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A Stalker's Platinum Obsession


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Nice list, keep it up!


I like the marathon of Ratchet and Clank you did. Last year I went through all of them in original release date order (so collection first, and skipping the trophy-less games) in anticipation for the R&C movie and game this spr..... Oh wait it got delayed to spring 2016 ugh.


Now how did you plat LBP2? I had to shelf that game before I had the oppourtunity to catch myself breaking the game disc, darn aceing levels.

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Nice list, i think i will "stalk" your platinum obession here hahahahaa....hahaha...haha..ha


I see what you did there. Nobody outside of my immediate family ever calls me by my first name so I've heard it all. When people meet me for the 1st time and hear a friend call me "Stalker" they always think it's some weird nickname. Plus, whenever I use my license or debit card, I always hear some jokes. Never fails.



I admire anyone willing to get that MGS4 platinum. I'm only new to trophy hunting, not sure if you're an Metal Gear fan but I'm trying to get all 3 on the HD collection, all are as fun to play as MGS4.


Thanks, it was one of my more memorable platinums just for the amount of work involved. I wouldn't consider myself a Metal Gear fanatic or anything at all but I did enjoy playing most of the games in the series. It's been a long time though since I've played most of them and I've been thinking about picking up that HD collection the next time I see it on sale. If you enjoyed MGS4, I would think you would enjoy going for the other 3 platinums. Some people prefer those games over MGS4.

Nice list, keep it up!


I like the marathon of Ratchet and Clank you did. Last year I went through all of them in original release date order (so collection first, and skipping the trophy-less games) in anticipation for the R&C movie and game this spr..... Oh wait it got delayed to spring 2016 ugh.


Now how did you plat LBP2? I had to shelf that game before I had the oppourtunity to catch myself breaking the game disc, darn aceing levels.


Thanks. Yeah I missed out on a bunch of games when I took a break from gaming so I had to marathon a lot of games to catch up on most of the franchises. I did that for Ratchet & Clank, God of War, and a few others. R&C was my favorite marathon though. I can't wait for the new game either. Sucked it got delayed but hopefully they'll take that time to make it as good as possible. I'm glad it's not just a straight reboot or remaster as well. 


Lol, I thought LBP2 was much more annoying than the LittleBigPlanet. Just took some practice to be able to ace all the levels and figuring out which ones are the easiest to do 10 in a row with. I saved that one for later in the game since some of the later levels are pretty easy too. The online trophies like the 24 hours in create and the Dive In trophy are what had me wanting to break the disc. I kept diving in to some weird pods with someone asking if I was a boy or girl and how old I was. Then you had the usual kids screaming in mics pods.

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I see what you did there. Nobody outside of my immediate family ever calls me by my first name so I've heard it all. When people meet me for the 1st time and hear a friend call me "Stalker" they always think it's some weird nickname. Plus, whenever I use my license or debit card, I always hear some jokes. Never fails.

I know right haha, one of my friends last name is "Gay" haha...

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:)  :)  :)  :)  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :wave:  :wave:  OH MAN GOOD LUCK WITH THE CRYSIS 2 AND MAX PAYNE 3 PLATINUMS.


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  • Added a new section that shows what games I'm currently attempting the platinum for.
  • Added 2 games that I got for free to the potential targets: 3D Dot Game Heroes and The LEGO Movie Videogame

I'm currently in the process of helping my brother move and yesterday I found these 2 games buried in a box of junk that he was planning on throwing out or giving away. Apparently he bought these when some nieces and nephews were staying with him to keep them busy. None of the few games he owns were suitable for children their age. He would never play these games and could care less about trophies so being the platinum addict that I am, I gladly offered to take them off his hands. Can't pass up some free games.


I really had no intention of playing either of these games before this. I know what to expect from the Lego game since I've played one before and apparently the gameplay is very similar in all those games. I know absolutely nothing about 3D Dot Game Heroes though. Anyone played it and have any thoughts or opinions on the game?


EDIT: Damn, the platinum for 3D Dot Game Heroes appears to be much tougher than I thought now that I've read about the game. At least the game looks to be more interesting and better than I expected. Plus if I can get the plat it will give me a # in the A-Z Platinum challenge.

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  • 2 weeks later...





61. Battlefield: Bad Company 2


I had never played a Battlefield game (or Call of Duty for that matter) before playing Bad Company 2. After seeing it on sale a few times, I said "what the hell" and decided to finally give the series a try. I wanted to keep an open mind when playing the game. There are several aspects that could have negatively influenced my thoughts on the game before I even started. The fact that it was from EA, a military shooter, and MP heavy are all things that I'm not a huge fan of. I started with the campaign, and to be honest this was the definition of "meh" to me. Sure, I guess the characters had some humorous moments and it was cool to be able to blow up everything you saw. However, I have already forgotten most of the campaign. There just wasn't anything memorable to me. At this point I was thinking "why is this franchise so popular?" I just didn't understand.


Finally, I started playing the multiplayer part of Bad Company 2. After a few matches, the light bulb came on. I get it now. I'm not a huge MP fan but I have to admit the experience was fun and addictive. Those memorable moments that had been missing in the campaign were plentiful in online play. Things like drilling an enemy jeep with a RPG while it speeds towards you and sending it flipping through the air while it explodes, or having some enemies think they have cleared an area only for you to pop out and take all 3-4 of them out in seconds were extremely satisfying. The destructible environments were even more meaningful in MP. A group of enemies are barricaded inside of a house? No problem, pull out your C4 and bring the entire building crumbling to the ground. I suck at FPS games and was worried that I'd end up getting destroyed by more experienced players. Luckily, the learning curve didn't seem too steep. In some online games, you get stuck in lobbies full of elite top rank players and it feels like you have no chance and can barely even move before getting killed. That wasn't the case with Bad Company 2, and I never felt overwhelmed or overpowered during my time with the game.


As for the trophies, the campaign related list was pretty straightforward. Most of the multiplayer trophies came naturally while grinding towards rank 22 and leveling up the various kits. It seems like every game has that 1 frustrating trophy and for Battlefield: Bad Company 2, that trophy was definitely "Demolition Man." It took several days of basically blowing up every building I possibly could and grinding out the 20 kills but I finally got it. Another memorable trophy was "The Dentist" which had me sneaking behind enemy lines and finding an unsuspecting soul on a Heavy MG or UAV. Since they were completely helpless it was rather easy to walk up behind them and drill them in the head with the repair tool. In the end, I enjoyed the game more than I thought I would and can see why the series is so popular. That being said, I probably won't be buying any other Battlefield games anytime soon. I still prefer single player games with great stories over MP heavy ones like these. Still, I'm glad I finally gave it a try.

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Lol kudos for originality "stalk" plats just hilarious :platinum:

Thanks, I tried to come up with something more creative than simply listing my backlog or what I'm currently playing.

:):):):):lol::lol::lol::lol::wave::wave: OH MAN GOOD LUCK WITH THE CRYSIS 2 AND MAX PAYNE 3 PLATINUMS.


I am just 1 trophy away from the Crysis 2 plat (the infamous "Dedication" trophy). Unfortunately, the servers have been down for 2-3 weeks now and might never come back online. The plat might be unobtainable. :devil:

Starting on Max Payne 3 right now and I'm really dreading it. We'll see how it goes.

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  • 3 weeks later...



62: Max Payne 3


Probably my hardest platinum so far. I'm not sure if I have ever loved and hated a game at the same time as much as I did Max Payne 3. The game itself was great and incredibly fun. It was refreshing to play a more linear style game from Rockstar. Don't get me wrong, I love a good open world game as much as the next person, but they can be a little boring and stale after a while. For the platinum, you have to complete 5 playthroughs but the gameplay was fun enough that it never felt boring or like a grind. Plus, each playthrough offered something a little different to keep it interesting. My biggest complaint about the game would be the largely unskippable cutscenes. These are a pet peeve of mine and the fact that some of the cutscenes are rather long, it becomes annoying not being able to skip them by your 3rd playthrough. Luckily, most of the story scenes are removed in the arcade modes but there are still a couple in there that can't be skipped. Overall, Max Payne 3 was a great game that might not be in my handful of favorites, but is firmly in that category below the very best. 


By far the hardest trophy in the game was "The Shadows Rushed Me." For this trophy you must complete the entire game in 1 sitting, without dying, and with a timer constantly ticking down. Personally, I thought this trophy was 10 times harder than similar trophies I have done like Dead Space 2 or the Big Boss run on MGS4. Words can't really describe how frustrating this trophy can be. I died about every imaginable way and had to start all over countless times. A few attempts that were the most disheartening was when I died on Chapter 10, 12, and even 13. This was the 1st trophy in a long time where I reached a point that I began to think I really might not be able to do this. It took me 4-5 days and I had forgotten what it felt like to hear a trophy "ding." I was on the verge of giving up when I finally made it. One of the best feelings I've had from getting a trophy when I finally got it.


If the game ended there, it would have been a challenging but great experience. Unfortunately, I still had a major MP grind ahead of me. These are probably my least favorite parts of trophy hunting since I'm not big into MP. For me, this one was the perfect example of a joyless and mindless grind that seems to never end. Luckily, you can rank up by playing the NYM arcade mode in SP. The quickest way is to replay a certain level around 620 times. That sounds like a lot, but until I actually started doing it, I didn't realize just how long and boring it really was. If you just played that level over and over again, it would take about 31 hours, and that's the fastest method. I mixed it up and played some regular MP matches but it was still an unbearable grind. I was excited when I got "The Shadows Rushed Me" trophy, but by the time I finally got the platinum, I was just thinking "Thank God it's finally over." Definitely thinking about playing an easier platinum after this one. Max Payne 3 has completely drained me but it was a fun and challenging experience.

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Vast majority of these are pretty easy, nothing wrong with that but having a few seriously hard platinums are well worth it, as the challenges can be overcome if you truly love the game.


You have a lot of quality first party games and you can carry that trend with Wipeout HD or Modnation racers if you want a challenge in a different genre. Both are great games/Platinums to have spent time on and are very possible even without experience, making it all the more satisfying. Try getting a tough game and revisit it after completing others if it becomes frustrating or tedious.

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Vast majority of these are pretty easy, nothing wrong with that but having a few seriously hard platinums are well worth it, as the challenges can be overcome if you truly love the game.


You have a lot of quality first party games and you can carry that trend with Wipeout HD or Modnation racers if you want a challenge in a different genre. Both are great games/Platinums to have spent time on and are very possible even without experience, making it all the more satisfying. Try getting a tough game and revisit it after completing others if it becomes frustrating or tedious.


Thanks for the game recommendations. Yeah, the majority of mine aren't very hard. Even most of my UR's are just that rare because of popularity (GTA IV and V, RDR, Madden, LBP, etc). I agree that the challenging plats are the most satisfying. The most important thing for me is playing games I think will be good and that I will like, regardless if the platinum is hard or easy. As you can see, most of my games have been the popular "blockbuster" type games. However, recently I've been trying to expand my tastes and try some new genres. I've been thinking about getting some racing games so I'll definitely look into those 2 you suggested some more. Next time I'm in the mood for a challenging platinum I might pick them up. 

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#63 Enslaved: Odyssey to the West


Enjoyed this game more than I expected. I didn't really know much about Enslaved until I was looking into some games for the A-Z Platinum Challenge. If you are unfamiliar with the game, it's basically an action/adventure with platforming resembling a poor man's Uncharted. For the most part, Enslaved failed to give the illusion of risk or danger that Uncharted presented in these sections though. You can't really fail or die (except in maybe a couple spots) and it's basically just jump from one bright shiny object to the next. The combat is your typical hack-n-slash affair. You have your basic moves like block, stun, and a weak/strong attack. The combat can get a bit repetitive since there aren't really any complex moves to master or anything. Also, the controls weren't very responsive and a little too loose for my liking. Some of the major bright spots were the graphics, characters, and story. The characters and their facial animations were pretty impressive looking, especially for a game that is now 5 years old. The voice acting was also superb. I especially enjoyed the back and forth banter between Monkey and Pigsy later in the game. The setting for Enslaved is a post-apocalyptic world, but instead of the usual dark and brown colors you typically find in these games, the environments are filled with much more brighter colors. While I really enjoyed the game, it lacked that "wow" factor or that one quality that would make it great. The potential is there, but much of the game lacks polish.


The platinum is very easy and straightforward. You basically just have to beat the game on Hard, collect all of the orbs/masks, and perform the usual random tasks. The use of chapter select makes going back and getting any trophies you might have missed pretty simple. Getting all of the orbs in the chase sequences or areas where you use your cloud (hoverboard) could be aggravating but nothing hard. These were actually some of my favorite parts of the game, but the controls really held them back from being anything great.


Finally, I thought the DLC was pretty good. It offered a completely different experience but was still enjoyable. You play as Pigsy and instead of the melee combat used in the main game, you basically have to rely on several gadgets and a rifle to get through the DLC. It's basically just figure out what type of gadget you should use to clear the area of enemies, then platform/grapple hook to the next area. It felt more like a puzzle than the combat from the main game. It was fairly short but added a few hours to the length of the game. On a side note, this was just the 2nd time I made the "Fastest Achievers" for a game. I don't really care that much about speed, but still kinda cool I guess. Also, this might be the ugliest platinum image ever made.

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#64: Crysis 2


I had almost given up any hope of getting the Crysis 2 platinum. With the recent server problems and the fact that "Dedication" didn't pop at the beginning of the 6th month like it was supposed to, I just assumed this would forever remain an unobtainable platinum for me. Today, I was lucky enough to get invited to a working match and figured I'd give it another try since it's the 1st of a new month. After the match, the "Dedication" trophy and the platinum both dinged to my surprise. One of the best feelings I've had getting a trophy in a while. If you are someone who is bothered by possibly having unobtainable platinums on your profile, stay far away from Crysis 2. At least until they update the status of the servers. It's been over a month now and they still aren't working for most people so I don't have much hope that they will fix them. Currently, the only way you can even get into a game is if you are lucky enough to find someone that can login and invites you to a game. Even though I guess it is still technically possible to start the game now and still get the platinum, it wouldn't be worth the hassle. 


Major thanks to v-ra11, PALALOU, JimBodack, maz2_2zaz, HamprshireAle, Shelbystuar9 (I still don't believe you are human), darktejada95, and every other group member who helped me with the MP portion of the game. You all made the experience much more enjoyable. 

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Nice work on Crysis 2, I'm not a big fan of the Crysis series myself, but it has some cool ideas. That 6 month Trophy is what put me off playing the game personally and hearing the servers are dodgy, just makes me want to avoid it more.For your potential Targets list, I'd recommend Assassin's Creed: Rogue, it's a solid AC game. Shovel Knight is also high on my recommendations and Bastion.

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Nice work on Crysis 2, I'm not a big fan of the Crysis series myself, but it has some cool ideas. That 6 month Trophy is what put me off playing the game personally and hearing the servers are dodgy, just makes me want to avoid it more.For your potential Targets list, I'd recommend Assassin's Creed: Rogue, it's a solid AC game. Shovel Knight is also high on my recommendations and Bastion.


Thanks, I feel extremely lucky that I got that 6 month trophy. I might be in the minority but I actually enjoyed Crysis 2 more than I did Crysis 3. That's probably because it was new to me and I had zero expectations for it. I'm not the biggest fan either, but like you said I did enjoy some of the ideas they put into the game. I really liked the stealth/cloak part of the gameplay. I would definitely avoid the game right now though, unless they ever fix the servers. There were already several glitched trophies and now with the server issues it is just too much of a hassle. 


Thanks for the recommendations. Shovel Knight is definitely high on my list of games I want to buy soon. Personally, I needed a break from the AC series but I might give Rogue a try sometime. 


This is an impressive list. I always tell myself that i'd like to go for more platinums....and then life gets in the way. That and new games. I buy way too many new games.


Thanks. I've felt the same way before. When I first started going for platinums, it was a little overwhelming because I had too many games and didn't know where to start. Plus, like you I couldn't stop myself from buying games. Finally, I just decided to focus on a couple games at a time and eventually worked through the games I had on my profile. I still can't clear my backlog though since by the time I finish a game, I've usually bought 2-3 more in a flash sale or something. Biggest factor is time and patience for me. I don't consider myself to be very good, so if I can get a platinum then anyone can. 

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#65: Darksiders


I loved this game. It's been said many times but the best description of this game is God of War meets Zelda. I don't think Darksiders is quite on the same level as those games, but even a lesser version can be pretty damn good. While it may not be very original, it is still a very fun and entertaining game. The combat is very similar to God of War or your typical hack-n-slash (although not as hard/complicated). The rest of the game is filled with exploration, dungeons, puzzles, obtaining gear that opens up new areas in previous areas, and other mechanics you would expect to find in a Zelda-like game. The platinum wasn't very hard and the game is easy enough to pick up, that starting on Apocalyptic difficulty wasn't challenging. The hardest trophy was probably "Aerial Predator" where you have to kill 160 enemies during a flying segment. This is the only flying part in the game and the controls for it aren't great so it can take a few tries to get used to. It took me 4-5 attempts but it wasn't anything very difficult.


I will say that I ran into a few glitches during my time with the game. The most frequent was when first loading the game, the usual "Start" screen would appear but it would sometimes take over a minute before the "Continue" option or your save files to finally show up. The first time this happened I started freaking out thinking that my save files had been deleted or something. Also, there were a few times that the game would just completely freeze in the middle of combat. Another time, a certain part of the level didn't load properly and I basically just started falling in an endless loop. These freezes only happened a few times and were fixed by simply restarting the game. Luckily, the game saves at frequent checkpoints and with manual saves, I usually didn't lose any progress. These didn't ruin the game or anything, but they are worth mentioning. Overall, I really enjoyed this game and would recommend it to anyone who hasn't given it a try in the past. Looking forward to starting on the sequel.

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  • 1 month later...

Good collection man, keep it up  B)


Thanks, it will be a few months before I add any new platinums due to the "Plat Rain Day" event. 


You are working on an impressive collection yourself. Almost have 100% on all the games on your profile. Good luck on those last few. Also, glad to see you have that Max Payne 3 platinum as well. I struggled through hours of frustration before finally getting it so I have respect for anyone else that pulled it off.

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Nice work on Darksiders last month, it's one of my favorite PS3 games ^^. I never experienced any of the glitches you've had, but I think that might be due to the updated PS3 system software. I had the same kinda issues with another older title, Eat Lead: The Return of Matt Hazard, even though their weren't any issues the first time I played on my old profile a few years back. 

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Thanks, it will be a few months before I add any new platinums due to the "Plat Rain Day" event. 


You are working on an impressive collection yourself. Almost have 100% on all the games on your profile. Good luck on those last few. Also, glad to see you have that Max Payne 3 platinum as well. I struggled through hours of frustration before finally getting it so I have respect for anyone else that pulled it off.


Thank you sir ;) Max Payne 3 wasn't that bad for me, im not gonna say it was easy because it wasn't, but i didn't find it frustrating at all, maybe because i enjoyed it much more than i thought i would.

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