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should i be worried?


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so something has been going on with my ps4 and im just wondering if i should be worried or not. it happen once yesterday and once this morning but when i close the application to a game and then try to put the PS4 in rest mode. the screen goes black,  i hear nothing and then after a moment of silence i hear 2 rapid beeps and then the PS4 shuts off. when i turn it back on my controller lights up but it takes a moment for my PS4 to start up.

theres no error warnings or anything and my PS3 used to do the same but only if a large game like fallout 3 froze and i had to hard reset it. just wondering if i should be worried or if this is normal

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Mine used to do this all the time when I would turn it off normally, I rarely use rest mode because of yet another thing that happened a while back, but anyway, I did what a guy on the internet told me to do and that stopped the beeping entirely.


Close whatever game you're in completely.

Go up and load your friend list or something, anything to check the PSN is connected (because sometimes the PS4 can try to connect to the PSN even when you're turning it off and this results in the beeps too).

When you're sure everything's off and that the PS4 isn't trying and failing to connect to the PSN in the background, then kill it.


Could be an entirely different problem to yours, but it worked a treat for me. Supposedly the beeping is indicating the PS4 turned off while it was still doing something, at least according to whoever it was who told me to do that.

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Sometimes the same thing happens to me when i put it on Rest Mode. I read that the beeps are just a warning that an app wasn't closed properly so it just forces itself to shut it off, i wouldn't be worried about it though, this seems to happen to a lot of people (myself included) and i've never heard of anything bad coming from it. You should only get worried if you see a screen that says that the PS4 wasn't turned off properly, like if the power went down while the PS4 was on, then it'll give you that screen and it could have corrupted a save, game, app, etc.

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