invited to any party and there is no way you guys would have a party without me.....right doods?

*Quickly mutes the music, hides the party hat, and shakes of the confetti* right dood, no secret party whatsoever, just like this poster says: "Totally not the secret entrance to the THL's secret party".

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