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New PSNP User - TheTeacherGamer


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Hi all,


This account is called The Teacher Gamer, a brand new Youtube channel looking at games that I hear being spoken about in my workplace. I'm looking to take this channel on a bit of a journey through the games which kids play today as well as heading back to some old gems us guys would have played!


I am already a regular user of PSNP on my personal account, so know how amazing this community is and was looking to use the site to help me with my channel. If people have the time to look at my videos that would be great, leave any comments on YouTube or here and I will be sure to take your recommendations on board!


Finally I am always looking for partners to play with. So anyone who has great ideas for series and games that could be featured on this channel please contact me!


I hope that all of you will be as welcoming of this new account as I have experienced previously and enjoy my debut episode which I have linked below!


Thanks guys and I hope to talk to all of you on a regular basis!




Episode 1:


Episode 2: 


Episode 3:

Edited by TheTeacherGamer
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Welcome to the site (kind of)! I like the idea behind your work :lol:


hey welcome

Welcome to the site. :wave:

Hi and welcome to PSNP! :wave:

Welcome! :wave:


Welcome to PSNProfiles :yay: :yay: :yay:


Thank you all for the warm welcome! If anyone has any suggestions for my videos please let me know!

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Welcome! Not sure if youtube chanel advertisement is already permitted since you only have 2 posts, I dunno


Have a good time here


Haha that is true, I've been here nearly a year with my personal profile so I hope that gives me permission :P



WOW! thanks man, your support is much appreciated!

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What type of games do you prefer to play or are you planning to play if your going to upload stuff?


I mostly do Jrpg and afew others stuff here and there as I find that I have more fun that way rather than uploading any old game that comes out.

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What type of games do you prefer to play or are you planning to play if your going to upload stuff?


I mostly do Jrpg and afew others stuff here and there as I find that I have more fun that way rather than uploading any old game that comes out.

I'm doing a Fifa series to start off with just because I know what I'm talking about. I am up for trying any games I hear about in the classroom. Minecraft is being spoken about loads so I want to try that out.


I'm also looking at all the games I played when I was younger, so stuff like FFX and Pokemon could make an appearance!


I've seen what they call Pixelmon and that looks amazing, so if anyone fancies getting involved with that let me know!

Welcome (again) :D

Thank you :)

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