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Trophy Hunters League - Season 42 sign-ups still open!

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League Tables have been updated.


Gold League:

Promoted: HcG-_Clawz

Good to see Clawz is going back to the plat league, looking forward to his fixture against Stalker :awesome:.


Well that wasn't a smart bet. Everyone knows that Dragon has absolutely no chance at winning that race. Think you might have a winning bet with Andrea though. That'd be my pick too but it could be a tough battle since all 4 of them can put up monster numbers if they have the time and motivation. 

Ssssh, don't crush Prinny's hope yet, I'm planning to do it near the end of the race.

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I wasn't planning on doing this but looking at the scores it should be easy enough to count :lol:


With about an hour and a half to go:


Andrea 14


Pureproteinman 5


Whyfire 2


Rach 0


Am I cursing my opponents with low scores and inactivity, or are my current and former THTL teammates taking it easy on me? Or perhaps this is a competition wide plot to make me feel comfortable and update with 200 points after the end of the fixture? We'll find out soon enough!

Edited by Andrea
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YYYYYYEEEEESSSSSS!!!! The dream retirement 0-9 season is no longer a dream, going out like a true G :pimp: Free doughnuts for everyone to commemorate my number of wins this season doods ;)


You act as if you are the only person to lose every match this season. 

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I'm all synced up on PSN and on here :)



I wasn't planning on doing this but looking at the scores it should be easy enough to count :lol:


With about an hour and a half to go:


Andrea 14


Pureproteinman 5


Whyfire 2


Rach 0


Am I cursing my opponents with low scores and inactivity, or are my current and former THTL teammates taking it easy on me? Or perhaps this is a competition wide plot to make me feel comfortable and update with 200 points after the end of the fixture? We'll find out soon enough!


I genuinely hadn't played anything during the first day of CWC until I saw your post, but with such a low scoring day I thought it would be pretty shameful to go out on 0 points so this worked well as a motivational kick :)

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Round 1 results:


Whyfire (10) - pureproteinman (5) - Mesopithecus (12) - Superunkown9281 (21)


Rounds 2: 


Whyfire VS Mesopithecus VS Superunkown9281


With a not-so-explosive start to round 1, pureproteinman has been eliminated! He must have been low on them protein shakes doods. Are the ladies going to win this round or will Whyfire make the cut? Find out next time on CWC Showdown!

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Round 1 results:

Whyfire (10) - pureproteinman (5) - Mesopithecus (12) - Superunkown9281 (21)

Rounds 2:

Whyfire VS Mesopithecus VS Superunkown9281

With a not-so-explosive start to round 1, pureproteinman has been eliminated! He must have been low on them protein shakes doods. Are the ladies going to win this round or will Whyfire make the cut? Find out next time on CWC Showdown!

This is the same guy who put up a mere 36 points to my 400 on our faceoff match in THTL. I wonder how much he really cares? :awesome:

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This is the same guy who put up a mere 36 points to my 400 on our faceoff match in THTL. I wonder how much he really cares? :awesome:


I don't think PPM plays to the matchup much if at all (meaning you're probably right.) But as he showed last season in THTL with the 3rd highest overall score and this season of THL winning the gold league he can put up good consistent scores over a longer period of time.


Oh and you still lost to him in both leagues :awesome:

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I don't think PPM plays to the matchup much if at all (meaning you're probably right.) But as he showed last season in THTL with the 3rd highest overall score and this season of THL winning the gold league he can put up good consistent scores over a longer period of time.

Oh and you still lost to him in both leagues :awesome:

I don't tend to focus much on this and technically, I did beat him for all intents and purposes in THTL. Unknown just didn't pull through for the team win. :P

Not that such technicalities will matter after the next THTL. :awesome:

Edited by Asuna Kagurazaka
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The CWC tab in the spreadsheet with the league tables is now completely up-to-date again. The results of season 13 and season 14 have been added and the tables with CWC appearances and all-time CWC highscorers have been updated as well.


Here you go ;).

5th place in apperances and 2nd place in highest scorers? Not sure if I can take that honor. 




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The CWC tab in the spreadsheet with the league tables is now completely up-to-date again. The results of season 13 and season 14 have been added and the tables with CWC appearances and all-time CWC highscorers have been updated as well.


Here you go ;).


Your hard work on the tables and history almost makes me want to keep going with the league.


I know I'd have massive regrets when I'm trying to do CWC and THTL finals at once and figuring out a plausible game list for those things, so I won't be falling for such tricks, but I do think it's awesome work and really appreciate it.

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