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2016 Yuri's Journal of Babble


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I'm just reading this now (laziness and whatnot) and I tried to teach you something? This is news to me :P My brain is a little fried right now though so maybe I did and just forgot it.



Nah. My mom is about 42 and I'm 21 and I can be mistaken as anywhere from 16-30 depending on when I last shaved. People usually say my mom looks around 30 and I'll often hear that we look like a couple or husband and wife <.< It's strange.

It was me you and Satoshi i think and we came to this point of the conversation that you said that you can say shit right of the bat bluntly and then put :P to make it look like a joke and no one gets offended because it comes out like a joke. Well, i never remember to, neither I'm joking most of the time.

Funny thing you say that because I'm usually mistaken between 16-16 depending on the last time i shaved too. Guess we have more in common that i thought, huh?

By the way I'm surprised you didn't bother to point out the obvious. That's like, so you!

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Played a lot of Destiny today. This team is quite good. There are two i would rather not play with again. Oh, I'm playing with Rayrooz, that's TrueWater's girlfriend. She is quite funny, the only one that barely talks in the group. Either people fear me, feel that they talking is irrelevant, don't care enough or just don't want to make contact. What if being asshole is a disease that you can get from someone else? I doubt so because Urushiro is still one of a kind.


I do have 2 assholes (i had surgery to remove a cyst on my ass and so now there's an extra hole/scar there)

It was me you and Satoshi i think and we came to this point of the conversation that you said that you can say shit right of the bat bluntly and then put :P to make it look like a joke and no one gets offended because it comes out like a joke. Well, i never remember to, neither I'm joking most of the time.

Funny thing you say that because I'm usually mistaken between 16-16 depending on the last time i shaved too. Guess we have more in common that i thought, huh?

By the way I'm surprised you didn't bother to point out the obvious. That's like, so you!

We're both aquarius's. My birthday's 3 days before yours I think.

Edited by kuuhaku
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February 6th, i typed January again and had to delete and type again, still not just to the month transition.

I almost missed today's post because of helldivers. The kills grind is complete but i doubt I'll get the fastest because the war is stale at the moment. I'm almost done leveling but the war doesn't look like progressing fast enough.

Ril was meant to come here today, but she didn't. She said she wasn't feeling alright. She should come tomorrow instead and Monday, which is the following day, too. She told me that many times she doesn't understand what i say and just laughs because i talk funny. What a waste of time, why do i keep talking if she doesn't understand? Why she don't tell me she didn't understand so i explain to her? I can't stand dumb people.

Played destiny today with what i consider being the core of the best people i have. It was easy. If tomorrow they are all online, Flawless is a reality.

9 day until my birthday.

Edited by TheYuriG
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February 7th, still wrote January.

Ril just left. We talked a lot and we got to the conclusion that she can't pay enough attention to anything. Funny, but long conversation.

Played helldivers today with Lukwest, which is one of the few brazilians i care about gaming with. He was a Destiny god back in the day. It was certainly fun, he knows how to cooperate. Looking forward to more.

I'm fully tired yet another day, can't understand why.

Went charity on destiny again, we got very close to flawless but shit happened in the end and AeonCatalist died near the very end.

Then i went to help someone with FUSE and the person was pure shit, i don't think I've raged as much before. I missed playing with Flower and Wolf.

The Scorpio girl came to talk to me, questioning why i don't talk to her since last time. Had to explain her in better off alone.

8 days until my birthday.

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February 6th, i typed January again and had to delete and type again, still not just to the month transition.

Safe to say you're not the only one :D lol


I almost missed today's post because of helldivers.

Tell me about it, a valid excuse though! after all this is PSNP at the end of the day!


8 days until my birthday.

One day shy of Valentines day! I was going to say I'll most likely forget it but the chances of that now are slim! however don't hold me to that.

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February 8th, I didn't write January this time. I'm also writing from the PC because I'm beyond tired and writing on the phone takes a longer time because of autocorrect fucking shit up.


Tomorrow it's a week since I started Helldivers and that also means that I've failed the fastest achiever. I do not get sad over it, the person who has it had loads of experience and did his pre-planning, also the only game in the account, made only for that spot. I'll still get the second one, probably. That's going for my profile, another achievement, even though isn't as good as I wanted. I'm still not 25, but halfway through 21. I got dismotivated because of the war and I've played a lot of Destiny to help the people who asked for it. I'm still enjoying the shit out of it regardless, all the wait wasn't in vain. All the people that I added to play with (but one, ihadalifeb4this) was in vain though because not a single one of those bothered playing with me. What a waste of fucking time, got a few more ribbons* on my list, just standing there. As soon as I platinum the game, I'm deleting them.


*Ribbons: that's how I call people that I add but don't actually do what they were added for, they simply stand there being pretty and useless, just like the name itself. My current ribbons are Rayrooz and ddragonboyy (for Destiny, because they always give excuses and never again joined the runs), MaximusHTO and POEman355 (for Black Ops 2, zombies, we never got around doing it) and the rest are Helldivers people.


I seriously need to edit my signature, it's beyond outdated. I keep saying this to myself, but never actually do it. Flowers told me he would give me one of his signatures that he wouldn't use, but that never happened, neither I had any intention of asking him about it, not gonna give him that extra work. I might ask Rach for another one, since the current was made by her and I liked it. Gotta play FC2 with her as well. Need to get my disc back.


Ril told me she is buying me some stuff for present. Problem is that she wants to spend too much money. I don't mind giving, but I don't like receiving, most of the time. There are better things to spend money on, I don't need anything. I'm considering to get Catherine, Sniper Elite 3, Splinter Cell: Blacklist (again, because I had this one and lent to a friend only to never see it again), Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath (PS3 since I bought the vita version long ago) and a couple more not-as-important games.


I'm considering to call in a party for Urushiro's birthday. You never know for how long these assholes are going to be around, so spending quality time spamming him with birthday cake PMs is important.


One week until my birthday. A monday? SERIOUSLY???

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I'm considering to call in a party for Urushiro's birthday. You never know for how long these assholes are going to be around, so spending quality time spamming him with birthday cake PMs is important.

My answer is quoted below.

 I don't mind giving, but I don't like receiving, most of the time. There are better things to spend time on, I don't need anything.

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Nice journal, I enjoyed a lot reading it, are you still going to write on it in the future? :P

I'm going to go back posting when I'm done with Helldivers which is taking me a lot of hours. Isn't happening much at all and I get bored of writing about Helldivers all the time, so I skipped 2 days. Should be done by tomorrow, then it's just a matter of waiting until the war is over and I get my platinum.

EDIT: I just decided to write now because of this.


I have a feeling he's waiting for my birthday so that it can just be cake spam and saying "happy birthday to the asshole." He'll do the same thing 3 days later :awesome:

How did you... I need to change my plans now that this has been foiled. One more day :awesome:.




February 11th, I'm almost done with Helldivers, need half a bar to complete the level 25 and it's going fast thanks to this 2X event that we are not going to win yet.


Ril was meant to come over today, but for some reason she told me she wouldn't. She is still coming tomorrow though. I'm amazed on how she don't piss me off anymore. She changed a bit and I think I got more comprehensive with her. I think I'm just getting less pissed off with her, not in general. She is buying me a lot of games as birthday present. She is the only person giving me anything, I don't know last time I got gifted anything, except for this christmas when I got some stuff from my mother's boyfriend. I'm getting Catherine (joining the likes of ChipsyBoy, Flowers and Slajac), Splinter Cell: Blacklist, Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath PS3 (the only one I didn't have from the 3 games, 5 trophy lists), Borderlands Pre-Sequel and Bayonetta (PORNOGRAPHY!!!). I told her I wanted FF14, but gave up on that to get other games, I can't afford the monthly subscription yet and I don't think I'm ready to quit trophy hunting yet. I'm sure I'll when I start that game. Destiny almost made me quit, but Bungie's bullshit drove me away from it.


My mother came home yesterday from her travel to Maresias - SP. I didn't miss her. I missed food though, barely ate, but I blame Helldivers for that. I'm starting to get burned out of it atm. Obviously she started complaining about everything and shit. Worst thing of living with someone that has the same zodiac is that everything you dislike in yourself, you have to stand in that person too, doubly annoying. First time in always that she canalized her anger toward who really deserved it: my sister, for fucking up the whole house with her ripping-hair shit. I'm still hairy as always, wasn't me.


The weekend we had alone, me and sister, I had to clean a lot of dishes. Bitch cook some shit but really managed to get the whole kitchen dirty. I wonder how shitty her house will be based on how she keeps her room clean and the kitchen clean when she haves the control over those.


1 day for Urushiro's birthday, 4 until mine. :awesome:

Edited by TheYuriG
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I seriously need to edit my signature, it's beyond outdated. I keep saying this to myself, but never actually do it. Flowers told me he would give me one of his signatures that he wouldn't use, but that never happened, neither I had any intention of asking him about it, not gonna give him that extra work. I might ask Rach for another one, since the current was made by her and I liked it. Gotta play FC2 with her as well. Need to get my disc back.

I'll get right to it once I've finished a couple more requests. I should work on it soon enough.

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February 13th, Ril came here yesterday, we had fun, she left. I already got most of the games she bought me for my birthday, BL Pre-Sequel, Bayonetta (witch hack'n'slash porn), Splinter Cell: Blacklist and Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath are already installed. All that there is left is Catherine (block puzzle porn), but she is still working on that, should be with me by next week. She also said she bought me a card, like those "happy birthday, you are the best" shit. Seriously. Her intentions were the best and I'll take that.


Finished all there was left to do in Helldivers, now I'm playing the waiting game until the war ends and I get my remaining trophies for the platinum. Got burned out because of the frustration that brought, couldn't stand that shit. Temporarily blocked from the platinum because of something out of my control. Not fun. Since I got the game and 2 DLCs for free (dunno why), I bought the PS4 theme last week on sale. I don't own a PS4, but Arrowhead Studios deserve it.


Finally started The Bureau: Declassified XCOM. I'm enjoying this game a lot, missed a couple trophies already, but fuck it, there is already a second playthrough anyway. I still have to go back and finish all those Monkey Island games and Broken Age too. I hate those point and click adventure games, I need to remind myself to stop playing those because they only frustrate me for getting stuck, but guess what, I always forget about it and start another one. Goddamnit.


At this point I've accepted my defeat to Zajac in the UR plat race, but hey, I didn't even put any effort in it, getting rekt was totally understandable. Although now might be too late, I'll be doing all Oddworld games at once in a week or two. That will certainly bump my UR count, no doubt, but I still think the race is lost. I'm crying a little.


Urushiro ignored my cake PM so I'll make another birthday post for him.


Look all this colorful shit I found for you using Google. Happy birthday again Urushiro!

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February 14th, it's hot as fuck today.


Finished the campaign of The Bureau today, now only Investigations and Commander difficulty left for the platinum. I'm so happy that I can skip the shit out of it and play only the combat parts. Not looking forward to have all my agents downed and fighting by myself the rest of the stages though...


Yesterday and today I've helped family with house chores, nothing overly special.


I'm still waiting for Catherine to come, Flowers got the platinum recently and now i feel like joining the ChipsyBoy, Slajac, Flowers trio who owns it. I'll make you boys proud. :(


I went to the dentist one of these days (the last day Ril was here, don't remember when, Thursday?) and she said I needed to do a treatment pre-cleaning. I'm using a product which makes everything taste like shit. There has been a couple hungry days where I don't feel like eating anything because of it. Such a pain. I still have like 4-5 days more to withstand this. :(


1 more day until 22.

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February 15th, happy birthday to me!

I was in a gloomy mood most of the day, The Bureau was pissing me off. I had cake and got the platinum, everything worked out fine. ^~^

I took a picture, will add later too.

Our Flawless run today was late and was shit.

Helped a guy to get the platinum for Fuse, his ID is Wuz- some shit, can't remember, i deleted him already. Congratulations to him too!

I'm in pain today too, but doesn't hurt as much as the other days. It's like I'm conscious that hurts as much as always, but I'm partially anesthetic. I'll take that as biological birthday present, thank you. ^~^

Me and Ril had a small fight, she wanted to skip class to stay here, i didn't let her. She got pissed and left.

Me and Mhi haven't talked for a while, i saw her talking too much to some other guy, sent her to the puta que pariu. I have no patience, she forgot my existence, fuck her. ^~^

Lord Ra said he will help me with the Helldivers thread, i look forward to it. I'm also playing for samples tomorrow with Okoiteru. Look forward to it, he asked me to coordinate. I love submissive people. ^~^

No countdown, nothing important soon.

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February 16th, tomorrow is my mother's birthday, she is turning 45. Not a grandma yet and hopefully not anyone soon either.

Played more helldivers today with Okiteru or something, it was fun. It's the guy who asked me to coordinate before, he tried coordinating to and i let him. He built his confidence and i ended up stepping down and letting him do the major of it, he got good at it. Life and anne joined us too, but i got disconnected eventually and had to run charity on Destiny. Looking forward to more tomorrow.

Charity run on destiny was highly improved, we are getting there. I'm just considering to kill the bad weeds so the good plants can grow.

Ril came to say she was sorry about yesterday. I didn't even remember what happened yesterday. She thought i was going to broke up with her. S E R I O U S L Y. fuck no.

I could go much more in depth about those things, but I'm in pain and i just wanted to post before going to sleep. I'm skipping dinner as well. Just want the pain to go away.

[insert here countdown until my classes in March 1st]

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February 17th, I'm late for this, it's past midnight but i was in pain and went to sleep before i remembered to post, so bare with me.

Today is my mother's birthday, she is 45 now. As gift, she got one of those digital portraits that keeps changing the photos. Her boyfriend bought her one and sent her through the mail, it arrived today and I've set it for her. Now it keeps going through all their photos together. As much as i found it cute, I'm afraid it might make her miss him more, which will in consequence make her cry more. Not good.

Finished Nihilumbra today and it was so fun, thanks fastflowdaman for the input and recommendation. I'll run the whole game again taking screenshots of the rest in the new language and make a fun thread about it, hopefully more people end up playing it too. He told me to play Dokuro but unfortunately that doesn't exist in the BR store yet. One day, possibly...

I got the results from the needle test i did a couple weeks ago. Said i had something in the lower part of my legs, the one closer to the feet, not the one closer to my hip, where i feel all my pain. This isn't good, i was expecting to have the final solution with this, but I'll have to undergo more exams to find out what my problem is. :( that is, if my problem is really physical and not some kind of phantom pain that i can't work against therefore something i will have to live with for the rest of my life, just like the white guy in The Untouchables movie. I don't usually watch movies, but that one is great. I'm also taking these results to the doctor very early this morning to see his opinion on it.

11 or so days until my classes begin, cba making the math, it's March 1st.

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February 18th, today was a very long and very tiring day.


Woke up around 2am and something after going to sleep earlier than usual, stayed around until 5am and went to sleep again until 7am then got up for the doctor appointment. He doesn't know what I have, forwarded me to another 2 doctors to see if they can find what it might be. I'm getting quite hopeless about this, don't know how if I'll ever find a solution to what causes the pain in my legs. Sad thing is that my birthday was 3 days ago and when I blew the candles, I wished to start my first year without pain. I hadn't think much about this, but now writing this, I got quite depressed. *sigh*


Madbuk posted another depressive status, it has been a while since I saw one of those, had even forgot about them. I don't think I'll be able to spend the next 3 or so days without thinking about it. Depression is something terrible, it's like a sea that you can't swim away from and just keeps dragging you further down. One day you just can't take it anymore and you pop. I didn't have anymore depressive days since the beginning of December and I'm glad that I'm away from them. I guess Ril might be helping me a lot with that. She is quite a company.


Talking about Ril, she fucked up and I won't be getting Catherine anymore, which isn't surprising as me and this game doesn't seem to be together for long. She is coming here tomorrow though and I can't say I'm looking forward to it this time. Last time we talked, she said she thought I was going to break up with her. That left me like "damn, do I really look like to give up this easily?". A quitter is not something I like to be thought as. It's working alright so far even with all the boring situations she makes me go through that I don't even complain about anymore, just rolleyes.


Roster13 told me he wants to play some Helldivers with me, why not? I've been in some streams lately to find high level people to play with, but I guess that playing with people that I know should be more fun. Let's do it. Also, only now I've noticed, but he is also a brazilian like me.


Talking about people I know, I've seen Ryoudji in these forums for ages now and today it happened that our paths crossed as he joined the people I'm running charity for in Destiny. He did quite good and I got this PM from him after we finished the raid (which was almost flawless for the group and for himself in his second attempt!):


We are running again tomorrow and hopefully it will be Flawless this time. The group has enough experience by now, it's only a matter of time before we pull it off. Need to mention, we ran into two nasty glitches today. I managed to save the group from one, but the other one wiped us and wrecked our Flawless, unfortunately.


Today I've finally edited my signature. It's painful to find this thread without bookmarking, so I've added a secret link to this in my sig, if you click in the final stop after 'love'. I've also set my thread for Nihilumbra which features (not yet, but soon) all the text that the game presents in the new language you unlock upon beating Void Mode. Name needs tinkering.


10? days until my classes begin.

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Alright, I just got my ass caught up on this.


One of the comments before from someone (I read the posts, not the names, on this) said your birthday was just a day shy of Valentine's Day, which I took to mean the 13th, but it's the 15th actually. Either way, happy birthday.


The reason I mention that confusion, is because had you been born on the 13th, you'd have shared the date with what's been keeping me from being on these forums the last week or so, my daughter, who popped out on the 13th. Oh well.


Merry birthmas to all!

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Either way, happy birthday.


The reason I mention that confusion, is because had you been born on the 13th, you'd have shared the date with what's been keeping me from being on these forums the last week or so, my daughter, who popped out on the 13th. Oh well.


Merry birthmas to all!

Hey, congratulations with her and thanks. Now we got a 2 days difference streak going on with your child on 13, me on 15 and my mother on 17. We just gotta find people for the rest of the days, I guess.

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February 19th, today was a better day than yesterday.


Wasn't feeling as much pain for the day. gone back to Monkey Island and decided that i'm too bad for it and I'll just use a guide and pay attention to all dialog instead of just going through it and getting myself stuck. I found the game much more enjoyable this way, almost like a movie.


We finally went Flawless on the Vault of Glass today, after trying since the beginning of the month. A lot of the initial players quit at the beginning though and only the few that stayed until the end got rewarded. We are still missing a couple more people, but that will be done within time, whenever they come online.


Ril came here today for a very short time, she spent her time watching her YT videos and I spent mine trying flawless. As soon as she left, we got it done though. :( Our group was so unstable at the beginning that it made me miss playing with Urushiro. I was checking the records for Flawless today and it says that he went flawless with me in 2 of the 4 times that I've done it, that's like... 50% of the time he was there everytime. Also went flawless not once, but twice, 2pro4me.


9 days until my classes start.

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Wasn't feeling as much pain for the day. gone back to Monkey Island and decided that i'm too bad for it and I'll just use a guide and pay attention to all dialog instead of just going through it and getting myself stuck. I found the game much more enjoyable this way, almost like a movie.

That's usually how I play them if there's missable trophies. The stories and jokes are too good to be worried about missable trophies. If you're not completely against point and click games now, I'd recommend the Sam and Max games. They're very funny.

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That's usually how I play them if there's missable trophies. The stories and jokes are too good to be worried about missable trophies. If you're not completely against point and click games now, I'd recommend the Sam and Max games. They're very funny.

Reason why I accepted my defeat was mostly because that the guide I'm using is pretty much spoilerless, so I'm still able to enjoy the story without getting stuck, which I find nice. Rather play like this instead of finding things myself. I think I'll just stay away from Point And Click games, I'm beyond horrendous on them and I rather not go through the frustration of trial and error they give me. Hopefully Broken Age will be my very last PNC game. God forgive me if I ever play Grim Fandango, which I honestly looked forward to until Broken Age happened.

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