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General Teddie, Re-introduction of a Changed Bear

Asuka Langley

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War. War never changes. But god knows that this site has. For my 1000th post I'm doing this re-introduction to get to know some of the newer people who joined while I was...temporarily restrained by the admins


I guess I should start with my PSNP history.


PSNP History


I'm known pretty well under my alias Teddie however, I'm moving my identity slowly over to Lilly if you haven't taken the time to read my profile (which I really don't care if you do). I joined the site around September 2013 for trophy tracking and only when the new chatbox was finally deployed did I start using it. If I remember clearly enough, that was around the time I got gifted premium membership and was given the ability to change my name...which I constantly used to keep confusing several other members;



Through my earlier years as a member at PSNP, I wasn't that...pleasant to be around, I'd constantly begin or join in on trolls against people who joined the chatbox - My first ever actual target being a guy called SmasherPV who would constantly creep on any female members in the cb... until he got banned for posting a link to Futabu under his own influence...mainly. If I remember clearly enough, it was around then when I was handed down my first warning point by Burkles for calling some guy an ass for totally disregarding advice and not giving enough information for a solution to be handed down... That's pretty much the only point I feel I never deserved and - after a few months - I asked burk about it and he even said if he knew what I was like at the time then he wouldn't have handed down the point.


I believe it would've been a couple days before Jul 21 (first name change) when I recieved the gift of premium for a year, from there, as you can see my name change history focused around Teddie from Persona 4 - one of my most favorite JRPG's of all time, even though I don't own the platinum...yet - up until Christmas where I actually began playing League of Legends again, changing my name to Sona after one of the most faceroll supports in the game. From there, I stereotypically stuck to female names, developing into what you'd identify now as a "trap".


What is a trap you ask? Guy in disguise as a female. The identity change allowed me to combat some of the creeps that lingered arond PSNP - I'd find they'd message me on PSN rather than PSNP though to suggestably avoid attracting the attention of any of the moderators. In today's world, I use my amazing trap identity over on steam, you can find my playercard over on my profile if you decide to actually take a look after this.


Before I went to the girl names however, during my time as Tedward Jizzerhands - a name handcrafted by Eburkulosis himself, taken on by me because why the hell not - I decided to enter my first SotM - SotM XVIII - using GIMP2. I came 6th, which was a much better result that I was expected to get, especially with the quality of work I handed in xD Thus began my interest in editing photos and creating signatures, to which I opened my own showcase - Teddie's Showcase - which, while I'm looking seems to have been shat on by Venocide during one of his...phases...


Anyways, nothing really important in my PSNP history - even warning points - happened up until the 15th of March, upon which the forums became filled with a certain... Voodoo :giggle: For those who weren't around or can't remember to that time, Myself and some of the guys from the chatbox decided to overrun forum games with what can only be described as Voodoo Memes, following the guys having played a very glitchy game of Dead Island: Riptide. We additionally began to use photoshop and GIMP to produce images to flood the chatbox with, and even though a high velocity were produced, only a very few were actually preserved, you can find them... - Here -


After being handed a weeks ban I returned to find at least half the others refusing to accept their warning points to reutilize the forums... I obviously accepted mine and threw it onto the pile.


It was literally 2 weeks before I recieved my fifth and...almost final warning point that kept me banned up until the middle of august this year, and here I am... Fucking blue and unable to change my name xD


A short insight into my life away from PSNP


My real name is going to be kept away at the moment, though several of the chatbox regulars are aware of it. I'm currently 16 and attending sixth form taking courses in Music, Film Studies and English Lang Lit, which started last week. Academically I'm pretty stable, however it's only due to the fact that I've been able to catch up on work at a sufficient rate outside of school to be able to keep up with the rest of the class, something that occurs quite a lot for me.


You may ask: "Why do you need to catch up with the rest of your class so often?". Well, I'm a sufferer of myasthenia gravis, a autoimmune disease which causes muscle weakness within the body, this is caused by antibodies attacking the signals between the brain and muscles as opposed to just their base function of attacking and killing infections within the body. I've lived with the fullblown version my entire life and as a result, had my thymus removed in an attempt to fight the condition - which never worked. As a result of this condition, I've seen most of my life from inside a hospital, and god knows my parents have always been watching me in case anything goes wrong.


Now for all you medical nerds out there; There's a specific type of medication called Pyriodostigmine which help the body cope with the gravis, however at a young age when they attempted to take me off the medication - I believe it was when I was 6 - they managed to send me into cardiac arrest and almost kill me in the process... GG NHS. Recently, I've been having problems with the medication as it's not enough to sustain me as an adult anymore, it resulted in me missing my GCSE's and several months of school, but after being put onto additional Azathioprine I seem to be calming down quite a bit now.


My biggest medical fuck up however was back in 2012, where I ended up in an induced coma after contracting pnuemonia which triggered and combined itself with a myatsthenic crisis - aka, Medical Shitstorm - to almost wipe me out. The coma caused me to be paralyzed for quite some time as it had been induced, if I remember correctly it took me about a month before I could move my body and another before I could mobilize in any way ontop of that.


Outside of my medical and academic life, I volunteer for radio at my local hospital with my own show running through the late afternoon on a Saturday, where I usually play something new and upbeat for younger patients on the ward whilst messing around on skype with friends. As mentioned previously, I play League of Legends, though I'm not good enough to take notice of for most players... I actively enjoy heading down to the gym for quick workouts and I'm additionally a big anime fan, some of my favorite titles including Eden of the East, Evangelion and Soul Eater. I usually only watch TV for spin-offs nowadays, however my favorite series include; Grey's Anatomy, Burn Notice, Minder, Jackass and Brooklyn Nine-Nine.


If there's anything else you want to know about me, then go ahead and ask. But apart from that, It's been a pleasure to finally hit 1k posts, and heres to surviving the mods long enough to hit 2.5! xD

Edited by zR_DoWnLiNkZ
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First, just fix this part   ''It was literally 2 weeks before I recieved'' because your topic is just too beautiful to have mistakes  :P 


Second, fantastic  way to celebrate your 1000th post  ^_^   


I read through everything and two things to ask.  Was it difficult to talk about your medical condition on this topic ?

And what are your favourite games ?


Althought I'm not expecting a serious answer xD

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 Thanks for all of the re-welcomes ^_^


I read through everything and two things to ask.  Was it difficult to talk about your medical condition on this topic ?
And what are your favourite games ?
Althought I'm not expecting a serious answer xD


Seeing as I usually get interviewed by medical students as the condition is so rare, it wasn't that hard to talk about it.


My favorite games are: Nekopara vol.1, Huniepop, Hatoful Boyfriend and of course; Boob Wars: Big Breasts vs Flat Chests

I miss Burn Notice, that was one of my favorite shows. But ever since the final episode, the USA channel never plays it anymore... sigh-onion-head-emoticon.gif?1292862519

Fox occasionally play it over here, though I think the later episodes are the ones they prefer to rerun more.


inb4 another ban :ninja:


He knows me too well ; w ;


Dammit platinum P4G already :shakefist: What are you on, your 9th playthough already :P...also welcome back ^_^

Like... 50th

Are you aspiring to become just like Caitlin Jenner or do you have a good reason to use these female alter egos

I don't think you understand I am the best irl animu grill.

Edited by zR_DoWnLiNkZ
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Fox occasionally play it over here, though I think the later episodes are the ones they prefer to rerun more.

The only place I can find it now is some local channel (ABC?) & they usually play the older ones. Surprisingly though, I actually seen an episode yesterday that I've never seen before.

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The only place I can find it now is some local channel (ABC?) & they usually play the older ones. Surprisingly though, I actually seen an episode yesterday that I've never seen before.


Well I only managed to get into it around the time Jessie joined up with the crew, Season 4 I think, so there's quite a few I have yet to watch

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