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Grinding and the platinum...


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Would it be at all possible to boost the MP trophies with two players via a private match? Surely that'd be the quickest option, just run around until the timer expires and get the correct amount of kills for objectives?


Unfortunately no, trophies are disabled in private matches. You have to be in a public match in order to gain them. 

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Man... between my overall lack of motivation and your lengthy description, not as confident this is a platinum someday anymore.  Just hit week 3 (after about a month of playing once or twice a week for an hour or two) and doing well, but those 100% risk missions sound like they will take the fun factor down to about -50 as I struggle to complete them and get penalized regularly for it.  Sad face.

Edited by Dreakon13
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Marking seems hard if all or almost all of your opponents wear the Covert Training 3.


For me the easy missions for the 100% risks are the ff.



-Special Execution

-Down with Melee 

-Shiv Execution

-Down with Machete


I want to plat or end this using Shiv execution with this costume load out,



-No large gun

-Covert training 3

-Sharp ears 3

-Crafter 1

-Reviver 1


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Man... between my overall lack of motivation and your lengthy description, not as confident this is a platinum someday anymore.  Just hit week 3 (after about a month of playing once or twice a week for an hour or two) and doing well, but those 100% risk missions sound like they will take the fun factor down to about -50 as I struggle to complete them and get penalized regularly for it.  Sad face.

They aren't very difficult at all really, just choose a challenge you're comfortable with.. Also, you won't face a 100% risk mission until week 6 or so... 

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Are the "missions" those random challenges that pop up?  Like the "Down 3/6/9 players" or "Heal players 5/10/15 times"?  How do I know the percentage of risk behind them?


I don't play very often, I finished my first week over the course of the last 12 days or so... so it's going to be a long trek to 24 weeks between the two journeys.  Assuming I get both on my first try.  The multiplayer is actually quite enjoyable though.  Surprisingly, I only had a bad game probably twice over the 10 or so games I've played so far (not that I was paired with a great team by any stretch for those two games).  The other games I was either middle of the pack or in some cases, I was clearing entire buildings of opposing players myself with my teammates keeping a watchful eye from a distance and providing cover fire.  What a good feeling when all my teammates rushed in after and we claimed ownership of the building! :)


Does the difficulty amp up as I get through more weeks?  Like that risk percentage... I don't think I've even been exposed to anything like that yet (or if I have, I didn't even realize it).  Not sure how I'll do when there's more pressure involved.

My insight


1. I used 9mm pistol with silencer attached (when u shoot u wont appear on the map), save your parts n try to fully level up the pistol (magazine/rate of fire), at medium range a fully powered 9mm is like a machine     gun

2. No main weapons (depends on which map u r playing)

3. Smoke bombs n pipe bombs are your best bet, try arming/trapping a pipe bombs where u think they will be heavy traffic, lucky u will get more than 1 down at a time.

4. As most of the players advise, keep your healing others/giving items mission when there is a 100% risk. U r just trying to survive the 12 weeks for the trophies.

5. Finally, dont rush head first into the battle as a lot of players likes to take opposite route n try to flank n back stab teams. Better safe than sorry.


Hope my insight helps.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Man... between my overall lack of motivation and your lengthy description, not as confident this is a platinum someday anymore.  Just hit week 3 (after about a month of playing once or twice a week for an hour or two) and doing well, but those 100% risk missions sound like they will take the fun factor down to about -50 as I struggle to complete them and get penalized regularly for it.  Sad face.

It's not as bad as your making it out to be. It took me about twenty hours to get through both journeys. I boosted when I could and played legit the rest of the time. Believe it or not, playing legit was faster as you don't have to wait two hours for a boosting group to come together. Also, take into account the quality of the boosters. It only takes a couple of idiots to ruin a session.

Play one match and then skip two. I set a goal of keeping at least ten people in my clan (after I got the Populace trophy) and I prefered to have at least one healthy one before I skipped that second day. As for your 100% missions, just pick something you know you can do. I suck at most competitive mp games, so I chose missions to support my team like gifting, reviving and healing. All of them are insanely easy and require you to play how the game is supposed to be played....as one unit. Choose the support class and practice these skills before week six and you shouldn't have any problems. It doesn't matter whether your team wins or loses either. As a matter of fact, you get more parts to craft with when your team is losing. Makes gift crafting challenges a breeze.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Unfortunately no, trophies are disabled in private matches. You have to be in a public match in order to gain them. 

If you can get a group of 4 friends to play at the same time you can boost in public matches.  I have played many matches where my team was broken up because of only 6 or 7 in the match at the beginning of it.  I allowed a friend to shiv me over and over through the match to get to level 3 on a shiv mission.


Also for getting the trophy for all 12 weeks you do not need to get to level 3 for the mission just level one.

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This thread was super helpful and motivated me to try the MP out again. I actually just finished both journeys off and got the platinum last night! Thanks for the help guys! Just thought I'd add my 2 cents on a couple of things. 


Rowdi said he would play 1 match and skip 2 which is pretty aggressive but I can see that's totally doable if you have pretty good rounds when you actually play. I think I played more like 2-3 rounds and skipped 1 which took me about 30 hours to complete both journeys. Skip as many as you are comfortable with though.  


Easy missions listed in order based on my opinion to save for the 100% risk missions:


  1. Heal Teammates. I'm pretty sure First Aid 2 is actually better than 3 for this because it gives less health to your allies so you can heal them more times per injury (10 vs 20 health I think). Just stay close behind team and hold X to heal. Having Reviver is also good so you can quickly revive and then heal. 
  2. Marking Enemies. Having Hawkeye 3 makes this even easier but it's not necessary at all. In fact, if you don't have Hawkeye 3, next best might be to not have that perk at all. That way your mark doesn't last as long and you can re-mark enemies as soon as the first mark disappears. This one starts at 7 enemies only. 
  3. Gifting crafted items. You just need Crafter 2 but 3 is preferable. I usually beat the tier 3 requirement on these but you probably won't beat it by much. The only reason this one is easy because there is little pressure since you don't have to get kills or anything in case you're against a really good team.  
  4. Down Enemies. I'm pretty sure the 1st tier is only 3 enemies. Pretty easy considering you have 3 matches to do this. 
  5. Down Enemies with X weapon. These usually start at 2 or 3 kills for the minimum which is also easy. 
  6. Executions. Start at 2 I think so that's another easy one. For this, I would suggest Brawler 2 so you can craft a sweet melee weapon. Once you down them, you're already right there for the easy execution. Sometimes when you down with a gun, they crawl away and get revived before you can finish them off. 
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Firstly, MP definitely isn't a grind! It's probably my favourite MP I've played from the last 5 years. Stealth, tactics, team-play, survival... it's all there. This is the complete opposite of a grind in my opinion.


Sure, it took about 50 hours for the MP trophies and similar for the story (I take my time, haha), but unless you hate the game, this is the most fun you'll have with a game in my opinion. All the best!

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Me two this is one of my favorite MP aside from TTT2", currently ranked X = 4 times completion", 


I think it is possible for all 100% risk missions just doing Gift giving(The easiest). I tried gifting 12 in one match in survivor with Crafter 3 & Marathon Runner in my custom loadout",

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Healing teamates is the easiest, just follow them round and you'll have the target before you even finish the first game. I ignored anything other than 100% risk missions. Once I got the faction size trophy out of the way I found it easier to keep my clan population low. The 60% missions were useful at culling my tribe tbh


great game and I really enjoyed my time with the multiplayer. Something different than the norm. Shame so many people seem to be put off playing it. I liked the facebook link personally. Whats not to like about being told some douchebag you only half know has died of starvation??

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  • 3 months later...

The trophies for multiplayer overwhelms me that I think the way the game set up for multiplayer is doing WAYYYYYY too much. Haven't really played the multiplayer before so I may just ignore that mode. Too much time consuming that I may play another game or a conflict if I need to do something or one of the clan members are doing something.

Edited by Superstarmaste1r
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