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Since I started interacting with the forum on this site I thought I'd take the time to introduce myself. :)


I've been a fan of videogames ever since my mom introduced me to this machine she called "dot eater", where you are this yellow thing that has to eat the dots and escape from the ghosts, when I was maybe 4 or 5 years old.

Shortly after that my neighbor's dad bought a C64 and we played games all the time. Years of begging later and I was allowed to get my own gaming machine, first the Gameboy and a little later a NES. I still have very fond memories of playing games like Gargoyle's Quest, Bionic Commando, the first Zelda, Mario and many more.


As the years went by and I grew older, my interests moved from consoles (around the time PS1 came out) to the PC where I played almost exclusively until I saw the very first screenshots for Resident Evil 2. I had to play that, no matter what system it was on. So I saved up all my money for months to finally be able to afford the system and the game. I even bought the game about 1 month before I could afford the system, just to have it. Couldn't risk finally buying the console and then not being able to find the game anywhere. :)


So yeah, the PlayStation brought me back fully into the world of console gaming. I had pretty much every major system that came out after it, up until the PS3 which I only bought last year for The Last of Us.


My love for hunting and collecting achievements only started about two and a half years ago with Gears of War 3, which would give you shiny golden weapon skins if you reached the highest rank in Gears 2 (after lots of hours of grinding). Obviously, I had to do that. And that's how I found out about tracking sites like this one, boosting sessions, and met a lot of great players along the way, who would kinda infect me with this madness of having to complete all games 100%. A little OCD also helps.


After realising that my 360 profile was pretty much ruined with too many terrible and incompletable games, instead of creating a new profile and giving up on all the achievements I've got, I instead decided to switch to PS3 and start clean with trophies (which I always prefered to achievements and was a bit jealous of, and you also get a shiny platinum on top of that).


And that's where I am today, pretty much. I prefer to have all the systems because they all have amazing games.

Right now I'm looking forward to play Destiny and The Last of Us Remastered on PS4, Sunset Overdriver and the Master Chief Collection on XBO, the next Zelda and a real Mario Galaxy sequel on Wii U.


Games I'm trying to finish at the moment are XCOM: Enemy Unknown, The Last of Us on Grounded, Mass Effect 2 and 3 on insanity and there are still a few more on my backlog I need to complete before my PS3 can get a rest.

Among my favorite games this past generation are Trials Evolution, Gears of War, Dark Souls, LA Noire and smaller games like Hotline Miami, Journey, Super Meat Boy and The Wolf Among Us.

Edited by soniq
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