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Change.org - Concerning F1 games


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Hi All,


Please take a look at this URL:



It's concerning EA/Codemasters and there abandonment of game support (including trophy lists). F1 2022 was supported and "working" for a total of 50 weeks. It has now been abandoned with a broken trophy that the Dev's refuse to fix.


They topic over at EA help will explain more should anyone wish to look:


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34 minutes ago, ZedsDeadStevo said:

As much as I like the idea - I think this is going to fall on deaf ears. EA games rely heavily on online gameplay and why wouldn't they reflect that in their trophy list? 



Gaming petitions are a waste of time in general but especially when it comes to EA. All that will happen here, is you will get the deafening sound of absolute silence out of EA whilst people continue buying the yearly releases regardless. If you want to force change, you have to hit EA where it hurts i.e. their bank balance, because it will only happen when the sales figures for these games and their micro-transactions, crash through the floor.

Edited by HuntingFever
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23 minutes ago, DrBloodmoney said:

Yes, but not any relating to videogames, as far as I'm aware



For important real world issues, Change.org has been fairly successful but when it comes to gaming and entertainment related issues, it's an almost complete flop with a success rate comfortably in the single digits. The problem with that site is people abuse it and create petitions for petty nonsense that only affects a statistically irrelevant number of people.

Edited by HuntingFever
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Hi guys, Just to follow up and update:

I'm fully aware that this petition is pretty worthless. The aim of the petition is not to get any kind of meaningful response with it (let's be honest Sony and MS would never give something like that the time of the day). I've simply made the "petition" as reference point for something in the future.


I know that might sound silly but the petition is just a URL to a view of a collection of people who all agree with the disdain for EA. Say a news article or youtube video is covering some "news" concerning the F1 games, it could be referenced by the author for example.


But yes, change.org petitions aimed at gaming Corporations are largely useless in and off themselves.

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While it is a tough break that trophies become unobtainable over time, there is no way I can support your position.


Multiplayer play is a huge feature of many games and eliminating trophies pertaining to that is definitely NOT the answer.  It’d be nice if they guarantee that all online trophies could be obtained for a set amount of time (say 2-3 years at least).  Maybe Sony/MS could pressure them that way.  

But eliminating multiplayer trophies from sports games, online shooters, etc. would be a drastic maneuver and go against the core gameplay.

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I will tell you the main reason these things never work, especially in gaming, is simply this nobody on any websites give a shit if you got your digital image trophy/achievement. Rather than support each other and at least try and get a movement going, all we ever get unfortunately is people saying it won't work don't waste your time move on and that would also apply to a game that came out 3 months ago and suddenly the feature don't work anymore and devs refuse to fix it they will simply say should have bought the game at launch.


There will always be a reply you will get back, but I always say fair play, least you want to try and get things fixed for a game even if our hobby is only done by a very small percentage and that's the reason people have zero hope in getting anything fixed, but that is the reality we are living in, but sadly I have to admit they're probably correct, and I hate saying that.

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37 minutes ago, djb5f said:

While it is a tough break that trophies become unobtainable over time, there is no way I can support your position.


Multiplayer play is a huge feature of many games and eliminating trophies pertaining to that is definitely NOT the answer.  It’d be nice if they guarantee that all online trophies could be obtained for a set amount of time (say 2-3 years at least).  Maybe Sony/MS could pressure them that way.  

But eliminating multiplayer trophies from sports games, online shooters, etc. would be a drastic maneuver and go against the core gameplay.

I'm agreed with this comment here, multiplayer features in yearly releases like sports games is the reason we get yearly releases and why they make so much money. It is very rare, especially now a days for anyone to buy FIFA or Madden or any other EA title for that matter to play just career mode for the full year, multiplayer takes up at least 80% of the community so it only makes sense to keep them in.


Although it sucks when they go  unobtainable because of server closures, but let me tell you EA are not the ones you should complain at about that one lol, other than the odd trophy there is so many past EA titles u can get for years, its only this year the FIFA 19 servers closed. Thats a whole 4 years since release, if you havent got the trophies by then well thats on you really.


If you think the servers staying up for years is bad to make trophies unobtainable, look at 2k games, they close their servers off after a year. 

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