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PSN games for the Move


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Okey so here's the deal. I recently got the move and so far got one game for it, Mad Dog McCree. I am aware of the other games like Fast Draw Showdown. I'd like to know what other games there are for the move in the psn and what are worth investing on?

Edited by LovesAnInjection
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Tumble is pretty good if you have the patience for it.

There's also echochrome ii but I only played the demo for that.


Then there's Sorcery. It's a full retail game but I personally really enjoyed it and can recommend it. Just be aware that extended play sessions can hurt your wrist. It involves a LOT of flicking.

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Eyepet is a fun, casual game for the move. It's pretty fun, I'd recommend it.


Sports Champions came with my move bundle, but I extremely dislike the difficult trophy list. If you just want to have fun, though, Sports Champions 2 is pretty cheap on PSN if I remember correctly. The first one has games like archery, sword fighting, volleyball, bocco, and paddleball.


Playstation Move Heroes has some cute games on it, it's biggest selling point is the characters.


My move also came with a demo disc. Ape Escape was extremely annoying imo, Deadmund's Quest looked promising, through. Echochrome was also really fun.

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As far as shooters go, Heavy Fire Afghanistan and Heavy Fire Shattered Spear are great with the Move + nav + Sharp Shooter. By far the best Move experience I've had.


You can also play Killzone 3, Resistance 3, Resident Evil 5, SOCOM: Special Forces, Bioshock Infinite, Goldeneye Reloaded, Ghost Recon Future Soldier, Portal 2 and a dozen or so other shooters on Move, but it's far more suited to on-rail shooters like Heavy Fire, Dead Space Extraction, House of the Dead Overkill, Time Crisis: Razing Storm and The Shoot.


Wonderbook + Move games are pretty fun for the kids - Book of Spells, Book of Potions, Walking with Dinosaurs and Diggs Nightcrawler.


Heavy Rain and Child of Eden make interesting use of the Move controller.


Full list here - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_PlayStation_Move_games

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I have 4 PS Moves and the games i always have fun playing with them are the Just Dance ones and RE5.


Specially with Just Dance since it's a Move-only type of game, every dance is unique so you'll always have something new and fresh to try. The trophies are hard though, you need to know each dance and move by heart if you want to get five stars easily, if you try it without knowing the moves then you'll get frustated and end up failing a lot. Just Dance 3 and 4 are the hardest in the series, so you might want to avoid those, specially since JD 2014 and 2015 are much better than the other two. JD 2015 even has a Frozen-themed dance!


I saw your trophy list and apparently you never played RE5, shame on you! IMO it's one of the many "must-haves" the PS3 has to offer (alongside GOW3, Uncharted 2 and some other stuff). The game is fun as it is but with the Move... Gosh i can play that game for eternity and i'll never get bored of it. Though the game feels a bit slower since i use Type B as my controller type, but every beginner uses the default type of controller and if you're used to the default one it'll feel normal to play with the PS Move and honestly, who cares right? If you're like me and used to play those arcade games as a kid then you'll absolutely love this.


Then we have Sports Champions, that game came with my 1st PS Move and well... it is fun, in the first few hours of gameplay that is. After a while it gets extremely repetitive so you change sports and the same thing happens over and over until you have nothing left. Some of the levels are different (i.e in Archery there are levels where you are trying to hit fruits ( :| ?) and other times you're hitting normal targets) but that only happens every 5 levels or so and after you're done with the Bronze cup you have to do every-fucking-thing again at least twice (Silver and Gold) if you want the platinum trophy, and that happens in every sport. It is a tedious game and it can keep a kid quiet for a few hours, but you'll be doing the same thing over and over again with an increased difficulty each time so keep that in mind. At least the plat is Ultra Rare here on PSNP.


The other Move games i have are RE Darkside and Umbrella Chronicles, the latter is an easy 100% while DC takes some time to grab all archives (still need to finish that...). The games are fun and frustating at times (specially DC...), at 1st i'd recommend DC because of the graphics and better gameplay but as of right now, i prefer UC because the 100% is easier and, again, since you don't have any RE in your trophy list this would be the best choice to go for if you can only pick one. It covers the story of the 1st games in the series (RE0, RE1 and RE3) so it'll be easier for you to understand what's going on.


I also have LBP and Heavy Rain which are compatible with the PS Move but i never bothered playing those with it. In LBP it feels weird and back when i played Heavy Rain i didn't have my PS Moves.


So yeah... i wrote all that because that's how each game felt for me, meaning that these are my opnions on the games, i know a lot of people who love Sports Champions and hate RE5 ( :dunno:). Sorry for writing this huge post by the way, i think i got a bit too carried away. Hopefully this helps you out on picking good games though! Have fun with the PS Move, i barely use mine. I have 4 because my sister loves to play Just Dance with her friends.  :yay:

Edited by Sakura
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Thanks so much everyone for taking your time to recommend these games. I will check some of these out! :wub:


I saw your trophy list and apparently you never played RE5, shame on you! IMO it's one of the many "must-haves" the PS3 has to offer (alongside GOW3, Uncharted 2 and some other stuff). The game is fun as it is but with the Move... Gosh i can play that game for eternity and i'll never get bored of it. Though the game feels a bit slower since i use Type B as my controller type, but every beginner uses the default type of controller and if you're used to the default one it'll feel normal to play with the PS Move and honestly, who cares right? If you're like me and used to play those arcade games as a kid then you'll absolutely love this.





I have played Resident Evil 5 on my older account :)

Edited by LovesAnInjection
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