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Grinding and the platinum...


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Currently playing through the game on Survivor+.  Before I get too far, or frustrated, I'm wondering how possible the platinum still is these days.  One reason being that if the multiplayer requires hundreds of hours of grinding... it's just not going to happen.  Another being that I'm curious if someone new coming into it would actually be able to obtain the platinum (whether it's because the userbase playing is still strong, or being there's a steep learning curve).


That way, if I know the multiplayer trophies/platinum isn't going to happen anyways... then I'll just save myself the frustration. :)  Mostly curious about how much grinding is involved. Any insight is appreciated.

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The MP isn't a grind at all, it only took me like 20 ish hours and is really fun once you know what your doing. Once you know the maps and which guns to use you'll love the mp.

In terms of of how many people play it, I have no idea but the game is super popular so I would assume the online is still active, you should check it out for yourself just to be sure.

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The MP doesn't require much skill or take that long. You pretty much just need to go through both journeys which simply requires playing so many matches. It'll take about 25 hours or something if I remember right. But that's not bad considering all you really have to do is just play.

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The MP doesn't require much skill or take that long. You pretty much just need to go through both journeys which simply requires playing so many matches. It'll take about 25 hours or something if I remember right. But that's not bad considering all you really have to do is just play.


So winning isn't particularly important?  That's good to know, I'm not very good at most competitive multiplayer. :)

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So winning isn't particularly important?  That's good to know, I'm not very good at most competitive multiplayer.  :)


There should be a slight disclaimer to that statement. 


To elaborate: each match is considered a day. To receive the plat you must finish 12 weeks with each faction (77 or 84 matches per faction, i can't recall if you play week 12 or not). As you play through each 12 week set you will have to collect supplies for your camp (earned through general scoring, not necessarily kills ). If you don't have enough supplies people die if you have more than needed you gain people. If your count hits 0 you restart the 12 weeks. Every once in a while you will have a challenge that lasts 3 matches (pick form a list). 5 or so of these challenges will result in a 100% population risk. 


All in all the MP trophies are very doable, sitting at ~13% completion each when ~35% of all tracked players here have tried a single match. I met the requirements my first time through on each and consider myself fairly average while jumping into MP a couple months after release. And most people strive for population counts of 80+ by the end of each 12 week set.


I am currently working towards 100% (only 4 left), the DLC MP trophies are much harder if you're not going excessively out of your way to get them. The community is still fairly active, but you will likely run into some individuals multiple times.

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Making your parts is what's important in the mp. Kills, executions, crafting, gifting, healing, and marking targets give parts. Crafting is a must to surviving the mp. You can be a great shot, but if you can't make yourself a health kit when there isn't one around... it doesn't matter how good of a shot you are... because you will die. Crafting is good for parts, for just overall having things like molotovs, bombs, smoke bombs, and shivs. Knowing the map becomes easy because the best strategy is to keep moving with your team. Hit each loot box up, focus on crafting, and gifting. These will earn you parts and in turn earn you supplies. 


Find a weapon you are good with, if you can quick fire... a pistol is pretty useful. I used the revolver... it fires a bit slow when you haven't upgraded it, but it does good damage. The 9mm is pretty good silenced as well, it fires quick but does less damage than the revolver so it takes more shots to down an enemy. A hunting rifle is good at a distance, but poor at close range... which is a given. A bow is pretty good, but overrated. It fires slow, takes 2-3 shots to kill... it is silent for the most part.


Melee weapons are good for close range, when upgraded... but without an upgrade they are a last resort. Machete's are good without an upgrade, but becomes pretty useless after a few hits.


Bombs are good for traps. I like to stick them under desks near doorways, and loot boxes... as no one typically looks in those places, and if they do.. they tend to be too late to react. It's also good as a distraction, they may spot the bomb before getting too close... but if you hear it and are near... it also alerts you to their location.


Lone wolfing it can get you killed, though there is a time to do so... like if your team just rushes in and gets demolished by the apposing team. Instead of running in and getting killed... falling back is much more preferable... Dropping a bomb and quietly making an exit will more than likely net you a down, without getting you down as well.



Overall, stealth is key. Once you fire a shot though, you appear on the minimap... so once you start shooting, be prepared for the apposing team to rush your location especially once you down their team mate.



When you get a hunter/firefly attack... which is either 60% or 100%... Don't sweat the 60%... you tend to want to have a smaller clan so it's easier to make the supplies each match. For 100% you'll want to do gifting, heals, marking targets... If you're comfortable with how many kills you make on average during a match, you can do kills/executions as well. You have 3 matches to complete your challenges so no worries.



Overall it isn't very hard to do the mp trophies, they can be quite fun... I've put in 100 weeks in the mp, playing even after the platinum. 

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It takes a total of 24 weeks or 168 matches minimum to get all the MP trophies (7 days X 12 weels X 2 playthroughs) Each match will take an average of 12 minutes or so (VERY dependent on how competitive the match is). which means about 5 days an hour which leads to approximately 33-34 hours for my playthrough. But like I said, it really depends on how competitive the matches are. Some matches will last 5-7 minutes. Others will take you 25-30 minutes.


As for keeping your population alive, I'd save easy stuff like healing and gifting items for when you are at risk of losing 100% population. All the other times just pick what you want, it doesn't matter trophy-wise unless you are struggling to reach 40 population (I reached over 100 even with the crappy new additions, so 40 is very doable even for the below-average players). Also, NEVER leave a game even if you are getting your ass handed to or you will lose a large portion of your population, and do it too many times in the 12 weeks and you lose them for good!


As for my recommendation, DO IT. The MP as of late isn't as fun as it used to be when it first started (because they just keep adding necessary weapons that unbalance the game), but it's still enjoyable. The only frustrating part of it is getting kicked out of games due to bad connections.

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Keep in mind that you can sign out of PSN to avoid getting your clan killed. If you're having a bad match and you need to complete a mission to keep your clan alive, press the PS button and sign out of PSN, that match/day won't count.

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Hey, thanks for the info guys.  The multiplayer sounds like fun, I'm just not looking forward to the inevitable learning process and the constant letting teammates down when I do haha.


How boost-able are the online trophies?  If I get a group together, can we just kind of "fun" our way into them?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hate to bump my own topic.  Finally gave the multiplayer a shot tonight, had a bit of trouble finding a game and the few people it seemed like the game was trying to connect me too had number in the 100's next to their names.  Had the game successfully connected us... I feel like I would've been a bit outclassed.


What kinds of options do I have in regards to boosting?  Not that I'd feel great about boosting, I love the game, I would love to learn the in's and out's of the multiplayer... but unless there are people out there that want to show me the ropes (that doesn't involve throwing me to the wolves), I'm not sure I have much of a choice. :(


Any insight is appreciated!

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I'm working on this too and started with firefly journey. I failed in 8 weeks for my 2nd attempt and failed in 6 weeks for my 3rd attempt trying where i'm good at & test some strategies", I found out that i'm good in Melee and Nail bomb setup", This is fun & no plan for skipping or boosting the game", we have to focus, we can do this",



btw, keep in mind what sakura's said", do this when you reach 6 weeks onward with 100% risk population and choose where you good at & have faith to your random comrades hehe",

Edited by ReverzerO-
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In all honesty all there is that you need to first get rid of Knowing the basics and Populace. after that the only thing you need to worry about is the 100% risk where you must reduce down for at least taking 60%. It doesn't matter if you win or lose or getting supplies for your clan anyway and all you need are at least 5-8 survivors, skip days if you have to just to haste it all you need to do is just make sure you take the 100% risk to 60%.

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I found out that Shiv execution is easy one for the risk missions. I used onslaught. I mostly run/dash toward the back of may opponent & execute or & use smoke bomb combination", Using firearms is useless for me due slight frame delay and glitch therefore so hard to headshot unlike resident evil it has the laser pointer that easy head shot even the target is moving",

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Are the "missions" those random challenges that pop up?  Like the "Down 3/6/9 players" or "Heal players 5/10/15 times"?  How do I know the percentage of risk behind them?


I don't play very often, I finished my first week over the course of the last 12 days or so... so it's going to be a long trek to 24 weeks between the two journeys.  Assuming I get both on my first try.  The multiplayer is actually quite enjoyable though.  Surprisingly, I only had a bad game probably twice over the 10 or so games I've played so far (not that I was paired with a great team by any stretch for those two games).  The other games I was either middle of the pack or in some cases, I was clearing entire buildings of opposing players myself with my teammates keeping a watchful eye from a distance and providing cover fire.  What a good feeling when all my teammates rushed in after and we claimed ownership of the building! :)


Does the difficulty amp up as I get through more weeks?  Like that risk percentage... I don't think I've even been exposed to anything like that yet (or if I have, I didn't even realize it).  Not sure how I'll do when there's more pressure involved.

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You have to Down 3 opponents to complete one day mission meaning 9 down in 3 days to gain more population", same with,, you need to heal 5 comrades to complete one day meaning 15 heals in 3 days", The better if you exceed the requirement like down 10 opponents a day",


btw, We'll not talking our actual day hehe",


edited: The risk is if you fail the mission for example in 60% of your population will die in 60% population risk challenge & if you fail in 100%, you'll start again from start/1st week", 

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If you just want to get through it as far as possible then just skip days. Start a game then quit, that will skip one day. Just make sure to play a game when your population is under 10 or if you have a 100% risk to your population. Always make sure you keep the easy ones for this. There are quite a few easy ones so it shouldn't be a problem.


I'm not sure but you might have to change the type of game every time you quit so it doesn't put you back into a game without counting as a day (can't confirm this since it's been awhile since I done it on the PS3).


I'm playing again on the PS4 again but I'm not skipping days because I quite enjoy it the MP. I'm having a problem with the conversations trophy though. Stuck at 36/37 with finishing the game 3 times. Going to have to start all over again but keep checking the menu to make sure each one is counting but I don't think I could be bothered.

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When you have a 100% risk mission it will come on the screen, then you have the choice of what mission. 100% risk missions are in weeks 6,8,10,11,12 I THINK...


By far the easiest for me has been "Heal Teammates", I think you need First Aid Level 2 for this. The first tier is 5, 10, and 15 heals within 3 matches. I did 56 in the first match! Best way is to have revive and first aid level 2 as perks and stay with your team as backup/support. Revive when they are died and instantly bandage them. 


If you're on a 100% risk mission, don't worry about winning the match or getting downs etc it doesn't really matter if you win or not so just concentrate on getting at least the minimum you need for the mission.


The required amount is also over 3 matches, contrary to what I think Reverzer is saying. If for example the mission is


Down <4 enemies - 100% loss 

i. Down 4 enemies - 60% loss

ii. Down 6 enemies - 40% loss

iii. Down 8 enemies - 20% loss


You have 3 days (matches) to get the 4 downs you need in order to not lose the game. I would stay away from "Survivor" as well for the 100% risk missions.

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Try to sustain your population or better increase them & win every match not only completing the missions", I have already 85 population @8weeks with 26//. I hope I can reach 120 population depends on random comrades! sometimes they made me reckless so i made the team lost hehe", last night i have fun & happy comrades",

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have trouble getting into a match of Survivors on Find Match (DLC). No one seems to play it. I need the trophy for finishing a match on Bus Depot, Suburbs, Home Town, and Bookstore. It's frustating to need that trophy and no one plays it. At least recently on PS3.

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Any insight is appreciated!


I'll give you all the tips i can think of, hopefully some of these will help you:


You should always be support, never the guy who gets kills, you shouldn't even worry about kills or your KD, if you only care about the trophy you're gonna need what the game calls "parts", the blue things that enemies drop when you kill them, but you can also get these "parts" by just doing about anything, healing, gifting, getting headshots, crafting, marking, etc...


So, what you want to do is; equip 1st Aid Training 2 and Crafter 2 or 3, with these you're able to heal and gift things to your team mates, this is very important and will give you points like there is no tomorrow, each of these "points" will turn into the parts you need to feed your clan.


As for weapons, i suppose that depends on your playstyle and which map you're playing, just pick whatever you want but remember that you don't need to kill people to get parts, just stay close to your brainless team mates and heal them, once you open each box from the map just craft whatever and gift them Molotovs, even a blind person can get a kill with a Molotov. (except me, i always burn myself to death when i throw a Molotov :yay:)


Now, about the missions, always pick the "hardest" 1st, and leave the easiest for when it's 100% chance, i can't stress this enough, always pick marking and healing for when it's a 100% chance mission. When it's not 100%, pick Shiv kills, sometimes you can even pick marking since it's so piss easy, but be careful not to choose that too much or else you're gonna need to mark people 100 times in just 3 matches.


The missions is what can screw you over, and i suppose it's the main problem for most people, what i did was always pick Shiv kills and do the Smoke Bomb + Shiv combo, or the [weapon] missions where you need X kills with a pistol or Semi-Auto, i always picked the gun i use the most. The "down" and special execution missions are also quite easy.


Also, don't stress yourself too much when you finish a match without exceeding the amount of parts your clan needs to survive, sometimes i'd have these amazing matches where both teams had awful players and other times i'd play againts try hards and end up losing some dots in my clan, you should only worry about missions or when the number of dots gets too low, mine was always above 100, but remember that if you fail a 100% chance mission your clan is going to die no matter what and you'll have to start the journey all over again.


Once you're close to the 12 weeks, the game is gonna keep trowing at you a bunch of 100% chance missions, pick mark or healing.


And finally, if you keep procrastinating these MP trophies they're only going to get harder since i assume most of the n00bs are on the PS4 and playing against a full party who's been playing this game every day since it came out is not going to end well, i still need to get 3 of the DLC trophies but it's nearly impossible since the DLC pool is full of veterans, i can't move an inch and they're already throwing five Molotovs at me, i need to boost that one day...



I have trouble getting into a match of Survivors on Find Match (DLC). No one seems to play it. I need the trophy for finishing a match on Bus Depot, Suburbs, Home Town, and Bookstore. It's frustating to need that trophy and no one plays it. At least recently on PS3.


Great news! The less players the easier it will be for boosting.  :)

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