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A little bit late since I enter this forum and missed a section like this for those newbies for introduction therefore nice to meet you all fellow gamers", how's playin'? Me`~ I'm just fine on this site & still on progress in playing",

Edited by ReverzerO-
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Welcome to the Site.

Also Very Nice "Signature"(Not just for it being "Luffy", but for the Various Designs added).

Thank you ", that was my last animation made 8 months ago but still a lot of movements to be fixed. I just got bored in animation and graphics so i decided to play games and destined here hehe",

Welcome to the site, please enjoy your stay

Thank you",

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Thank you all guys for the welcome", 


edited: @BlueFireReaper, She has an eyes", when she wishes 3x to anyone she knew and this person didn't grant any then her eyes will turn blank. Aside from that, this person will die plus the relatives and persons he/she knows. I forgot how many will die hehe", that's the story", Anyway, this anime character is from Hunter X Hunter, the younger sister of killua Zoldyck",

Edited by ReverzerO-
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