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Trophy Hunters League - Season 41 winner: Banana_Sausage47!

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Just so I know (as never competing in this before), is there any definite fast rules that I should know?


As Clawz mentioned, all rules are in the main post and it would be a good idea to read over them. If you have any questions about any of them just ask. Here's a quick recap of the important rules:

  • Games must have a Top 50 time of at least 4 hours and 30 minutes
  • Can only play the same game once in a season (no stacking or auto-popping)
  • No Sound Shapes
  • Sync your profile within 12 hours after the end of a fixture. (We start counting scores after that deadline)

Those are the main rules and if you know them, you are pretty much good to go. 

Edited by MStalker58
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Can we got a countdown or something? The time changed for some of us recently and I'm never sure if that impacts the time for the league or not.


Also, I'm going out of town for the day and since I won't be around when the season officially starts, just want to go ahead and say good luck to everyone and here's to another fun season.  :)

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As Clawz mentioned, all rules are in the main post and it would be a good idea to read over them. If you have any questions about any of them just ask. Here's a quick recap of the important rules:

  • Games must have a Top 50 time of at least 4 hours and 30 minutes
  • Can only play the same game once in a season (no stacking or auto-popping)
  • No Sound Shapes
  • Sync your profile within 12 hours after the end of a fixture. (We start counting scores after that deadline)

Those are the main rules and if you know them, you are pretty much good to go. 


I think I get the rule which was stumping me now, so thank you for the info. :)

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Omar, world of final fantasy looks fantastic and we both know how good Final Fantasy XIV is, you should definitely continue to enjoy them this week :)

You are both in and out of luck! My FFXIV membership has expired and I'll renew it next year, and World of Final Fantasy is on hiatus because it's bugged on PS4 Pro and I can't play it xD

On the bright side, I'm going to be busy as hell, so even though I'll be playing some RotTR/Rayman I won't score high......I'm in for the fun anyway ^^ let's have a fun fixture!

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*Awaits Whyfire rematch and Clawz grudge match*  :popcorn:


I'm afraid that you might be disappointed unless you just want to see me get my ass kicked. Unfortunately, my games and schedule lined up much better last season so I'm expecting to be fighting just to stay in the Platinum League this season. Once again, my mouth has talked a bigger game than I can back up.  :(

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