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"Rarest trophies" limited to 1 per game

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The idea is based on valid points, but I don't think your case is very common, even more if we take in consideration that the game is fairly new and the stats for the trophies willd change later on. The fix becomes null after that.


as i pointed out, i took 5 random profile from the index page, and 4 out of 5 suffered from the exact same problem. I'm pretty sure this is very common ;).

Also, i don't think OlliOlli2 trophies' rarity will go down much. 3 of the hardest trophies are "linked": finish RAD mode, get 100% offline, and the platinum. Those three trophies will never have a huge difference in rarity, because they are essentially the same :).

But whatever, this game is not the point, many older game also have a lot of rare trophies. Here are other random profile from index page:



https://psnprofiles.com/SharksOnIce  ==> rarest trophies all of the same game

https://psnprofiles.com/xAnxus212  ==> the 5 rarest trophies come from 3 games. Whats the point of saying "he got those gold trophies for those game" if we already see that he got the plat in those specific game? This is redundant information.

https://psnprofiles.com/TwilightGundam01 ==> again, 5 rarest trophies comes from the same game.

And i promess those profile are taken randomly (well, i took the 3 profile that were showed on the index page...). I'm not saying that this is true for every profile, but it concern at the very least 25% of them :-). I know this is not a big deal, but i really don't see the point of showing the rarest trophies that way.

Edited by lesk8vaincra
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  • 2 years later...

Wow, a two year old thread :giggle: thanks for linking me @TheYuriG


The reason I was thinking about it, is at the moment it's kind of a waste of informational space if it's just repeating that one game has a bunch of rare trophies. 


For me, I don't want my trophy cabinet to be a list of my rarest trophies. I try to pick trophies I enjoyed getting, or I'm proud of, but don't get highlighted in any other way. If I want to see a users rarest trophies, I can go to the log and filter for that. Likewise if I'm looking for their rarest platinums. Therefore, the rarest trophies box doesn't give me anything new, which it would do if it showed the rarest non-platinum trophy from 5 separate games.


I understand it's a small insignificant thing I think could be better, and there's no way that everyone will agree that one way is the best. Choice is always the way to go with these things; the more customisable our profiles are the better. 

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16 hours ago, B1rvine said:

How about a "Rarest Platinums" instead of rarest trophies?  That would solve OP's issue and be more relevant.


Of my 5 Rarest Trophies, 3 are from games without a platinum (of 2 different games), and of one of them I'm very proud. Beside this, I agree with the "one trophy per game" idea proposed in this topic.

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16 hours ago, B1rvine said:

How about a "Rarest Platinums" instead of rarest trophies?  That would solve OP's issue and be more relevant.


There's really rare and respectable trophies without Platinums out there though.


Honestly I think it's fine the way it is but 1 per game doesn't sound like a bad idea.

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There's only 5 trophies shown in this section and I'd prefer to see your top 5 rarest games here instead of potentially one game.


I think it's more beneficial especially as you can't sort your trophy list by rarity.


Ultimately though it would be better if you could sort your trophy list by the rarest trophy earned and have the rarest trophy earned from each game displayed in place of rank maybe when sorting on that option. I won't mention the other stat that can then come from this.


For example something like this:



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1 hour ago, FawltyPowers said:

There's only 5 trophies shown in this section and I'd prefer to see your top 5 rarest games here instead of potentially one game.


I think it's more beneficial especially as you can't sort your trophy list by rarity.


Ultimately though it would be better if you could sort your trophy list by the rarest trophy earned and have the rarest trophy earned from each game displayed in place of rank maybe when sorting on that option. I won't mention the other stat that can then come from this.


For example something like this:



I think this is more what the OP is reffering to.

Not a big fan of the idea though. There's already so much stuff shown on each profile with all the games, trophies, mile stones, etc. It's hard to show even more without everything looking completely overloaded with numbers and information. There's only limited space available and unless there's going to be sort of a drop-down menu that lets you choose game rarity, trophy rarity, mile stones and so on I don't see it as a good idea.

So don't get me wrong, I like lots of different statistics when it comes to trophies, but it's getting too much with the way it's designed currently. Since the site has had an overhaul pretty recently, I don't see another happening that soon.

Edited by iAlphaSoldier
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8 minutes ago, iAlphaSoldier said:

The 5 rarest trophies should be exactely that: the 5 rarest trophies. What you mean is more like what

I think this is more what the OP is reffering to.

Not a big fan of the idea though. There's already so much stuff shown on each profile with all the games, trophies, mile stones, etc. It's hard to show even more without everything looking completely overloaded with numbers and information. There's only limited space available and unless there's going to be sort of a drop-down menu that lets you choose game rarity, trophy rarity, mile stones and so on I don't see it as a good idea.

So don't get me wrong, I like lots of different statistics when it comes to trophies, but it's getting too much with the way it's designed currently. Since the site has had an overhaul pretty recently, I don't see another happening that soon.


The OP was referring to the five rarest trophies being displayed in the Rarest Trophies section. I'm referring to the entire trophy list.


Also to have an addition to the drop down on Order so have:


Last Played





Maybe this is more of a personal opinion as I find the rarity of games on a persons profile to be more relevant than the quantity. Also (and again just my opinion) I've never found any relevance to Rank, to me you've either completed a game or you haven't. There's already the indicator to show 100% games in a very light blue and everything else in white, so omitting it in favour of the rarest trophy for this particular sort could work.


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3 minutes ago, FawltyPowers said:


The OP was referring to the five rarest trophies being displayed in the Rarest Trophies section. I'm referring to the entire trophy list.


Also to have an addition to the drop down on Order so have:


Last Played





Maybe this is more of a personal opinion as I find the rarity of games on a persons profile to be more relevant than the quantity. Also (and again just my opinion) I've never found any relevance to Rank, to me you've either completed a game or you haven't. There's already the indicator to show 100% games in a very light blue and everything else in white, so omitting it in favour of the rarest trophy for this particular sort could work.


Highlighting games in different colors would be a nice idea I can very much get on board with. It would also be an easy thing to implement speaking from a coding perspective.

It's always a ciritical thing to delete something that has been there a long time because plenty of people like the old thing and would be very vocal if it was changed to something different. That is why I tried to emphasize that it should be an additional feature rather than replacing something and because it should be an addition in my opinion I also said it would be too much at once (hence the suggestion of a drop-down menu).

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On 28/3/2017 at 0:59 AM, B1rvine said:

How about a "Rarest Platinums" instead of rarest trophies?  That would solve OP's issue and be more relevant.

You can do that with the trophy cabinet.


I don't care too much about having only 3 games on the Rarest Trophy list. The percentages are spread enough that at some point, one trophy is bound to get in the middle.

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I agree with what you all said.  It'd be a coding nightmare (maybe, since I'm a noob in that area), but ideally I'd like to see 5 unique games, and their rarest trophies in each mixing both platinum games and non platinum games.  I really only said rarest 5 platinums since most of the time they're almost always "harder" and usually rarer as well, but I know it's not always the case on rarity.


I don't use my trophy case for rarest trophies, but my favorite games and most prized plats.


Honestly, being able to completely customize your profile would be best.  I'd remove my rarest section and milestone section completely.

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seriously, is there anyone that unironically wants to see 2 rarest trophies from the same game??


Anyway. To sum up my suggestion:


Choose "Rarest Trophies" or "Rarest Platinums". If the former, let the user choose "Classic",  "1 per game" or "1 per game, prioritize DLC".

Edited by Thropy_Hore
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