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We Play Bioshock

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Anyone who wants to join, you may use the Bioshock sign up thread, until Sunday 31st May when it will be closed. If you want to send an enquiry after that date, send me a PM or use this thread here. Anyone who invades this thread breaking this simple request will likely be added to my ignore list and effectively banned from all future playthroughs, this also includes anyone who puts spoilers in the thread, beyond the point we've played up to.


This starts Friday 29th May, if you don't have the game, I will likely add videos as I complete sections, if you want to join in on discussion of the game, again don't discuss anything beyond the current checkpoint.


I have tried to remove every single trace of anything that seemed like it could be a spoiler so don't worry about getting spoilers reading through this post.


Before We Start:

Bioshock can be platted in a single playthrough, but this will require playing on the highest difficulty (Survivor) with Vita Chambers turned off (this means if you die you will go back to your previous save), this means you should make multiple save files and save at the beginning of each area to save frustration. If you accidentally leave Vita chambers on you can avoid using them by simply not dying or reloading your save (I have not done this personally so i'm using information from various guides I checked.


When I set a checkpoint I will list the number of collectibles, and number of Little Sisters in the area as well as any area relevant trophies.


Source for trophy information here and for collectible information here.


Missable Trophies:

For all collectibles see link here

a )Tonic Collector  - Collect or Invent 58 Tonics in the Physical, Engineering and Combat tracks.

This trophy is tough for some people. There are tonics scattered around Rapture. If you’re searching for the audio diaries, you should be able to find these pretty easily. Others can be purchased from any Gatherer’s Garden. Rescuing Little Sisters gives you more Adam to work with and allows you to purchase more tonics. Taking research photos and maxing out all research also gives you some plasmids. Don't purchase all the upgrades to your Health and Eve. If you do, you won't have enough Adam to buy all the tonics for this trophy. There are a total of 58 tonics in Rapture, so you have to find all of them.

b )Research PhD - Max out all possible research.
Finish all five levels of research for all the splicers, both Big Daddies, the Little Sister, as well as the security camera, the security bots, and the turrets. Apparently you can take up to 4 pictures of some enemies, be sure to take pictures at every opportunity.

c )Historian - collect 122 audio diaries (there are 2 missable in Welcome to Rapture and 3 missable in Rapture Central Core)

Welcome to Rapture Missables

2. Diane McClintock - New Year's Eve Alone (Audio Diary) - This diary is found in the same area where you unlock the Toaster in the Tub trophy. After disposing of Charlie and the female splicer in Kashmir Restaurant, Atlas will tell you to use your electro bolt on the splicers in the water to fry them. Once the electricity disperses, walk through the water to the table on the right to find the diary.
3. Steve Barker - Hole in the Bathroom Wall (Audio Diary) - This diary is found in the bathrooms on the upper level of Kashmir Restaurant. Enter the ladies and find the diary at the far end on top of some debris.

Rapture Central Core Missables

1. Suchong - The Vita Chamber (Audio Diary) - This diary is found on the desk next to the Vita Chamber.
2. Suchong - Mind Control Test (Audio Diary) - After crawling through the vent, you'll fall into a room with a significant scene. There are two diaries on the table. This is the one on the left.
3. Suchong - Baby Status (Audio Diary) - After crawling through the vent, you'll fall into a room with a significant scene. There are two diaries on the table. This is the one on the right.

d )Dealt With Every Little Sister and Little Sister Savior - to unlock both of these rescue every Little Sister in the game (I will inform you how many little sisters in each area).

e )Lucky Winner - Hit the jackpot at a slot machine.

At the beginning of Fort Frolic, you’ll come across some slot machines. Play until you hit a jackpot. This is random and based on luck. Save right before you use the slots, then play the slots until you get the trophy (reload your save if you run out of money), and once you have the trophy, reload your save so don’t lose any money (unless you end up with more than you started with).

f )Found Cohen's Room and Irony - Do not kill Cohen in Fort frolic, kill him in Olympus Heights after he has shown you his room and take a picture of his corpse

g )Difficulty related trophies - You need to play with Vita Chambers off and Play on survivor difficulty for all trophies relating to difficulty



1. We only play up to the agreed milestone, I think if we leave people behind the group will fall apart, if people fall behind we will continue, but i do hope he others will try to keep up.

2. If you do meet an agreed story milestone, try to focus on any collectibles.

3. Let us know in the thread if you meet a milestone so we can tell if everything is running smoothly, if you're having trouble with a boss or particular enemies try to ask in the thread first before consulting a guide, this is mainly to keep the talk on the game still open.

4. If you have any suggestions I'm completely open to them.

5. Anyone who wants to join, you may use the Bioshock sign up thread, until Sunday 31st May when it will be closed. If you want to send an enquiry after that date, send me a PM. Anyone who invades this thread breaking this simple request will likely be added to my ignore list and effectively banned from all future playthroughs, this also includes anyone who puts spoilers in the thread, beyond the point we've played up to.


Group members:

  1. Superbuu3 (platinum)
  2. Cassiopria (Checkpoint 6) Complete game and pulled out
  3. ConAir (Checkpoint 2) Inactive
  4. DDrag00n (platinum)
  5. freddie1989 (platinum)
  6. Half-H3ro (Checkpoint 2)
  7. Kittet3 (platinum)
  8. Kyomi-Okami (platinum)
  9. Maftet (platinum)
  10. M0n5t3rg4m3r007 (Checkpoint 2) Inactive
  11. Morsey3d (Checkpoint 2) Inactive
  12. MStalker58 (platinum)
  13. Mystvayne (platinum)
  14. Nuttro93 (Checkpoint 4) Dropped out
  15. redcar200 (platinum)
  16. Ryuzaki1993 (platinum)
  17. shadow0988 (Checkpoint 6) Dropped out
  18. sinnriel (platinum)
  19. Styx2319 (Checkpoin 2) Dropped out
  20. UK-Danny-93 (platinum)
  21. zadorvp (platinum)

Joining Late:








We start on Friday 29th May, hope that covers everything and most importantly have fun.


If checkpoints are too close together, do let me know and we'll set two levels/areas for that checkpoint instead. When 14 people hit a checkpoint, the next checkpoint will be open.


Previous Checkpoints:

Checkpoint 1 - Complete Welcome to Rapture (Completed 13 out of 13)

Collectibles that are missable:

2. Diane McClintock - New Year's Eve Alone (Audio Diary) - This diary is found in the same area where you unlock the Toaster in the Tub trophy. After disposing of Charlie and the female splicer in Kashmir Restaurant, Atlas will tell you to use your electro bolt on the splicers in the water to fry them. Once the electricity disperses, walk through the water to the table on the right to find the diary.
3. Steve Barker - Hole in the Bathroom Wall (Audio Diary) - This diary is found in the bathrooms on the upper level of Kashmir Restaurant. Enter the ladies and find the diary at the far end on top of some debris.

Checkpoint 2 - Complete Medical Pavillion (Completed 13 out of 13)

24 collectibles (17 audio diaries, 5 tonics and 2 plasmids), there's no chapter specific trophies and you can return to this area.

Checkpoint 3 - Complete Neptune's Bounty (Completed 13 out of 13)

25 collectibles (19 audio diaries, 4 tonics, 1 plasmids, 1 weapon upgrade), there's no chapter specific trophies and you can return to this area. Remember to Research at every opportunity, when you are given the equipment to do so.

Checkpoint 4 - Complete Smuggler's Hideout (24 hours) (Completed 13 out of 13)

3 collectibles (3 audio diaries)

Checkpoint 5 - Complete Arcadia (Completed 13 out of 13)

20 collectibles (17 audio diaries, 2 tonics, 1 weapon upgrade) Note: 1 audio diary is inaccessible until we return to this area.

Checkpoint 6 - Arrive at Fort Frolic (Completed 13 out of 13)

The reason this is worded differently is i highly suspect that after we complete farmer's market we likely will return to arcadia, which still has 1 audio diary behind that locked door.

11 collectibles (8 audio diaries, 2 tonics, 1 weapon upgrade)

Possibly 1 audio diary in Arcadia may come available behind the rapture metro door.

Checkpoint 7 - Complete Fort Frolic (Completed 13 out of 13)

22 Colectibles (15 audio diaries, 5 tonics, 2 weapon upgrades)

Missable Trophies:

Lucky Winner - Hit the jackpot at a slot machine.

At the beginning of Fort Frolic, you’ll come across some slot machines. Play until you hit a jackpot. This is random and based on luck. Save right before you use the slots, then play the slots until you get the trophy (reload your save if you run out of money), and once you have the trophy, reload your save so don’t lose any money (unless you end up with more than you started with).

Found Cohen's Room and Irony - Do not kill Cohen in Fort frolic

Checkpoint 8 - Complete Hephaestus (Completed 13 out of 13)

23 Collectibles (17 audio diaries, 4 tonics, 2 weapon upgrades)

If Cohen is still around do not kill him

Checkpoint 9 - Complete Rapture Central Core (Completed 13 out of 13)


Firstly you can never reenter this area there are 3 collectibles (audio diaries), they should be easy enough to find. I'm not sure if the locations could be considered spoilers, I have given descriptions that should limit spoilers, however be aware I can't guarantee they might not spoil anything.

1. Suchong - The Vita Chamber (Audio Diary) - This diary is found on the desk next to the Vita Chamber.
2. Suchong - Mind Control Test (Audio Diary) - After crawling through the vent, you'll fall into a room. There are two diaries on the table. This is the one on the left.

3. Suchong - Baby Status (Audio Diary) - After crawling through the vent, you'll fall into a room. There are two diaries on the table. This is the one on the right.

Checkpoint 10 - Clear Olympus Heights (Completed 13 out of 13)

10 Collectibles (6 audio diaries, 2 tonics, 2 weapon upgrades)


Found Cohen's Room and Irony - Do not kill Cohen in Fort frolic, kill him in Olympus Heights after he has shown you his room and take a picture of his corpse

NOTE: one of the Weapon upgrades is in Cohen's room, so its inaccessible if you kill him before he shows you his room.

Checkpoint 11 - Clear Apollo Square (Completed 13 out of 13)

9 collectibles (6 audio diaries, 2 tonics and 1 weapon upgrade)


Checkpoint 12 - Clear Point Prometheus (Completed 13 out of 13)

If you wish to pop the plat all at the same time remember to leave a save before the second weapon upgrade or a final collectible of another type.

Collectibles (9 audio diaries, 4 tonics, 2 weapon upgrades)

Note this is the final area with collectibles, next checkpoint will likely be to beat the game.


Checkpoint 13 - Beat the game (Completed 11 out of 13)


Note do not purchase plasmids you don't need or use, or too many health upgrades as there's no trophies for those and you need enough adam for all tonics, apparently gatherer's garden prices drop as you get further into the game, I don't know if this is true on all difficulty levels.


We Play Videos (Survivor difficulty with all collectibles, check video descriptions to see list of collectibles in each video):


Videos for checkpoints:

Welcome to Rapture

Medical Pavillion

Part 1

Part 2 (check 33 minutes to see 1st Big Daddy Fight)

Neptune's Bounty

Part 1

Part 2 (features Big Daddy Fight at the start)

Part 3

Part 4 (shows easy method to take out multiple big daddies I kill 3 within the first 8 minutes)

Smuggler's Hideout


Part 1 (Big Daddy at 16 minutes using security bullseye method, do note you should either attack him or set off two alarms on this difficulty the security can't kill him in one alarm)

Part 2 (Big daddy at 9 minutes and 22 minutes, you only need to kill 2 in this area)

Part 3

Farmer's Market

Return to Arcadia

Fort Frolic


Rapture Central Control:

Olympus Heights

Apollo Square:

Point Prometheus:



Popping the Plat and Overview:


Discussion Points:


Previous Checkpoints Discussion:

Checkpoint 1 Discussion:

What difficulty are you playing on? (i'm going to ask this at every checkpoint as i'm curious how it changes peoples perceptions of things)


1. How do you think the graphics are holding up (PS3 version came out in 2008 original game in 2007)?

2. Feelings on the water theme?

3. How have you been dispatching of enemies?

4. How are you finding he atmosphere?

5. Is this game scary to you?

6. Thoughts on the Big Daddies and Little Sisters?

7. Thoughts on the Splicers?


Checkpoint 2 Discussion:



1. Which splicers do you think are the most dangerous?
2. Trophy reasons aside would you have saved or harvested the little sisters and your reasoning?
3. Did you attempt to take the Big Daddy head on? If you did, what was your reaction when he turned around?
4. How did you actually dispatch of the Big Daddy and how many attempts did it take you?
5. Hacking game fun or annoyance?
6. How did you find the boss fight? Thoughts on the boss character?
7. Initial thoughts on Tenenbaum and Atlas (If unsure just state if you trust them or not)?


Checkpoint 3 and 4 Discussion:


Your Difficulty:

Do you find the game is getting easier or harder as we've moved along?

Thoughts on the second boss fight did you have a specifc technique to beating him?

Whats your favoured method of defeating Big Daddies? Has this proven effective?

Did you find the Rosie's or the bouncers more difficult to fight?

Favourite Plasmid and most used plasmid?

Whats your preferred Photography method do you like the game mechanic?

After the events of Smuggler's hideout have your views on Atlas changed at all?

What was the first upgrade you chose?


Any other thoughts?


Checkpoints 5 & 6 Discussion (provided by zadorvp):


  1. What is your favourite location in the game so far?
  2. What tonics have you found to be the most useful?
  3. Hardest and easiest research subject to take pictures of so far?
  4. Most interesting/fun/tragic/memorable audio log so far that you have obtained?
  5. Opinions on the character of Julie Langford and her role in Rapture?
  6. What did you think of the Houdini Splicer caves found in Arcadia (the straw dolls outside and within were lit up with fire as you approached them)?
  7. Thoughts on the lab assault during checkpoint 6 and how did you deal with it?
  8. Have you done any crafting (apart from the story-forced Lazarus Vector) yet? If so, what have you been crafting?
  9. Did you fall victim to any of the bolt traps found throughout these checkpoints or did you see all of them coming from afar? How have you been dealing with them up to this point?
  10. Have you made use of any of the special ammo (proximity mines, electric gel, armor-piercing rounds, etc) for the various weapons yet?
  11. If you have been spending ADAM so far, what have you spent it on?


  1. What do you think of the accent of the Pierre Globbi character featured in the Water in Wine audio log?
  2. How did you deal with the bolt trap (and the Splicers that appear) that is sprung after picking up a certain tonic in the Winery?

Checkpoint 7 and 8 Discussion (provided by sinnriel):


1. How many of you played the slot machine after winning the jackpot and the trophy that goes with it?
2. Which 2 weapons did you fully upgrade first if you did,and why?
3. Did you think Sander Cohen's masterpiece quest was a little drawn out for the story or just right to give some more background on him?
4. Elite bouncer, were you ready for it ,have the lesser big daddys given you enough experience to take on the ELITE ?
5. Have your feelings on Tennenbaum changed for the better?
6. Did you kill Sander Cohen after finishing his art gallery ?
7. Once in HEPHAESTUS did you lean towards liking Andrew Ryan?
8. Out of all the places visited so far has your favourite area changed?
9. Did you find the GEOTHERMAL CONTROL ROOM hard or easy ,how many times did you die (if you can remember)?
10. Do you think the storys gone on enough now and want it over with ,or has it and the action got you on the edge of your seat?


Checkpoint 9 and 10 Discussion:

If you haven't beaten Rapture Central Core do not read any of these questions (Major Spoilers)

  1. When you first entered Rapture Central Core did you actually want to kill Andrew Ryan?
  2. For what reasons did you or did you not want to kill him?
  3. When you entered the room with 'Would you kindly' written on the wall did you manage to connect the dots? How about when you listened to the Audio Diaries?
  4. When you first see Andrew Ryan when he's behind the glass panel did you still feel the same way about killing him or not?
  5. What was your reaction when he could make you run around when he said would you kindly? Did you realise you were being used by Atlas?
  6. What was your reaction to the scene where you kill Andrew Ryan? What did you feel? Do you think Andrew Ryan deserved to die?
  7. What did you think of Atlas? Did you want revenge on him for using you?
  8. Did you trust Atlas prior to this? Did you realise he might be lying about his identity? Did you realise what his true identity was? (I'm not sure if there were any clues in the audio logs)
  9. When Fontaine could no longer control you did you feel safe?
  10. What was your reaction when you found out he could still hurt you?
  11. Would you have interrupted Sandy Cohen's dance if you didn't know there were items available if you didn't? Or if you didn't get the trophy that way?
  12. Do you think we can trust Tenenbaum now?
  13. Have there been any standout audio Diaries?
  14. If there's anything else you've worked out from audio diaries you'd like to share just mention those here.

Checkpoints 11-13 Discussion (This is a long one):


1. What did you think of the Lot-192 side effects? Do you think this added a decent challenge?

2. Now you are more experienced method what was your preferred method of dispatching of Big Daddies? Did you have a different method for Rosies and Bouncers?

3. Which Splicers did you think were the toughest to fight? Did this change throughout the game? Which splicer was your favourite?

4. What was your weapon and plasmid of choice? Did you tactics change throughout?

5. Did any plasmids or weapons appear to be more useful to you later than you realised at first?

6. Have there been any stand out points in the game you want to discuss further? Are there any audio diaries in particular you want to discuss?

7. How did you interpret the making of the Big Daddies and Little Sisters? Do you feel you got a satisfactory explanation?

8. Getting your hands on a Big Daddy suit, was the experience satisfying?

9. What did you think of the escort section? How many Little Sisters did you lose?

10. What did you think of the final Boss fight? Did he pose much of a challenge?

11. What did you think of the death scene?

12. What do you think happened in the ending?

13. What were your feelings and thoughts of how things ended? Were you satisfied?

14. What did you think of the game overall? Do you still like Rapture or do you just want to get out of the water setting?

15. Any questions you want to ask the group?


Other questions:

16. Did you enjoy the group playthrough and will you be intersted in future groups?

17. What future games would you like to do in a We Play after Bioshock Infinite?

18. Is there any improvements you can suggest to the formula?

Edited by Superbuu3
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Do you mind reading through that post on the missables section and tell me if I've forgotten anything please :D


Pretty sure you have listed all the missable trophies dude, I am unsure on the locations etc.


I presume when we do each checkpoint you will list all the missable ones then?


Do we know how forgiving it is in terms of going back for collectibles, eg can you at all?

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Okay, I'll be able to play after I get home from work tomorrow (in a bit less than 24 hours from now). Hopefully this We Play goes smoothly overall, a bit worried about how able I'll be to play on normal weekdays starting June 1st since stuff at work will change and could complicate things... but I'll try ^^

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Pretty sure you have listed all the missable trophies dude, I am unsure on the locations etc.


I presume when we do each checkpoint you will list all the missable ones then?


Do we know how forgiving it is in terms of going back for collectibles, eg can you at all?

All zones aside from Welcome to Rapture and Rapture Central Core can be revisited, so there shouldn't be any major issues. I'm going to list any missables and trophies specific to any chapter, as I was intending to take care of that for everyone so guides are used minimally and we can just ask each other for tips and advice.

Okay, I'll be able to play after I get home from work tomorrow (in a bit less than 24 hours from now). Hopefully this We Play goes smoothly overall, a bit worried about how able I'll be to play on normal weekdays starting June 1st since stuff at work will change and could complicate things... but I'll try ^^

Chapters seem really short so you could probably beat a section in under an hour meaning like 30 minutes a day although, if you're playing on survivor maybe trickier than that. I'll be doing this on survivor personally and hopefully recording a full platinum run.

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All zones aside from Welcome to Rapture and Rapture Central Core can be revisited, so there shouldn't be any major issues. I'm going to list any missables and trophies specific to any chapter, as I was intending to take care of that for everyone so guides are used minimally and we can just ask each other for tips and advice.

Chapters seem really short so you could probably beat a section in under an hour meaning like 30 minutes a day although, if you're playing on survivor maybe trickier than that. I'll be doing this on survivor personally and hopefully recording a full platinum run.


Oh that's cool then, I didn't realise you could go back. I will also jump to survivor to get plat in one go hopefully!!

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I must be a day ahead of most of you as it's already Friday morning here so I'll start playing later tonight. I'm going to go for the one playthrough plat. Hopefully survivor difficulty isn't too hard.


Don't worry about it, people were talking about this in the Okami topic, with how they had to wait longer, I'm not going to kick up a fuss once a checkpoint is already up, and it was part of the reason I put the topic today.

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Don't worry about it, people were talking about this in the Okami topic, with how they had to wait longer, I'm not going to kick up a fuss once a checkpoint is already up, and it was part of the reason I put the topic today.


Oh, right, I could have already started then :P Oh well, something to look forward to after work ^^

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Does anyone know how to get survivor difficulty straight away? It doesn't appear for me....

Out of a fresh installation and on first start, I found it when I picked New Game on the main menu. Still, I don't know if there are differences between PS3 and X360 version :-(

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I've also reached checkpoint 1. 


Does anyone know if there is anything we need to save money for? Can I spend it without worrying about having enough to buy something important later on? 


Does anyone know how to get survivor difficulty straight away? It doesn't appear for me....

If you are on xbox 360 I don't believe you can play on survivor. I think it's ps3 exclusive. 

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Does anyone know how to get survivor difficulty straight away? It doesn't appear for me....


If you are playing the X360 version then I don't believe survivor difficulty is an option. The achievements for the game are slightly different than the PS3 version. Also, you might want to download the free DLC as I've read that unlocks some options and is needed for an achievement. I suggest reading the achievement guide at the link below for more information. Sorry, I don't have the 360 version so I'm not 100% on all the details.


Bioshock Achievement Guide

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I've also reached checkpoint 1. 


Does anyone know if there is anything we need to save money for? Can I spend it without worrying about having enough to buy something important later on? 


Feel free to spend money without worrying. You can only use it to buy health kits, ammo, etc. Plus, I believe the max you can carry in your wallet is $500 and money is easy to come by in the game. I don't recall anything major or important that you have to buy later in the game.

Edited by MStalker58
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Feel free to spend money without worrying. You can only use it to buy health kits, ammo, etc. Plus, I believe the max wallet amount is $500 and money is easy to come by in the game. I don't recall anything major or important that you have to buy later in the game.


Sweet! Thanks for that  :)

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