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"Rarest trophies" limited to 1 per game

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Hi everyone, and first of all, sorry for my bad english :).

I recently played OlliOlli2 (which is awesome btw) and i got the plat. I know that this is going to change in the next few days, but many of this game's trophy are ultra rare. Which means that, right now, my 8 rarest trophies are belonging to that particular game.


I would prefer that the "rarest trophy" panel on my profile shows the single rarest trophy of a game. I mean, if i own the platinum trophy for OlliOlli, why would it matter that another trophy of that game is "almost as rare"? Everybody knows!


So in my opinion, it would be better to show not more than the rarest trophy for a single game. I'm not sure if i'm explaining correctly, so please look at the attached files.

The first one shows my current "rarest trophy" panel. As you can see, the 5 rarest trophies comes from the same game.

I would prefer to show 5 different games like it is shown in the second image.

If your 5 rarest trophies are from a single game, you could maybe put the rarest of those on the panel, and then add "and 4 other trophies", then list other rare trophies for other games. It would look like the third image.



You can put your rarest trophy from each game in your Trophy Cabinet. If you become a premium member, you can store up to 10 trophies in the cabinet.

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It is that way because the game just came out, look at my profile, the RE Revelations 2 trophies are all in my "Rarest Trophies" list.


Even if all trophies in said game stay Ultra Rare when more people play it, i don't think this should be changed, it's just like Parker said, it's supposed to show your rarest trophies out of all trophies, not from each game.  :)

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I completely agree with Parker. If it was limited to 1 per game, it wouldn't be accurate anymore.


If it bothers you that much, get some more rare trophies to mix it up. And if you want to show off certain trophies, you can just use the trophy cabinet,  like others have said.

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I completely agree with Parker. If it was limited to 1 per game, it wouldn't be accurate anymore.


If it bothers you that much, get some more rare trophies to mix it up. And if you want to show off certain trophies, you can just use the trophy cabinet,  like others have said.


That wouldn't solve his problem, he wants to show the rarest trophies from different games not the same ones. 

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That wouldn't solve his problem, he wants to show the rarest trophies from different games not the same ones. 


Except that it would. If he played many different games with rare trophies around the same rarity as his rarest trophies now, the box would be filled with different games.


And really, this is only happening to him because of everyone bum rushing a PS+ game. Once OlliOlli2 levels out to it's "real" rarity, the problem will be essentially solved. There'll be maybe 2 trophies from the same game in the rarest trophies.

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Except that it would. If he played many different games with rare trophies around the same rarity as his rarest trophies now, the box would be filled with different games.


And really, this is only happening to him because of everyone bum rushing a PS+ game. Once OlliOlli2 levels out to it's "real" rarity, the problem will be essentially solved. There'll be maybe 2 trophies from the same game in the rarest trophies.


While that is true, we simply can't tell him to play top tier high level games for rare trophies. I have to agree that everyone is rushing this O2 platinum and the real rarity will come soon. I would like a choice tho in the near future to sort out my trophies like that. 

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I don't really care all that much about the suggestion, even if it would be cool if they weren't all from the same game, but I'd more like this to be some kind of sorting option in the log.


Except that it would. If he played many different games with rare trophies around the same rarity as his rarest trophies now, the box would be filled with different games.


And really, this is only happening to him because of everyone bum rushing a PS+ game. Once OlliOlli2 levels out to it's "real" rarity, the problem will be essentially solved. There'll be maybe 2 trophies from the same game in the rarest trophies.


While I totally get your point and ZeroXOF is wrong about his reasoning, I think he is actually right about his conclusion. It wouldn't solve the problem. Getting more rare trophies is most likely not going to solve the problem. You'd need more rare ones that are just as rare. Often if it's a game with a platinum, that rarest trophy will be accompanied with the platinum trophy (sorry, I had to edit here, I meant to say platinum trophy) in the game, with pretty much the exact same rarity. That would fill up two slots automatically, and often you'd maybe have another one or two from the same game. Yes, you could potentially be so lucky as to get one other rare trophy that goes between them, but this is very unlikely.


Personally, my entire top rarest is from the same game. My top 7 rarest is from the same game, followed by 3 other games, then a couple more from the same game, and followed by a couple of others, which one of them is the same as the earlier three games, and then a couple more from the same game... etc :P Not much further down I got plenty of the same games grouping up. The point is that they seem to group together, and as such, getting more rare trophies usually won't solve the problem.

Edited by MMDE
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I agree. While I am mostly fine with my current list (I'm tired of Litchi, but the rest of it is fine), if I didn't pick up Don't Starve off of a friend's repeated recommendation, my rarest trophy list would be strictly trophies from BlazBlue Continuum Shift Extend, a game which was released years ago. And it's not like they're super hard ones, either. Litchi's can be easily done by beating Tager's corpse, Tsubaki's has slightly over double the completion rate on a harder combo in the sequel, Hakumen's can be easily boosted (and done by a fairly simple combo if you don't want to boost), and Carl's can be done with an easy combo. And it's not a case of "Oh, you're just a fighting game player, your standards of difficulty are higher than most". Those trophies are easy. Five minutes of effort to get the three to five hit combos down and perform them against the gigantic Tager.


I also don't know how to make a trophy cabinet for my Peacock and Arakune trophies

Edited by Heartlesswaheart
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I can see the OPs point, but as many others have already correctly stated, it wouldn't be your 'rarest' trophies then, it would just be a selection of the rarest.

I was getting rather tired of seeing the same 'rarest' trophies in my list for ages (I literally only had 5/6 for ages), then when I naturally picked up and played other games that list got shuffled around.

OlliOlli's trophy list, I think, is going to remain fairly close to ultra rare. Simply because it's been on PSN plus, it's a new game no-one has had to buy and lots of people have picked up. With probably a large majority of 'free' players only ever getting a couple of trophies and leaving it be. Look at Road Not Taken for instance, how many of you would of picked up that game if you had to pay for it ?~ (I know some of you would, I would!, but most wouldn't xP)

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It wouldn't show every rare trophy if you simply limit the panel to one trophy per game. As i said, if you put a text field with "and 7 other trophies", it would be correct ("rarest trophies") AND nicer to see (not 5 trophies of the same game...).

in my example, it would show that my rarest trophy is the OlliOlli2 plat, with a rarity of 0.20%, that the second rarest trophy for another game is Joe Danger 2, with a rarity of 0.80%, and that between 0.20% and 0.80% i have 7 other trophies in OlliOlli2.


If i (or anybody else) wants to see what are the 7 other trophies, you could add a link that loads another panel with other rare trophies from that game. It could look like something like this:



Default view:




Expanded view:




I know that OlliOlli is not the best example because, as i said, the rarity will evolve in the next few weeks. But many profile suffer from the same thing, even if their rarest trophies comes from a game released a long time ago. I took 5 random profile by clicking on links in the index page. Here they are:


https://psnprofiles.com/weeztha   ==> Yay, we can see he owns most of the trophies from zen pinball, but... That's it! He also owns a 0,38% platinum from Warhawk, but you just can't see that in his default profile :/.

https://psnprofiles.com/schrubbman81   ==> same thing. 5 of his rarest trophies come from the same game. This doesn't seem to be a useful information, i would prefer to see that he owns a very rare trophy from The Last Guy or Burn Zombie Burn!

https://psnprofiles.com/CarlosLesniac   ==> Again, his 5 rarest trophies come from the same game. He has a ultra rare trophy from Ecolibrium, but no one will ever notice

https://psnprofiles.com/GAMERJET      ==> This profile seems beter, his rarest trophies doesnt come from the same game :P

https://psnprofiles.com/Alwild81            ==> 4 out of 5 from the same game...


I assure you that i took 5 profile by pure randomness. Out of 5 profile, 4 suffer from that problem, even if each of those gamers have played a LOT of games (between 150 and 600 each...), so no, ExHaseo, you can't choose to mix trophies by simply chasing rarest trophies :/


I truly believe that changing this system could provide a better, more useful information about a gamer. It is my opinion, but i don't care to know that a specific gamer has the 10 rarest trophies from the hardest game ever. I want to know what else he played. I'll be much more impressed by a profile with 5 plats from different game as with a rarity of 1% than 5 trophies from a single game with a rarity between 0.01% and 0.02%. Yay, he his one of the best in that game, get over it, i don't have to see the same information twice of 5 times !

Edited by lesk8vaincra
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I like your ideas, I only have 2 out of 5, that do that, but if I ever plat the game, it will go to 4 out 5. as there are 2 more rares to get in far cry 2.

Perhaps, even have a rarest plat top 5, and rarest 5 from different games. (no plats allowed)

Edited by bcks007
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Seems to me, like many others, that the cabinet can clearly be used to showcase rare trophies and such.


The rarest trophies box it's working as intended as it is.


In my opinion, the trophy cabinet should not be used to show your rarest trophies, but the trophies you are proud of. I'm not a paying user so i can only show 3 trophies, but if i could put 10 trophies there, they would be every plat trophies from extreme sport games:

- SSX plat

- Skate 2 plat

- Skate 3 plat

- Tony hawk pro skater HD plat

- Shaun White skateboarding plat

- Shaun White snowboarding plat

- OlliOlli 100% trophy

- OlliOlli2 plat

- Winter Stars plat


These trophies are not my rarest, but if i could, these are the ones i would show.


As you said, rarest trophy is working as intended (showing foolishly your rarest trophies). I'm saying that this method is not the best, even if it is the most accurate. Look at your profile: your 5 rarest trophies come from CATHERINE, the rarest being of course the platinum trophy. If you got the plat in that game, i know for a fact, without any possible error, that you also own  "A God is Born!", "Obelisk Conquered!", "Menhir Conquered!"  and "The Golden Child". It is useless and redudant to show that information. And that is why in my opinion it should be modified. With an extended view, you can still look at your top 6 rarest trophies (from catherine), but you'll also see instantaniously that you own the plat for Vanquish or shadow of the colossus :)

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'Rarest trophies from 5 seperate games' is quite a long title for a box ...


I don't see the point for change, but I do understand what you are putting forward. I just think that the way it works now is also fine (not really what I look at if ever I go onto someones profile in any case)

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Well, first of all, the OP's presentation is remarkably well done and full credit needs to be given for the work. I like the idea for sure. The drop down box for the "and 7 more" thing is really neat and truly tickles this stat hound/organizing nerd's fancy.

My only gripe would be, the title of the section might come into question if not altered. It seems pretty straightforward now. Most rare ---> lists most rare.

If one would enjoy seeing the different titles of games in your rarity collection, it's but one click away by clicking any one of the links that are all literally less than an inch from the first entry of the box.

but again, groovy presentation indeed. :)

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