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Formal Introduction


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I've been hanging around for awhile but I've never introduced myself, officially. So here I go..

My name is Kevin. My handle is Aeirou, pronounced Arrow. Yes.. I have fallen victim to "Aeirou to the knee" jokes in Chat.

Gaming takes up quite a bit of my free time. My favorite games are open world and action adventure titles. I get into FPS and TPS pretty frequently too. I am one of a growing breed of Mic users on the PS3.. and I talk too much. That being said, I've never been called annoying lol.

I hail from Virginia Beach, United States - where I have lived for the past, oh.. 17 years? Since Kindercare.

I speak fluent English and Italian. I'm working on learning French... because that's what the hot girls learn in college. I do go to college full time, though a lot of my classes are online. I'm majoring in Computer Science with a minor in Marketing.

I work full time as well, with my mother. She owns a Daycare and I'm her assistant. That doesn't mean I get to slack off though, working for my Mom. We have five babies and, until yesterday, we had four kids over the age of four. They're off to school now, so were replacing them with more babies. Basically this means I know my way around a diaper and I can quote every kids movie known to man. My least favorite time in a young child's life is potty training. I've watched kids that are afraid of the toilet.. and afraid to use it. My favorite time in a child's life is nap time. Someone else's kid is never cuter than when they're unconcious.

I'm pretty sure that that about covers it..

Any way, it's great to be a part of this community and I hope to converse with you all on one occasion or another!

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Nice to meet you Aeirou. I guess I'm lucky that my little boy asked to start using his potty. We had it in the bathroom so he was used to it being there way before we started potty training. I guess since it wasn't new that he wasn't scared of it when it came time.

Anyway good luck with the new language.

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Hello. I am glad you decided to introduce yourself. I have seen you around multiple times, and now i know who you are :).

Congrats on the languages, I wish that I knew more languages but I never take the time and effort needed to learn them.

Good luck with the schooling, and I hope to keep seeing you around.

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