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Let's Play SO4: Return of the Epic Quest

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 Well that is a good place to get Edge's drops :).


But have you not beaten the game yet Dragon?

Good to know :D, I've replaced Edge with Arumat though. Going to do Edge's kills on the Faize playthrough. I'm hoping to finish the game this weekend. After that either start the Colosseum matches or 7SD. What level is recommended to beat Sataniel on Galaxy mode? Arumat is 62 and Sarah, Bacchus, and Meracle are 58-60.

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Good to know :D, I've replaced Edge with Arumat though. Going to do Edge's kills on the Faize playthrough. I'm hoping to finish the game this weekend. After that either start the Colosseum matches or 7SD. What level is recommended to beat Sataniel on Galaxy mode? Arumat is 62 and Sarah, Bacchus, and Meracle are 58-60.

See that is smart. Once again I didn't plan ahead right so I was already done a bunch of kills with Edge when I thought "shit I should have used him on my Faize playthrough" Why don't kills carry over :(


Also your levels are high enough. I believe I was 55-60 when I beat Satanail

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See that is smart. Once again I didn't plan ahead right so I was already done a bunch of kills with Edge when I thought "shit I should have used him on my Faize playthrough" Why don't kills carry over :(


Also your levels are high enough. I believe I was 55-60 when I beat Satanail

Thnx :D. I tried to kill as many enemies as possible with Edge before Arumat joined. Made 2 back up saves before the phantom ambush. BT progress carrying over would be a great addition.


Awesome, that's good to know. I was planning to get to lvl 70, but I'll try to beat Satanail today.

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Quest update: Meracle and Sarah BTs are now at 100%. Here are the new numbers xD


Edge - 88 (+1)
Reimi - 100
Faize - 83
Lymle - 100
Bacchus - 78
Meracle - 100 (+36)
Sarah - 100 (+36)
Myuria - 67
Arumat - 90


41/47 Trophies - 806/900 Battle Trophies - 287:10 Hours

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Pat you're in the ocean groove, hoping off the stars with a hover board   :highfive:

This is my face when I see everyone else's hours spent.

I'm a bit over xD




It seems that I've taken the long scenic route,


Earth - 97:02:36 (faize and Lymle/EQ )

Galaxy - 748:52:43 (Arumat and Grindy Bt's)

Universe -  16:38:20

Chaos - 20:32:50


882.24 hours

I'm just now realizing what you meant :facepalm:

Yeah, I'd say just a wee bit more than everyone else lol but it's all good, comrade. Your quest is finally complete now! :yay:

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I was just wondering, would it be any difference if I decide to get Faize's 3000 battles BT before the phantom battle on my first run then just grind out the other BT's I have left on that backup save later?


I'm currently sitting at 21 hours game time with 104 BT's while at the middle of Lemuris on Galaxy difficulty.

Edited by Meepy-
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I was just wondering, would it be any difference if I decide to get Faize's 3000 battles BT before the phantom battle on my first run then just grind out the other BT's I have left on that backup save later?


I'm currently sitting at 21 hours game time with 104 BT's while at the middle of Lemuris on Galaxy difficulty.

There's no reason to do that, because you must do a Faize playthrough to kill 55 Grigoris in the postgame dungeon. You can combine the 3,000 battles with Edge's 30,000 kills and do Arumat's 30,000 kills when Faize leaves the party.

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Yep. Just spamed Termination. Compared to the Manifest, Kokabiel and her spawns are a joke.

Yeah, I agree. I thought Kokabiel was going to be though and trained Bacchus in Cardianon while getting the 255 robotic drops. Turned out he was way too overleveled :P.


Edit 1:

Looks like the cutscene is over, time to kick Satanail's ass.


Edit 2:

And he has been defeated :dance:.

Edited by Dragon-Archon
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Yeah, I agree. I thought Kokabiel was going to be though and trained Bacchus in Cardianon while getting the 255 robotic drops. Turned out he was way too overleveled :P.


Looks like the cutscene is over, time to kick Satanail's ass.


I've stopped using Bacchus shortly after leaving the mothership.

When I've got Arumat, he was 49, I think, only a level weaker than Edge.

And when I've got to EN II, I wasted majority of my money in shops (only 100k+ left), upgraded everyone's equips, and went to the Sanctuary expecting a challenge, because the fight with the Manifest was pretty brutal. ( I even thought, "oh, it seems I'm no longer overleveled").


A single combo chain from Arumat not only did a TON of damage, he got the "20 000 damage in one hit" BT. So... yeah. Kokabiel is a joke.

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Nevermind, they appear after the long credits. Tri-Ace sure loves to troll.


"Hey, you've beaten the really-really-really tough secret dungeon! Here's your very special reward! CLOTHES!"


"Well, aren't you haaapppy?"




Edge: 24%

Reimi: 18%

Faize: 48% 

Lymle: 18%

Bacchus: 64%

Meracle: 9%

Myuria: 6%

Sarah: 0%

Arumat: 8%


12/47 Trophies - 195/900 Battle Trophies - 78:25 Hours


Off to farm roses.

Useless drabbles here:

[Cardiannon Mothership]


“Finally, we can move on!”

“But... we’ve just entered the tower...”

“Ha-ha-ha-ha-no. You’ve been stuck in this room for a long time. Want the exact numbers?”

“Um... yes?”

“24 hours and 35 minutes”.


“Reality warping, my dear. I’ve messed with everyone’s perception of time”.

“But how...”

“Edge. I’m a spirit who resides in your head, makes snarky comments, snatches control of your and yours friends’ bodies whenever he pleases and leeches off your life force to prolong his presence in this dimension. Want to ask “how?” again?”

“You do wha-“

“Oops, too much information! By the way, do you know that your eyes glow in the dark? It does strike me as odd. Humans isn’t capable of doing that, as far as I know, and I don’t think that its my influence. I can’t change your biological state... so drastically. Think about it.”


[back on Calnus]


“What do you want?”

“To talk. Or, rather, give you my thoughts on... our companions. You may not remember it, but I was stuck babysitting you on that ship for the whole day non-stop. Now, battle and field-wise, they are all useful, but...”


“Let me be frank. We are stuck with your irritating creepy-eyed totally-not-a-girlfriend, who has a few redeeming qualities, an incredibly annoying 15 year-old girl with mental state of 6 year old and speech inpediment, an overly formal cyborg, who is okay, thank Night, and... uh, Faize. And I’m more that sure that you’ll pick up someone else on the next planet and this someone will be even worse”.

“What, no kind words about me?”

“You are overly trusting, righteous and naive knight in shining armor, and your trust will be your undoing. Your face reminds me about someone I hate with a passion, and you should be glad that you are not completely like him. Because if you were, I would’ve made your life a living hell.”


[Alternate Earth]



“I welcome you, guests from the stars!”

“Edge, don’t trust her. She is an enemy.”

“Can you share your superior technology with us, pretty please?”

“Edge, no.”




[one incredibly trawmatizing event later]


“ I. Can’t. Believe. It. Why am I always stuck with an idiots? How could you? She stunk of crazy! No, let’s trust her, let’s give her the energy source, let’s allow her to blow the whole goddamned planet up!”

“Please... stop...”

“Like hell I will! Of course, I understand that this is a fixed point, and I wouldn’t be able to do anything to stop you, but this was idiotic!”

“You won’t understand. I killed them all. I destroyed the whole planet... I’m a monster...”

“No, you just a fool who made a bad desision. Believe me, you don’t want to know how many of my bad desisions led to deaths and world destruction. Sometimes I knew to what they’ll lead to and made a cruel choice only to observe the results. Sometimes I didn’t. Sometimes I couldn’t stop my host in time, just like here. And sometimes... Only your desision led to that Earth blowing up. You didn’t destroy each building and kill each human on that Earth personally. But I-”

“You... did?”

“I did. And not once.”

“You’re kidding.”

“For example, there once was a world, Prodesto. I... we... killed and destroyed and burned. Broke many lives. It was a bloodbath. A hell. And I took a great delight in it.”


“Feel free to mope all you want. You will recover eventually. Remember - compared to me, you’re an angel.”




“So this is Edge’s power...”

“What power? Glowing?”


[everyone continues to be awed]

“Tell them to shut up. Please...”



[On the way to Aeos]


“I thought no one can be more annoying, more irritating, more unsufferable than Welch. I was wrong.”

“Oh. Don’t tell me-“

“I. HATE. Sarah. Yes, she is an exellent healer, and is vital to the team. I’m going to keep her close. But each time she opens her mouth and spouts yet another nonsense in her squeaky voice, I wish to feed her to Meracle”

“Aw. she isn’t that-“

“She IS. I’m just going to endure. I can endure the hyperactive cat, I will be able to endure the mumbling chicken.”




“And this is our Sanctuary.”

“Hm. Looks familliar... oh.”


“I do wonder... why do Morphus worship the Pillars of Nosgoth?”

“ *sigh* Come on, people, we have a Grigori to kill...”

“Kain refused the sacrifice! Ha-ha-ha!”

“Great. Here he goes again...”


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I was in the mood to try and defeat EQ in order to see how close I could get to the 10 min limit for Lymle-100, guess what, the game froze on fifth floor of WD lol

Arumat's Dragon Roar can cause freezing. Can confirm; happened to me twice. Apparently, Black Hole can freeze the game, too.

Were those 2 characters in your party?




Is it too late for me to join this? I'll post my stats later.


Also, can someone please tell me how the **** I kill Ethereal Queen's 3rd form (on Earth difficulty, lol). I need 3-4 items for World's Biggest Welch Fan trophy.

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Is it too late for me to join this? I'll post my stats later.

Sure, you can join.


First boss done on Chaos :)

Nice, congrats :yay:. My main party is between lvl 75-78 and I'm leveling up in the 7SD. Also created all the recipes with all possible formations and still missing 8 of them. Here's hoping those are quest rewards.

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Sure, you can join.


Nice, congrats :yay:. My main party is between lvl 75-78 and I'm leveling up in the 7SD. Also created all the recipes with all possible formations and still missing 8 of them. Here's hoping those are quest rewards.

You made sure to get the 3 Faize recipes right?

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