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Should i get one?


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I got my PS4 this christmas and was doing some game shopping with some gift cards I got. While doing so I came across the Nyco PS4 Intercooler. Its supposed to direct hot air away from the system. Now im not sure if this is needed or not but i can see how it be helpful if the PS4 fans are cheap and die easily. If i need one or should get one, now would be the best time. Should i get one or do the PS4 fans hold up well?

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Personally, no. Nyko doesn't have the best reputation, in fact I believe there were many reports of their intercoolers killing PS3 systems due to not allowing them to get the cooling they need. As long as you give the system the proper ventilation it needs, so don't keep it in an enclosed area, you should be perfectly fine with the stock cooling. 




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At first i thought you were rying to get advice about getting a PS4  :lol:

If you model is 500 GB  i think there's no problem in overhating so no need for a cooler . For the 1TB model there's several opinions about making some loud noises and getting hot fast but i can't personally verify myself tho.


See if your PS4 tends to overheat after some hours of gameplay and think about if you need a cooler or not.

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At first i thought you were rying to get advice about getting a PS4  :lol:

If you model is 500 GB  i think there's no problem in overhating so no need for a cooler . For the 1TB model there's several opinions about making some loud noises and getting hot fast but i can't personally verify myself tho.


See if your PS4 tends to overheat after some hours of gameplay and think about if you need a cooler or not.

yeah i have the 500gb :)

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With proper care and not cramming your PS4 into a tight space or next to a heater. You really don't need any of that add-on crap. You are best to do without it. Anytime I have seen that kind of thing in use, the console is usually no cooler and it just adds more noise. So far, the PS4 has done well for me, have had it from launch and can often be on it for hours.

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Mine gets a bit noisy after several hours of play at a time, sometimes, but it's been on, on average probably at least a few hours every day since launch over 2 years ago. My PS3 still works but it's DVD player carked it a while back and there was a good half a year or so where my PS4 was our main DVD player too, every night we'd put something on timer for an hour so there's even more use on it.


Anyway, it's been like this for ages and so far has been fine with it, and the Aussie summer is a nightmare for anything, so if it can can make it's way through it's third summer (which will be over in a couple months) in Australia, I'd say it's not gonna need a cooling fan.

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With proper care and not cramming your PS4 into a tight space or next to a heater. You really don't need any of that add-on crap. You are best to do without it. Anytime I have seen that kind of thing in use, the console is usually no cooler and it just adds more noise. So far, the PS4 has done well for me, have had it from launch and can often be on it for hours.

when you say not to put it in a tight space, does that also mean not to lay it horizontally? Ever since I read this I'm treating my ps4 like its glass lol.
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when you say not to put it in a tight space, does that also mean not to lay it horizontally? Ever since I read this I'm treating my ps4 like its glass lol.


I mean giving it it's own space on the shelf.  Not by say like having it on top of a console and another console on top of it or a space that small there would be no room for air around it.  Horizontal is fine (and why not treat it like glass? means it definitely won't break then :P).

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can you show me a pic of that? kinda interested to see that




This is a photo of the live setting (is quite big):



This is the model:



I've used all black bricks ofc and a little help of my friend glue :)

Edited by Lord_Mgolivets
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I never had an issue of over heating with my PS4


My advise.. Keep everything clean around your PS4 and no fabric either as it will retain heat. 

No eating around my PS4. No coke cans or game disk, cases  and dust off on a regular basis. 

The side groves get a lot of dust so i clean with a Q-tip to attract all the dust in the groves. 


Taking care of your prize possession and it last a long time. 

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Personally, no. Nyko doesn't have the best reputation.

Agreed. Another tip for avoiding overheating is to keep it dust-free. You can use the nozzle end of a hoover to suck dust off the various points at which it could make its way inside the console. Wouldn't recommend wiping it away because you can end up forcing it into the console while you're doing it. Ideally, keep the console off the floor as it picks up carpet fibre. I've thought about this a lot ;).

Edited by Chell_Clare
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