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Your Next Game - The Lottery 5 (event closed)

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I'm not playing it but might play LBP 3 soon.

I wanted to buy the Adventure Pass for Minecraft Story Mode but I'm a bit confused.

The pass costs 19,99€ for episodes 6,7 and 8.

Episode 6 costs 5,99€ the same price as all the other episodes. Asuming episode 7 and 8 will cost the same thats 17,97€ for all three if bought separately. So it's cheaper to buy each episode than the pass and thats weird. :dunno: The pass sais "save by buying this pass...". I don't think so Telltale.

Is that the same with $?

Edited by MarkusT1992
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I'm not playing it but might play LBP 3 soon.

I wanted to buy the Adventure Pass for Minecraft Story Mode but I'm a bit confused.

The pass costs 19,99€ for episodes 6,7 and 8.

Episode 6 costs 5,99€ the same price as all the other episodes. Asuming episode 7 and 8 will cost the same thats 17,97€ for all three if bought separately. So it's cheaper to buy each episode than the pass and thats weird. :dunno: The pass sais "save by buying this pass...". I don't think so Telltale.

Is that the same with $?


LBP takeover  :lol:


On the US store, Minecraft Adventure Pass is $14.99 with each episode being $4.99, so it's only a small saving to buy each episode individually.  Checked the UK store as well and the Adventure Pass is £15.99 with each episode costing £4.99.  Seems like the pricing might be amiss unless they increase the price of 7 and 8.

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LBP takeover  :lol:


On the US store, Minecraft Adventure Pass is $14.99 with each episode being $4.99, so it's only a small saving to buy each episode individually.  Checked the UK store as well and the Adventure Pass is £15.99 with each episode costing £4.99.  Seems like the pricing might be amiss unless they increase the price of 7 and 8.

Increasing the price would be strange. Why should two episodes cost more than the other six.

I think I will buy them separately.


The exchange rate is also very bad. 5$ = 4,39€ not 6€. 6€ = 6,83$.

So we Europeans pay much mor than you Americans and the UK people pay even more.

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Do it! I am going to pick up LBP tomorrow after work (Cause I am cursed with working next door to a Gamestop).

I hope y'all will help me platinum the game? What was I supposed to do, make a level and post it to the LBP website to get hearts?


EDIT: LBP takeover! Is this the first time a game has been selected that everyone ends up playing?

I have LBP vita and I gave up on it. 2 more levels to ace and those stupid arcade games. No thank you! It's put me off the series until I at least plat the vita version. I do have the first one though. I wanted to play with my sister, but she bailed on me.

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I have LBP vita and I gave up on it. 2 more levels to ace and those stupid arcade games. No thank you! It's put me off the series until I at least plat the vita version. I do have the first one though. I wanted to play with my sister, but she bailed on me.


Looks like I'm your new sister!

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Got a gaming session in a little while for those last LBP prize bubbles ^_^  Then feeling anxious about the last few levels I need to ace....think it might take some time to do them -_-


Which levels do you need Rach?  I have been going through and acing them before I move onto the next level.  Just finished The Bunker, so I think I just have the end boss man to beat.

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Just sitting back and having some noms before the session begins....it's for the 4x prize bubbles and I've managed to get them all solo apart from the one on Frozen Tundra :D  So just need those and some on the Magicians Palace for 100% prize bubbles :D


I'm getting close to being able to Ace the Bunker...I can get to the wheel consistently now and just tend to have one death in the wheel.  Going to watch some YouTube videos to see if there are any helpful tips ^_^  More than anything, I tend to let my frustrations get the better of me....hopefully everyone will show up to the session otherwise I will just be switching the PS3 off for the day -_-

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The Game of Life:

Since I don't remember the game I'm supposed to play (a very weak attempt I know), I'll just let you guys know that I've started to clean the flat I lived in prior. Only managed to finish the kitchen and hope to finish the rest tomorrow.

Making great progress in P4G though. Earned the infamous Risette trophy!

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Nailed it, ACED it, can't be stopped  B)  B)  B)


After saying I was going to leave it off for the day...I thought "just one more try" and I did it :D :D  I aced the Bunker  :dance:  :dance:  :yay:  :yay:  :yay:


I cannot contain my excitement right now, my arms and hands are actually shaking!!!

That's how I feel, I really want to sit and play the Witch and enjoy the story, but I keep getting distracted by games. Like you, I could play a new game every week for the next year or more!


I write down everything I own and made a list . I was playing Dragon Quest Heroes with morning (At 7am, those exist too) then did some yardwork, then more Dragon Quest!


Lists are good ^_^  We share some similar games too....want to co-op Magicka 2 at some point? :D

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