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The Great Australian Trophy Hunt - Season 1

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Snuck in 3rd motorbike plat for the month, wil never do that again. Looking forward to no racing games next month. Still managed to catchup on lots of podcasts so not all bad :)

For those interested in these types of games would rank them as

1. Driveclub bikes - plays the fastest, largest array of tracks ( all fictional though ), decent bike roster and good variety of events, somewhat grindy towards end game

2. Valentino Rossi - lots of content MotoGP / flat track / rally ), full bike roster, average load times, useless exp reward system, exceptionally grindy at end with miles

3. Ducati - piece of shit - basically full priced DLC for Ride, same graphics, same horrendous load times, reduced bike roster, boredom from completing all races will test your sanity. It's cheaper and more enjoyable to buy a hammer and repeatedly whack yourself in head

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Saturday, only had time to pop one, .... damn shiftwork, lol


Well happy belated birthday! :)


I'm grinding out my 3rd motorcycle game plat for this month ...... Trust me optimism is low on the ground ..... Heck the will to keep living is fading :)


Wow CJ, that never ending quest for bronze trophies is no joke huh!?


Well, my friend bought me a copy of Tom Clancy's The Division, which rescued another otherwise pitiful month, since it got me 43 trophies over the last week or so.


Got the last trophy (Tombstone) I needed in Battlefield 4 for Platinum #8. Long time coming, that one. Pretty much the only highlight for me.


Congratulations on the Battlefield 4 platinum IronMask!

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As best as I can tell, Division rescued the month for me and I ended up at lease close-ish to my 83 per month target. The same friend that bought me The Division also dropped around Battleborn yesterday afternoon and I got 7 sneaky trophies in that before midnight.


Total trophies 59 - 1 Plat, 2 Gold, 7 Silver, 49 Bronze.


I need to lift my game for the second half of the year. I should already be at 1,500 trophies by now if I want to hit 2,000 by the end of the year, but I'm only at 1,306, so I'm nearly 200 behind schedule. Looks like I might have to crack out the Telltale Collection... :P


I have some other "gimme's" to fall back on, like Nubla, Hitman GO: Definitive Edition and Trine 3: The Artifacts of Power for some easy completions, but the better news is that I bought a refurbished PS3 from EB Games yesterday so I could work on some long-time uncompleted games and while I can't exactly play 2 consoles at once, I now have access to an enormous 500+ game backlog dating back 7 years B)

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Ahh Nubla ....... There is a shameful plat I'm quite proud of.

Good news Re the PS3 Iron, let us know how you go / what your working through especially if you need to boost anything, as I am slowly trying to work through some backlog PS3 too.


Thanks mate. Now I just have to replace the original 40GB HDD in my old PS3 and send it away to get re-balled. Wouldn't have bothered but there's a heap of saved replay data I don't want to lose if I can avoid it.


As for games, I've pretty much got every game from PS Plus+ from the last 5 or 6 years, mostly unplayed, though am starting with LittleBigPlanet Karting as the servers close on Aug 31.

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Snuck in 3rd motorbike plat for the month, wil never do that again. Looking forward to no racing games next month. Still managed to catchup on lots of podcasts so not all bad :)

For those interested in these types of games would rank them as

1. Driveclub bikes - plays the fastest, largest array of tracks ( all fictional though ), decent bike roster and good variety of events, somewhat grindy towards end game

2. Valentino Rossi - lots of content MotoGP / flat track / rally ), full bike roster, average load times, useless exp reward system, exceptionally grindy at end with miles

3. Ducati - piece of shit - basically full priced DLC for Ride, same graphics, same horrendous load times, reduced bike roster, boredom from completing all races will test your sanity. It's cheaper and more enjoyable to buy a hammer and repeatedly whack yourself in head

Good to see that Valentino Rossi the game isn't too bad cause I really want to buy that. He's my absolute favourite rider.
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127 bronze ....... The bar has been set :)


Do you feel threatened by the challenge that has been thrown down by Lightning?


I have some other "gimme's" to fall back on, like Nubla, Hitman GO: Definitive Edition and Trine 3: The Artifacts of Power for some easy completions, but the better news is that I bought a refurbished PS3 from EB Games yesterday so I could work on some long-time uncompleted games and while I can't exactly play 2 consoles at once, I now have access to an enormous 500+ game backlog dating back 7 years B)


Surely you don't own 500 games!?



I have started doing the update, I'm about halfway through at the moment and expect to have all the stats posted on Sunday. Once everything has been put up I'll give you guys a few days to get your votes for MVP in.

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Well, I didn't even get close to platinuming Skylanders: Giants. :lol: Fingers crossed July is a better month since 54 trophies for June is pretty poor form.

Good news Re the PS3 Iron, let us know how you go / what your working through especially if you need to boost anything, as I am slowly trying to work through some backlog PS3 too.

Thanks mate. Now I just have to replace the original 40GB HDD in my old PS3 and send it away to get re-balled. Wouldn't have bothered but there's a heap of saved replay data I don't want to lose if I can avoid it.


As for games, I've pretty much got every game from PS Plus+ from the last 5 or 6 years, mostly unplayed, though am starting with LittleBigPlanet Karting as the servers close on Aug 31.


I'd be looking to go boost some older PS3 multiplayer if you guys are as well. Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, Revelations, AC3 and Black Flag all come to mind. I probably have a bunch of others on my shelf and from PS Plus too that I'm overlooking.

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Surely you don't own 500 games!?


Some time late last year I began going through my PSN "download" list on the PS store (all 83 63 pages of it at the time), sorting the games from the themes, avatars and DLCs. Now, assuming I didn't miss any, including 6 years of free PS Plus+ games, Minis, PS One/2 Classics, the handful of physical PS3 retail titles I own (about 20), physical PS4 titles (about 40), the spreadsheet I ended up compiling has 475 unique entries. I just checked and 30 of those are PSP/Minis/Classics or PS3 games that don't have trophy lists, so yes, you are correct, I don't quite have 500 games, but if Plus+ has anything to do with it, I will have by the end of the year ;)


EDIT: I just went though the list again and found Wasteland 2, World of Tanks, Divinity: Original Sin Enhanced Edition, Nom Nom Galaxy, Plants Vs. Zombies, Crysis 3 that I had somehow missed and a retail copy of Diablo III (non-RoS) I had forgotten.

Edited by IronMask75
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It's that time again, here are the stats for June!


Overall the number of trophies was pretty flat on last month (down 10 trophies) with a total of 2411 trophies earned, making this the second worst month in the competition. However, interestingly the number of bronzes were down significantly (-164) and the others were up with large increases in gold (+87) and platinum (+22). The breakdown is 1501 x Bronze, 576 x Silver, 275 x Gold & 59 Platinum from 27 contestants.



Pineapple-Hero88 266 (3 points)
cjshaitan 170 (2 points)
Lightning_0608 127 (1 point)
spazza136 126
Spider5786 109
MattyH16 105
paulcoe 93
Gibbo_0113 79
EpicNogg4 61
Drew-013 57
IronMask75 49
feral611 43
F1nal 39
Shemzi 38
CrestfallenV 36
AuzzieWingman 27
Diagonis83 17
TheWayne-o 13
SaucySpinach 12
Scoffinator 11
damage_6-9 8
Super-Fly Spider-Guy 6
Risky 5
Texonidas 3
greenpoison79 1
Ski-Skate 0
black__bunny 0



Pineapple-Hero88 132 (3 points)
MattyH16 67 (2 points)
cjshaitan 61 (1 point)
paulcoe 46
Spider5786 38
Drew-013 28
Lightning_0608 27
EpicNogg4 26
Shemzi 25
Gibbo_0113 21
F1nal 18
spazza136 17
AuzzieWingman 14
CrestfallenV 12
TheWayne-o 9
feral611 8
Scoffinator 8
Super-Fly Spider-Guy 6
IronMask75 6
greenpoison79 3
damage_6-9 2
SaucySpinach 2
Ski-Skate 0
black__bunny 0
Texonidas 0
Risky 0
Diagonis83 0



Pineapple-Hero88 77 (3 points)
Drew-013 35 (2 points)
cjshaitan 34 (1 point)
paulcoe 22
MattyH16 20
AuzzieWingman 12
EpicNogg4 10
Lightning_0608 9
spazza136 8
Spider5786 8
F1nal 7
Shemzi 6
TheWayne-o 5
feral611 5
CrestfallenV 5
Gibbo_0113 3
Super-Fly Spider-Guy 2
Scoffinator 2
IronMask75 2
damage_6-9 1
SaucySpinach 1
Risky 1
Ski-Skate 0
black__bunny 0
Texonidas 0
greenpoison79 0
Diagonis83 0



Pineapple-Hero88 17 (3 points)
MattyH16 6 (2 points)
Drew-013 5 (1 point)
cjshaitan 4
Lightning_0608 4
paulcoe 4
TheWayne-o 2
Gibbo_0113 2
EpicNogg4 2
spazza136 2
F1nal 2
Spider5786 2
Super-Fly Spider-Guy 1
damage_6-9 1
SaucySpinach 1
feral611 1
Shemzi 1
CrestfallenV 1
IronMask75 1
Ski-Skate 0
black__bunny 0
Texonidas 0
Risky 0
AuzzieWingman 0
Scoffinator 0
greenpoison79 0
Diagonis83 0



SaucySpinach 5.82 (15 points)
TheWayne-o 3.67 (10 points)
Pineapple-Hero88 2.09 (5 points)
Shemzi 2.07
Spider5786 1.67
feral611 1.55
MattyH16 1.36
Texonidas 0.93
EpicNogg4 0.81
cjshaitan 0.69
paulcoe 0.66
Drew-013 0.65
spazza136 0.55
Scoffinator 0.34
AuzzieWingman 0.27
Gibbo_0113 0.04
Diagonis83 0.02
Ski-Skate 0
Super-Fly Spider-Guy -0.21
IronMask75 -0.27
damage_6-9 -0.4
F1nal -0.42
Lightning_0608 -0.65
Risky -0.66
CrestfallenV -0.69
black__bunny -0.78
greenpoison79 -0.97



Scoffinator -1.66 (15 points)
spazza136 -0.89 (10 points)
Gibbo_0113 -0.59 (5 points)
Texonidas -0.56
Drew-013 -0.54
cjshaitan -0.34
MattyH16 -0.29
Diagonis83 -0.26
feral611 -0.24
Lightning_0608 -0.2
Super-Fly Spider-Guy -0.19
Risky -0.17
CrestfallenV -0.13
AuzzieWingman -0.05
damage_6-9 -0.04
greenpoison79 -0.03
black__bunny 0.01
Ski-Skate 0.04
SaucySpinach 0.16
IronMask75 0.16
EpicNogg4 0.22
F1nal 0.31
paulcoe 0.33
Pineapple-Hero88 0.44
TheWayne-o 0.65
Shemzi 0.66
Spider5786 2.46


Australian Leaderboards:

Shemzi -955 (15 points)
Spider5786 -798 (10 points)
SaucySpinach -473 (5 points)
TheWayne-o -382
Drew-013 -381
cjshaitan -377
EpicNogg4 -355
IronMask75 -275
Pineapple-Hero88 -100
feral611 -71
spazza136 -37
CrestfallenV -25
MattyH16 -23
Gibbo_0113 -15
Lightning_0608 -15
AuzzieWingman -13
Texonidas -9
paulcoe -4
damage_6-9 -1
Diagonis83 1
F1nal 2
Risky 32
black__bunny 76
Scoffinator 143
Ski-Skate 279
greenpoison79 314
Super-Fly Spider-Guy NA



TheWayne-o - Supercar Challenge = 12 points
MattyH16 - Assassin's Creed Liberation HD = 9 points


Please submit your vote to me via PM for the MVP this quarter, cut-off for voting is 11:59pm Sunday 10th July.


All the best and happy hunting in July!

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