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Hi everyone! Figured I should introduce myself now that I decided to come look the forums. :lol:


I'm a 21-year-old girl from Finland. I study information technology in university of applied sciences, and my free time I spend mostly with video games and drawing. I've been playing all my life and gaming really is a part of my life nowadays. 


I have a versatile taste of games, and there is no genre which is a total no-no for me. But I could say my favorites are adventure and horror games. Best series in my opinion are Assassin's Creed, Sengoku Basara and Silent Hill. <3  My new crush is Final Fantasy (which I thought I hated until I really tried to play one...) and FF is one reason why I decided not to cast any genres off my game shelf. I don't play a lot multiplayer games since I'm more interested in the story than killing other players etc., but I do like to co-op very much!


Along with gaming and drawing, I enjoy drinking tea, driving my car and watching hockey.

So yeah, wish you all a good day! :wave:

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Hello, there! IT, hm? Funnily enough, one of my closest friends is studying the exact same field. If I may ask, what year are you in?


It is quite nice to see another person whom does not flat-out despise specific genres. The only ones I say I do not find particularly enjoyable in many cases, but not necessarily dislike, are sports. They garner next to no interest in me.


I wish you a good day, as well. Welcome to the community, new friend.

Edited by Nepgear2
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Welcome to the forums! I am sure that your crush with Final Fantasy will develop into a fully-fledged romance with sleepless nights and all that jazz (I was planning on extending that metaphor but got bored half way). Anyway, enjoy the forums, the people here are wonderful and will make you feel very welcome.

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You like horror games? I was playing bioshock at night and i got scared so many times from the voices and the sudden appearance of enemies, how can you handle the anxiety? @_@

Haha! I haven't played Bioshock, but I believe you. I somehow enjoy the feeling of anxiety and being scared of proceeding, though I must admit that I have to take breaks once in a while when I'm playing a horror game, just to calm myself. But anyhow, it's terrifying at times, but that's what I like about them. They give a different feeling. :D

IT, hm? Funnily enough, one of my closest friends is studying the exact same field. If I may ask, what year are you in?

I'm a first-year student, been studying about six months. :) Been pretty nice so far!

And haha, didn't think about sports games. There have always been a NHL game since I was a kid, and I had to one for myself too, but other than that I don't care about them either. :D

And thank you all so much for all the welcomes! Appreciate them all. ^3^

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Hi everyone! Figured I should introduce myself now that I decided to come look the forums. :lol:


I'm a 21-year-old girl from Finland. I study information technology in university of applied sciences, and my free time I spend mostly with video games and drawing. I've been playing all my life and gaming really is a part of my life nowadays. 


I have a versatile taste of games, and there is no genre which is a total no-no for me. But I could say my favorites are adventure and horror games. Best series in my opinion are Assassin's Creed, Sengoku Basara and Silent Hill. <3  My new crush is Final Fantasy (which I thought I hated until I really tried to play one...) and FF is one reason why I decided not to cast any genres off my game shelf. I don't play a lot multiplayer games since I'm more interested in the story than killing other players etc., but I do like to co-op very much!


Along with gaming and drawing, I enjoy drinking tea, driving my car and watching hockey.

So yeah, wish you all a good day! :wave:

Firstly welcome, your game taste is diverse, which is always great, I'll try out any game so I've played all the ones you've mentioned.


Now the real reason I'm here curiosity killed the cat and the cat was called Superbuu O_O, what final fantasy managed to sway your taste in the games?


BTW i completely agree with coop, I'd rather change the world with my buddies not kill them :(.  I often grab any game with local coop just because there seems to be less and less games that have it nowaday.  If you got a game you need coop help on let me know, I feel like i'm in a minority when i say i only like coop multiplayer.

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Now the real reason I'm here curiosity killed the cat and the cat was called Superbuu O_O, what final fantasy managed to sway your taste in the games?

A few years ago I tried to play FFX and saw my friend playing FFVII, but I didn't care about either of them. I was also recommended to buy FFXIII-2, and I actually did it, but I only tried it too a few times and then came to a conclusion that those games suck. Until last week I decided to give my FFXIII-2 yet another chance and in the end it became difficult to stop playing it. :D Yes, I've heard the XIII-trilogy is bad in the series but I enjoyed XIII-2 very much and am now playing Lightning Returns. I'm also very excited about the not yet released Final Fantasies, and I also think I should give the FFX another chance too. Maybe I'll buy the HD collection. ;)

And I'll keep in mind that there's at least someone who would like co-opping! I'd like to platinum Far Cry 3 sometimes, and I haven't yet played the co-op in it, so that could be one chance to co-op, for example. :)

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A few years ago I tried to play FFX and saw my friend playing FFVII, but I didn't care about either of them. I was also recommended to buy FFXIII-2, and I actually did it, but I only tried it too a few times and then came to a conclusion that those games suck. Until last week I decided to give my FFXIII-2 yet another chance and in the end it became difficult to stop playing it. :D Yes, I've heard the XIII-trilogy is bad in the series but I enjoyed XIII-2 very much and am now playing Lightning Returns. I'm also very excited about the not yet released Final Fantasies, and I also think I should give the FFX another chance too. Maybe I'll buy the HD collection. ;)

And I'll keep in mind that there's at least someone who would like co-opping! I'd like to platinum Far Cry 3 sometimes, and I haven't yet played the co-op in it, so that could be one chance to co-op, for example. :)

Oh cool, I tried FF XIII as everyone said it was crap and when something is universally called crap I have to at least check it out lol.  I quite enjoyed it and my friend siad if i enjoed the combat, I should grab FF XIII-2 which i'm likely to buy soon.


I do still own far cry 3 I finished it ages ago, if you can't find a coop partner let me know.  From what I remember its nowhere near as cool as the normal campaign lol. I'll let you know when i feel like some coop.

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I also like playing CoOp but I have the feeling that there is not too much quality content on PlayStation 4 yet (correct me if I'm wrong). Are you also writing finals around this time?


Drinking tea and drawing sounds good. Is hockey in Finland comparable to football in Germany in terms of popularity?


Have a nice time!

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Yet again, thank you everyone for the welcomings! <3


areyouawake; No, I'm not writing finals. :D I didn't even go to high school since in Finland you can go to there or to a vocational school, and I already graduated from vocational school. I'm now a first-year-student in a university of applied sciences so I still got about three years to go before graduating from there.


And yes, hockey is very popular in Finland, and I'm sure it's as popular as football in Germany. :D Finns go crazy around the time of hockey's world championship and it's a big party in here if Finland wins. Also many kids play ice hockey, I played it too when I was little and my brother has played it his whole life and still does.

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