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What to buy?


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Hi all, sorry if this is in the wrong place I'm a newb

I'm looking for a (physical) game to play inbetween all the other psn games I'm playing, and I'm having trouble deciding between a few:

Diablo 3 (haven't played a diablo before, does this matter too much)

Alien isolation

Sleeping dogs DE (I know this comes out tomorrow, but I never played the original)

What should I go for? I can only afford one. If there is another you'd recommend please do! I already have shadow of mordor, destiny & Mgs.

Thanks in advance!

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I've already played Sleeping Dogs, but I'm still quite excited for the Definitive Edition, as it's one one of the best games I've played, so I say go for Sleeping Dogs. I have yet to try Alien Isolation, I do have it, but I'll probably start playing it tonight. Diablo 3 is pretty good too, but I liked Sleeping Dogs way better. You could say I even had a better experience with Sleeping Dogs more than I did with the Grand Theft Auto games.

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Can't go wrong with Sleeping Dogs if you didn't play the first one. 

I've heard good things about Alien Isolation, I'm looking forward to it myself, it has to be better than the last Alien game.


I'd also recommend Watch_Dogs and (if you can find it cheap) Amazing Spider Man 2. People can say what they like about Amazing Spider-Man 2 but its pretty good for a Spider-Man game to be I thought. Find it fairly cheap somewhere and I'd definitely pick it up for a quick but fun playthrough. 

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Haven't played Sleeping Dogs or Aliens, but I can tell you that Diablo is a blasty blast.  I never played the first two and that didn't seem to matter.  There may have been a few references I missed but for the most part it felt like it's own game and story.  Never played a game like this before and didn't know what to expect, but I really enjoyed it.  Trophy wise it's pretty easy with the exception of "All that Glitters"  The trophy isn't hard just requires a bit of a grind, but if you enjoy the game then it won't even be a problem.

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