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Let's Play SO4: Return of the Epic Quest

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After a lot of insane calculations I finally got Sarah's 77,777 BT :D FYI DO NOT USE HEALTH SEEDS ON EDGE OR BE PREPARED TO GO NUTS TRYING TO GET THIS


Edge's Battle Trophies-98% (+4)

Faize's Battle Trophies-90% (0)

Reimi's Battle Trophies-98% (+8)

Lymle's Battle Trophies-83% (+8)

Meracle's Battle Trophies-98% (+2)

Bacchus' Battle Trophies-97% (+8)

Myuria's Battle Trophies-83% (+1)

Sarah's Battle Trophies-99% (7)

Arumat's Battle Trophies-92% (+7)



39/47 Trophies  - 838/900 Battle Trophies - I have no idea what my time is. I will calculate it at the end :P

Awesome, how did you get it?

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Awesome, how did you get it?

Well after a lot of trying to get someone to an HP that could get me 77777 by either Fairy Star or Fairy Light i thought "what about getting someone to 77777 and killing them and using Resurrection"


Bachuus was the closet at 74727 so I was like "well I can use a Health Seed, give him 50HP and then just get the rest of it through synthing" Well for some reason Health Seeds were giving me 60 and not 50 (no idea why).


After playing around with it I thought "well let us level up once more and see what happens. 1 more level brought his health up to 74797. Then with 3 health seeds (at 60 each) that brought me up to 74977. Then it was simply a matter of synthing 2600 HP more and killing Bachuus (and getting his damage trophies at the same time) and then bringing him back to life :)

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Well after a lot of trying to get someone to an HP that could get me 77777 by either Fairy Star or Fairy Light i thought "what about getting someone to 77777 and killing them and using Resurrection"


Bachuus was the closet at 74727 so I was like "well I can use a Health Seed, give him 50HP and then just get the rest of it through synthing" Well for some reason Health Seeds were giving me 60 and not 50 (no idea why).


After playing around with it I thought "well let us level up once more and see what happens. 1 more level brought his health up to 74797. Then with 3 health seeds (at 60 each) that brought me up to 74977. Then it was simply a matter of synthing 2600 HP more and killing Bachuus (and getting his damage trophies at the same time) and then bringing him back to life :)

Nicely done :yay:.I nver would've thought of that.

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Way to go :)


Did you also get the 99999 damage without a weapon trophy for Edge?


As for leveling what I did was went for Meracle's drops against the birds on the 2nd floor. You will want Meracle against Gabe anyways so you might as well work on her drops while you do it. Synth some Curry Rice to give you an exp boost and go for it.


Also have you beaten Ashlay yet? You will want to get his Monster Jewel as it really helps with attack/amount of hits


Time to go kill some birdies then. I was running the 7SD with the full weapon\wrist accs EXP set + ailiments null amulets for everybody, so I'm covered in the equip department for now. 

As for 99999 without a weapon or Ashlay - nope, I'm a bit too underleveled to attempt it right now, I think. To clarify on BTs - I've got only every overall damage BTs and some overkill ones.

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Time to go kill some birdies then. I was running the 7SD with the full weapon\wrist accs EXP set + ailiments null amulets for everybody, so I'm covered in the equip department for now. 

As for 99999 without a weapon or Ashlay - nope, I'm a bit too underleveled to attempt it right now, I think. To clarify on BTs - I've got only every overall damage BTs and some overkill ones.

Have fun killing birds :)

Nicely done :yay:.I nver would've thought of that.

Well after doing 600 different combinations and every website giving the exact same set up you have to get creative :D

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Decided to try out team battles and actually climbed up all the way to the Rank 2. Now stuck wasting Gemini Dragons for a long time to unlock Rank 1. I think leaping over battles instead doing them in order wasn't a very wise idea.

This little detour made me realize something slightly unpleasant - Edge actually has more chances on doing solo battles than Arumat right now, as he greatly outperforms Arumat in ATK and Raging Strike and something-something Scream skills are OP as hell. Maybe I should run solo with him and take all his colosseum BTs out of the way \ break the level cap in the process...

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Decided to try out team battles and actually climbed up all the way to the Rank 2. Now stuck wasting Gemini Dragons for a long time to unlock Rank 1. I think leaping over battles instead doing them in order wasn't a very wise idea.

This little detour made me realize something slightly unpleasant - Edge actually has more chances on doing solo battles than Arumat right now, as he greatly outperforms Arumat in ATK and Raging Strike and something-something Scream skills are OP as hell. Maybe I should run solo with him and take all his colosseum BTs out of the way \ break the level cap in the process...

Raging Strike is indeed awesome but soon you will have Dragon Roar.


Both are great attacks but you can spam Dragon Roar pretty fast


Just passed the 20k kills mark with Arumat, hope I'll be done by the end of next week then I'll just have to concentrate on Lymle EQ BTs and Faize 55 Grigoris.

Way to go :) ALmost there



EDIT-Quick update on my progress...IT HAS BEGUN :o



Edited by Dr_Mayus
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Wasted Ashlay! Will try to finish solo tomorrow. *sigh* The Rank 2 fight takes ages though.... its chimera has an annoyingly thick hide.

Also made a quick trek through the 7SD and got the Water Ring, so I'll be able to get the chests (and, hopefully, majority of the quests) out of the way soon.

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Been quite awhile since I've posted a update, so here goes:


Edge - 100/100

Reimi - 100/100

Faize - 71/100

Lymle - 100/100

Bacchus - 100/100

Meracle - 100/100

Sarah - 100/100

Myuria - 100/100

Arumat - 100/100


41/47 Trophies  - 871/900 Battle Trophies - Will calculate playtime once the platinum is obtained.


I'm currently about half done Faize's kill 55 Grigori BT and have his "kill own shadow" BT. I'm glad that I never have to enter the WD again, as that place is nothing but Purgatory itself with the amount of times it has froze on me and those stupid geostone floors. I even spent an extra few hours getting some maxed out gear for Meracle, Edge and Faize, which has been well worth it since I've been able to wipe out each grigori in about 15-35 seconds, with Gabriel only taking around 6-7 minutes each time.


I'm estimating I should have the platinum within the next 3-4 days. 

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Been quite awhile since I've posted a update, so here goes:


Edge - 100/100

Reimi - 100/100

Faize - 71/100

Lymle - 100/100

Bacchus - 100/100

Meracle - 100/100

Sarah - 100/100

Myuria - 100/100

Arumat - 100/100


41/47 Trophies  - 871/900 Battle Trophies - Will calculate playtime once the platinum is obtained.


I'm currently about half done Faize's kill 55 Grigori BT and have his "kill own shadow" BT. I'm glad that I never have to enter the WD again, as that place is nothing but Purgatory itself with the amount of times it has froze on me and those stupid geostone floors. I even spent an extra few hours getting some maxed out gear for Meracle, Edge and Faize, which has been well worth it since I've been able to wipe out each grigori in about 15-35 seconds, with Gabriel only taking around 6-7 minutes each time.


I'm estimating I should have the platinum within the next 3-4 days. 

Nice work.

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Been quite awhile since I've posted a update, so here goes:


Edge - 100/100

Reimi - 100/100

Faize - 71/100

Lymle - 100/100

Bacchus - 100/100

Meracle - 100/100

Sarah - 100/100

Myuria - 100/100

Arumat - 100/100


41/47 Trophies  - 871/900 Battle Trophies - Will calculate playtime once the platinum is obtained.


I'm currently about half done Faize's kill 55 Grigori BT and have his "kill own shadow" BT. I'm glad that I never have to enter the WD again, as that place is nothing but Purgatory itself with the amount of times it has froze on me and those stupid geostone floors. I even spent an extra few hours getting some maxed out gear for Meracle, Edge and Faize, which has been well worth it since I've been able to wipe out each grigori in about 15-35 seconds, with Gabriel only taking around 6-7 minutes each time.


I'm estimating I should have the platinum within the next 3-4 days. 

It's funny I never have had a problem with the geostone floors yet? I get 1-3 geostones a fight so when they only need 10 or so I usually have the amount they want by the time I find the portal.


The worse ones in my opinion are the dumb Crystal ones as I always find the portal before finding all the crystals.


Anyways good luck on the plat..so close :D

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My goal is to reach 850 by the end of February :). Here is my weekly update


Edge's Battle Trophies-98% (0)

Faize's Battle Trophies-90% (0)

Reimi's Battle Trophies-100% (+2)

Lymle's Battle Trophies-83% (0)

Meracle's Battle Trophies-98% (0)

Bacchus' Battle Trophies-97% (0)

Myuria's Battle Trophies-84% (+1)

Sarah's Battle Trophies-99% (0)

Arumat's Battle Trophies-94% (+2)



39/47 Trophies  - 843/900 Battle Trophies - I have no idea what my time is. I will calculate it at the end :P

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Been quite awhile since I've posted a update, so here goes:


Edge - 100/100

Reimi - 100/100

Faize - 71/100

Lymle - 100/100

Bacchus - 100/100

Meracle - 100/100

Sarah - 100/100

Myuria - 100/100

Arumat - 100/100


41/47 Trophies  - 871/900 Battle Trophies - Will calculate playtime once the platinum is obtained.


I'm currently about half done Faize's kill 55 Grigori BT and have his "kill own shadow" BT. I'm glad that I never have to enter the WD again, as that place is nothing but Purgatory itself with the amount of times it has froze on me and those stupid geostone floors. I even spent an extra few hours getting some maxed out gear for Meracle, Edge and Faize, which has been well worth it since I've been able to wipe out each grigori in about 15-35 seconds, with Gabriel only taking around 6-7 minutes each time.


I'm estimating I should have the platinum within the next 3-4 days. 


My goal is to reach 850 by the end of February :). Here is my weekly update


Edge's Battle Trophies-98% (0)

Faize's Battle Trophies-90% (0)

Reimi's Battle Trophies-100% (+2)

Lymle's Battle Trophies-83% (0)

Meracle's Battle Trophies-98% (0)

Bacchus' Battle Trophies-97% (0)

Myuria's Battle Trophies-84% (+1)

Sarah's Battle Trophies-99% (0)

Arumat's Battle Trophies-94% (+2)



39/47 Trophies  - 843/900 Battle Trophies - I have no idea what my time is. I will calculate it at the end :P

Awesome :yay:, added it to the OP.


Is it still possible to join this epic quest? I just beat Armaros today.


(I preordered SO5, so I promised myself that I'll at least play this game before SO5 launched)

Yeah sure, welcome to the event.



25k Arumat kills and counting, I'm seeing the light at the end lol

Nice work, I'm just over 4,000 Arumat kills T_T.

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All done with the chests. *shudder*

Plan to finish up as many non-shop quests as I can, then finally go drops hunting with Meracle. 


Current stats:


Edge: 44%

Reimi: 26%

Faize: 48% 

Lymle: 18%

Bacchus: 64%

Meracle: 16%

Myuria: 6%

Sarah: 9%

Arumat: 59%


29/47 Trophies - 290/900 Battle Trophies - 122:48 Hours (+ 4:13 Hours)

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Nice work, I'm just over 4,000 Arumat kills T_T.


Oh man I just got the 4444 kill trophy with Arumat...I actually hated seeing that Battle Trophy because it reminded me how much more I have.


Also something I thought of while getting Arumat trophies. I was wondering why he had a bunch of 4444 kills or do 44444 damage etc trophies. Then I remembered that the word for 4 in Chinese sounds similar to the word for Death (which is why 4 is considered unlucky). So Arumat is Death so it makes sense that 4 would be used in most of his battle trophies.


Don't know if that was what Tri-Ace was going for, but it makes sense :)

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Oh man I just got the 4444 kill trophy with Arumat...I actually hated seeing that Battle Trophy because it reminded me how much more I have.


Also something I thought of while getting Arumat trophies. I was wondering why he had a bunch of 4444 kills or do 44444 damage etc trophies. Then I remembered that the word for 4 in Chinese sounds similar to the word for Death (which is why 4 is considered unlucky). So Arumat is Death so it makes sense that 4 would be used in most of his battle trophies.


Don't know if that was what Tri-Ace was going for, but it makes sense :)

You may be on to something. The number 4 was also on Arumat's space ship and he's always talking about being Death incarnate.

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Oh man I just got the 4444 kill trophy with Arumat...I actually hated seeing that Battle Trophy because it reminded me how much more I have.


Also something I thought of while getting Arumat trophies. I was wondering why he had a bunch of 4444 kills or do 44444 damage etc trophies. Then I remembered that the word for 4 in Chinese sounds similar to the word for Death (which is why 4 is considered unlucky). So Arumat is Death so it makes sense that 4 would be used in most of his battle trophies.


Don't know if that was what Tri-Ace was going for, but it makes sense  :)


You may be on to something. The number 4 was also on Arumat's space ship and he's always talking about being Death incarnate.

To add, Arumat's last name Thanatos is also associated with death.

Edited by RaveNScythE18
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Done all quests, only shop orders left.

Spent around 30 min dancing with bats and birdies, got only one(!) drop. *sigh* At least the enemy amounts that spawn during suprise attacks are pretty generous. Might as well get some kills for our Death Daemon.  

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